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CISB 412 Social and Professional Issues Introduction.

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1 CISB 412 Social and Professional Issues Introduction

2 Your lecturer Rohaini Ramli BW4-C16 03-89212343 Consultation by appointment

3 Expectation Final year = Young adult = Not a kid – Be responsible – Do not be late (we only meet once a week) – Take pride in what you do – Do not cut corners, if you decide to do so, do not make it obvious to me ! – Listen closely, attempt all activities

4 So, what is it all about? This course introduces students to ethics and professional issues pertaining to Information Technology. It prepares students (who will be the future professionals in a complex technological society) to deal with issues related to computers through introduction to issues ranging from ethical, social, legal, and economical relevant to being a responsible computer user (professional or personal). It also exposes students to the use of ethical/value analysis as a practical tool in defining and solving day-to-day ethical conflicts they might confront as computing and IT professionals.

5 Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, the student should be able to: Use and appreciates the ethical theories as tools to analyse moral problems Discuss issues related to the introduction of Information Technology into society Explain the legal and ethical implication of Information Technology and Internet to intellectual property, privacy, lifestyle, work, wealth, and health. Be aware of the vulnerability of networked computers Be acquainted with selected professional codes of conducts Be familiar with notable cases of computerised system failures

6 Teaching-learning strategy Lecture Discussion / Case study Presentation

7 Text Compulsory Michael J. Quinn “Ethics for the Information Age”, 3 rd edition. Pearson 2009 Additional: George Reynolds “Ethics in Information Technology” 3 rd edition Barnes and Noble, 2007

8 Assessment Methods and Types Final Exam 50% Mid-Term Test/ Quizzes 20% Assignment/Presentation 30%

9 Assignment Briefing

10 Objectives At the completion of this assignment, the students are expected to be able to: – Critically discuss issues related to the introduction of Information Technology into society – Describe and explain the legal and ethical implication of Information Technology and Internet to Intellectual property, privacy, lifestyle, work, wealth, and health. – Be acquainted with selected professional codes of conducts

11 Distribution & Weight & Assignment Type 2 parts – Part 1 : Academic paper & presentation – Part 2 : Case study & presentation Total of 60 marks (30 marks/section) Contributing to 30% of overall marks This is a group assignment. You are to work in a group of at least five (5) and at most six (6) members.

12 Submission Style Students are to complete and submit their work in a form of a blog entry. Each team is required to open a new blog account with any blog hosting of your choice. You are to upload your work through your blog on the stipulated dates/time For confidentiality and security reason, you may password protect your blog (of course I will need to be allowed access to your blog, so invite me to your blog) Your very first entry should be an intro to your team member (pic will be helpful, thank you!)

13 Part 1 : The Task You are to conduct a mini research to discuss the importance of Ethics among the IT professionals. The outcome of this research should be presented in a form of an academic paper, of not less than 1500 words (not inclusive of the list of references) in length. You are also to select a presenter from your team to deliver a presentation on this paper. The presentation is to be recorded and uploaded in a video format as part of your blog entry. The url of the blog is to be sent to your lecturer by 5 PM week 5. The final updates of the blog for assignment Part 1 should be finalized by then too.

14 Part 1 : The Marking Scheme Part 1Marks (30) Research & Referencing - Use of research to support viewpoints discussed in the paper. References must come from credible sources (no Wikipedia please!). Please also use the Harvard Referencing system. 10 Overall understanding of the importance of ethics among IT professionals. 10 A demonstration of good presentation skills and a good team work, in completing this task. 10

15 Part 2 : The case study Read & understand this case study

16 Part 2 : The task Answer the above questions

17 Part 2 : The task Similar to Part 1, you are to produce your work as a blog entry with a video insert. It is up to your team’s creativity to plan and produce the work. The rule is that every team member must appear in the video to answer at least one question. The update of the blog is to be completed by 5 PM week 8.

18 Part 2 : The Marking Scheme Part 2Marks (30) Demonstration of overall understanding of the importance of ethics among IT professionals and relevant and justifiable answers to the questions 20 A demonstration of good presentation skills, creativity and a good team work, in completing this task. 10

19 Academic Writing Citations and References

20 Plagiarism and Referencing What is plagiarism? – the use of the ideas and/or words of others without due acknowledgement. – copying material from the Internet, library books and the work of others without the use of quotation marks and/or acknowledgement of the source. – summarising or paraphrasing another person's work by simply changing a few words without acknowledgement – an assessment offence, and carries major penalties

21 Differences between References & Citations Citations According to Thomas and Watzman (2005), teenagers seem the most vulnerable to potential negative effects as they use the Internet for more hours than do adults. Reference Thomas, T.S & Watzman, A (2005) Computers and kids: Pulling the plug can protect the planet, Phi Delta Volume 84 Number 8. Retrieved May 10, 2003 from

22 Avoiding Plagiarism – some samples of citations Technology, though useful is never problem free. According to Teicher (1999), “no technology is fail-safe”. In addition, Emmans (2000) has pointed out that students must be made aware of the cyber responsibilities as the solutions designed to address the problems can only do so much as “no software and no policy can be foolproof”. Reference List at the end of the document Emmans, C. (2000). Internet Ethics. Technos: Quarterly for Education and Technology. Volume 9, Number 1. Retrieved May 10, 2003 from Teicher, J (1999) An Action Plan For Smart Internet Use. Educational Leadership. Volume 56 Number 5. Retrieved May 7, 2003 from This is your statement The green texts are your citations – to support your statement

23 Paraphrasing – Change text into your own words – Must also include citation e.g. …as stated by Kotler, 2000 According to Hoyer and MacInnis (2001), satisfied customers form the foundation of any successful business. They said that customer satisfaction is critical and it leads to repeat purchase, brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. Reference List at the end of the document Hoyer, W. D. & MacInnis, D. J., 2001, Consumer Behaviour. 2nd ed., Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company. Avoiding Plagiarism - paraphrasing

24 Avoiding Plagiarism – copying word for word Copying word for word from a source – Only copy a small amount “Today’s companies are finding it increasingly unrewarding to practice mass marketing or product-variety marketing. Mass markets are becoming ‘demassified’. They are dissolving into hundreds of micromarkets characterised by different buyers pursuing different products in different distribution channels and attending to different communication channels ” (Kotler, 2000) Reference List at the end of the document Kotler, P., 2000, Marketing Management. 10th ed., New Jersey, Prentice- Hall.

25 The majority of literatures viewed for this research agree that the Internet in particular is reputed to be one of the reasons for social and ethical problems among school’s students. (Affonso, 1999; Davies, 2001; Piercey, 2000). On the other hand, Rahman (2002), brings up a valid point by stating that the blame for teenagers social and ethical misconducts should not be put on the technology alone, other factors like the family background and the children's upbringing should also be considered. Avoiding Plagiarism & Demonstrating Critical Thinking

26 Reference List at the end of the document Affonso, B (1999). Is the Internet Affecting the Social Skills of Our Children? Retrieved May 7, 2003 from Davis, R. (1999). Is internet addiction real? Victoria Point Multimedia. Retrieved May 7, 2003 from Piercey, D. (2000) Students' psychological well-being and the Internet.WWWise Retrieved May 7, 2003 Rahman, A. S. (2002) Blaming the Internet Unjustly.Computimes Malaysia, Jan 28, 2002. Retrieved May 7, 2003 from bin/buddy/erc

27 Final words Keep a softcopy of your work – to be submitted at the end of the semester for record keeping Where to find samples of academic writing? Blog naming convention – Subjectcode-section-groupnumber – E.g. Standard Email Subject

28 Questions?

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