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3/25/08 1 University Policies Web Site ( Faculty-Staff Handbook 1460) Sharyl KammerzellAnn Thompson Senior Associate.

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Presentation on theme: "3/25/08 1 University Policies Web Site ( Faculty-Staff Handbook 1460) Sharyl KammerzellAnn Thompson Senior Associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/25/08 1 University Policies Web Site ( Faculty-Staff Handbook 1460) Sharyl KammerzellAnn Thompson Senior Associate General Counsel Assistant to Policy Coordinator Office of General Counsel Office of the Faculty Secretary Admin 127, 885-6125 Brink M-6, 885-6151

2 2 Why University Policies Web Site: Website & FSH 1460 were developed: – To promote consistency in policy development and/or amendments to existing policy, – To open up communication lines, and – To create transparency throughout campus.

3 Context for University Policies FSH 1460 A-2. Context of University Policies: All university policies fall within a greater hierarchy of laws, statutes and regulations. University policies are subject to compliance with laws and regulations instituted by higher governing authorities in the following order of hierarchy: – Federal laws and regulations – State laws and regulations – Board of Regents/State Board of Education policies & procedures – University-wide policies and procedures – Divisional/College policies and procedures – Departmental policies and procedures 3

4 University Policies: FSH and APM FSH: Primarily policies that fall within scope of faculty/shared governance. APM: Policies and/or procedures that provide criteria, guidance and instructions for properly conducting and complying with institutional financial, administrative, and select operational requirements. 4

5 Source and Scope of Faculty Governance Territorial Act, Jan. 30, 1889: Sec. 8.: The President of the University shall be President of the Faculty.. and the executive head of the instructional force in all its departments; as such, he shall have authority, subject to the Board of Regents, to give general direction to the instruction and scientific investigation of the University,... The immediate government of the University shall be entrusted to the Faculty[.] 5

6 Source and Scope of Faculty Governance (cont.) Regents Policies I.A. 2. Powers and Duties : delegation of daily management of institution to the president I.A. 2. Powers and Duties I.E. 2. Chief Executive Officers : Board expects the president to obtain the necessary input from the faculty, classified and exempt employees, and students, but it holds the president ultimately responsible for the well-being of the institution, and final decisions at the institutional level rests with the president. I.E. 2. Chief Executive Officers 6

7 Source and Scope of Faculty Governance (cont.) FSH 1520: ARTICLE IV--RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY. : Subject to the authority of the president and the general supervision and ultimate authority of the regents, the university faculty accepts its responsibilities for the immediate government of the university, including, but not restricted to (enumerated list) FSH 1520: ARTICLE IV--RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY. 7

8 8 Location: Two clicks. University of Idaho Home Page – Click 1: Faculty and Staff Under Common Tools – Click 2: University Policies (APM/FSH) Bookmark page –

9 9 University Policies Home Page External Links (center page): – Regents: Board of Regents of the University of Idaho and Idaho State Board of Education Governing board policies – APM: Administrative Procedures Manual Institutional, financial, administrative, operational – FSH: Faculty-Staff Handbook Areas affecting faculty, staff & students

10 10 University Policies Home Page (cont.) External links (cont.) – Policy Document Search: Search engine of university policies – New or Proposed Amendments: Faculty Staff Handbook Section 1460 Internal Links (side-bar): – Changes/New Policy Instructions Cover Sheet (must be filled out and returned)

11 11 University Policies Home Page (cont.) Internal Links (side bar) (cont.): – Contacts & Resources Phone numbers for assistance – Definitions Cover Sheet and policy drafting terminology – Emergency Policies 180 Day Policy – FSH 1460 C-3 – Feedback Any suggestions are appreciated

12 12 University Policies Home Page (cont.) Internal Links (side bar) (cont.): – Policy Writing Guide Assistance with writing policy, especially a new one University of Minnesota Policy Library (useful tools/tips) – Track Policies: (spreadsheet submissions through approvals) Revision Tracking Sheet (2005-2012) Requested for Revision – APM/FSH policies - lists who and when requested (check list before requesting a policy) – Faculty Senate (check if a policy is on agenda)

13 Process: Plan Ahead! – Process can be lengthy Originator > policy sponsor (unit administrator(s)) > policy coordinator (or designee) > general counsel; FOR APM > approval by VP F&A; FOR FSH > approval by Faculty Senate > General Faculty > President/Provost > SBOE (some policies) – Policy Coordinator, or designee, verifies ALL pertinent parties have reviewed and approved – Controversial policies may require ad hoc committee – Shortened process for minor changes (FSH 1460 B-2) – Separate process for emergency policies (FSH 1460 C-3) 13

14 Process (cont.): Changes/New Policy – New Policy (Policy Writing Guide link), if not... – Check if policy has been requested If so, contact individual/group who requested to see if you can work together, – Encourages collaboration of all parties having an interest in the policy – cleaner policy – Avoids separate individuals simultaneously working on the same policy – which leads to errors in policy If not,........ 14

15 Process (cont.): REQUEST & USE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT – Request original policy document from:, or Subject line enter: APM 50.05; FSH 2700 – Use "track changes” (redline) Historical record Employees can see what was before and what is proposed Allows changes to be made easily by this office 15

16 16 Process (cont.): Assign one individual to oversee ALL changes. – One individual (originator, sponsor, committee chair, or designee) takes sole responsibility to coordinate making changes to the original policy using track changes. Everyone involved should send their changes to this ONE individual. – This ONE individual should save a clean original and all subsequent versions in a clearly labeled manner (vers. 1,2,3,etc.). – This helps from mistakenly using an incorrect version.

17 Process (cont.): Follow these guidelines: – Rewrite (yes/no?): Once you begin with track changes and discover that 3/4 of the document is deleted/changed - it is a rewrite. Indicate on the coversheet (below) that it is a rewrite and what policy or policies are affected. DO NOT use a rewrite to simplify the editing process. 17

18 Process (cont.): – Format: Ensure that all new policies and changes to existing policies are consistent with the policy template (click here).here – Links: Keep to a minimum! If you must use a link make sure they work and do not link to external non-UI sites. Check with General Counsel (885- 6125 or ). – Guidance: The writing guide link is very helpful. 18

19 Process (cont.): Remember – All changes submitted must be in “track changes,” otherwise they will not be incorporated into the document that is circulated for review and approval by this office. 19

20 Process (cont.): Cover Sheet - The ‘reason’ for all to see on the policies web site tracking sheet. Be concise - the better you define - the fewer questions received. 1. Addition, revision, deletion, emergency or minor, 2. Chapter number and title, 3. Originator (person/group proposing), 4. Policy Sponsor (unit administrator) 5. Policy Coordinator (or designee) 6. General Counsel 20

21 Process (cont.): Cover Sheet (cont.) 7. Explain purpose (substantive reason for edit e.g. these changes are designed to clarify intent, provide additional guidance, etc.) 8. Reason (why change now? e.g. policies disorganized, need updating, change in governing law/policy or practice, etc.) 9. Fiscal Impact 10. Related Policies 11. Effective Date 12. Return Cover Sheet & ‘new’ or ‘tracked’ (redline) policy to or 21

22 Process (cont.): Policy Coordinator (or designee) – Oversees process/initial review – Verifies coversheet info Minor, addition, revision, deletion, emergency If sponsor (unit administrator) has reviewed & approved General Counsel has reviewed and approved APM requires VP Finance & Administration approval FSH faculty, president/provost, SBOE (some policies) When all have approved the change is made 22

23 Process (cont.): Policy sponsor and/or unit administrator remains responsible for tracking the policies progress. APM changes are sent as FYI to Senate, may be asked to Senate for Q&A. For FSH substantive changes be prepared to attend Faculty Senate and General Faculty Meetings, as necessary, especially for major policies. 23

24 24 UI Policies (cont.): Track Policy Spreadsheet: Allows anyone access to “any” policy document that is currently being developed or revised. Provides: – Links to redlined policy – Reason (cover sheet) – Contact information for Originator, Sponsor, Committee – Approval status

25 25 The End Final Note: View the Faculty Secretary’s Office as the historical archive for university policies (10-20 years from now a policy’s life can be traced) Suggestions, comments, questions? Feedback 885-6151

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