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Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. What are the Articles of Confederation? - There was no plan for government after the DOI - The delegates.

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Presentation on theme: "Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. What are the Articles of Confederation? - There was no plan for government after the DOI - The delegates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Articles of Confederation and the Constitution

2 What are the Articles of Confederation? - There was no plan for government after the DOI - The delegates came together to create this plan - The Articles of Confederation were the first plan for government

3 Did the document work? - Yes and no - Each state had many powers given to them - Each state was allowed to create their own laws and there was no federal government - Created a Congress, but they had little power - There was no common ground between the states of the new nation - We have a problem to fix!!!!

4 How did they fix the problem? - A Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia - 55 men were sent, all states were there except Rhode Island - Secret meetings - George Washington was the leader - The men decided to start over with the government

5 What is the Constitution? - It is the law of the land - The laws of the country - Explains the function and structure of our government - It has 7 articles and 27 amendments - 1st 10 amendments are the Bill of Rights - It is a flexible and living document because it has been changed to fit our society as we grow

6 Did everyone like it? - No, it took a few years to get signed - Federalists like the Constitution - liked more power to federal government - Anti-Federalists - wanted more power to the states - Finally they agreed on September 17, 1787

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