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© Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA) Technology Development Board Department of Science & Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "© Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA) Technology Development Board Department of Science & Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA) Technology Development Board Department of Science & Technology Government of India A Joint Venture Section 25 Company promoted jointly by

2 2 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Contents New paradigm National & International Trends GITA overview Types of Projects for Financial Support Program Structure Program Implementation Process Focus Sectors Timelines

3 3 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance New paradigm 1 st time Innovation is added to the National Policy on Science & Technology, putting high emphasis on Industry’s role in realising national aspirations – Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Policy 2013. 1 st time Govt has constituted a high–level joint Govt–Industry Committee to recommend on how to stimulate Pvt Sector investment in R&D, to reach the goal of 2% of GDP with equal spends by the Govt & the Pvt Sector. Globally, Industry contributes the lion’s share in R&D investment – to the tune of ¾ of the total R&D investment. Global co–operation in STI involving Industry has been the key enabler of growth in this sector for many countries.

4 4 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance National / International trends Although India has approx 83 Nos Bi–lateral / Multi–lateral S&T Co– operation Agreements, most of them were limited to Academic / R&D Institutions. In the last 3–4 years, a positive new trend has been to include Industry playing a vital role in such Co–operation Agreements. As on date, India under it’s S&T co–operation mechanism opened a subset of encouraging & supporting Industry for doing Joint R&D / Technology Development projects with countries like Canada, Israel & the ASEAN block. Encouraged by the response from Industry, many countries like Spain, South Korea, United Kingdom & Finland are coming forward to launch Industry–led Technology partnership program’s with India. DST also has bi–national S&T bodies with France, Germany, Russia & USA

5 5 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance What is GITA ? A “non–for–profit” Section–25 Public Private Partnership (PPP) company promoted jointly by the Technology Development Board (TDB), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India (GoI) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). An innovative mechanism between GoI & Indian industry for attracting Indian Industry’s investment in technology by Mapping technology gaps, Evaluating technology offers across the globe, Connecting among technology developers, providers, commercializers, Funding last phase of technology development that connects the market and Deployment of technology solutions

6 6 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Types of Projects for Financial Support Joint Research & Development Joint Deployment through Pilot Production, Testing, Market Access, etc. Projects should be Innovative, user–need based and market–driven, leading to New Product or Process & eventual Commercialization Duration of the project should not be more than 24 months from the date of receipt of fund

7 7 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Program Structure Joint Technology Development Project Lead Industry from India + Academic / R&D Institution Govt of India provides financial support up to 50% Lead Industry from Partner Country + Academic / R&D Institution Govt of Partner Country provides financial support up to 50% Decide on “Focus areas” for Call for Proposals: Renewable Energy Water Management Affordable Healthcare Information Communication Technologies

8 8 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Program Structure Typically one lead Industry from India and one lead Industry from Partner Country (in partnership with Academic / R&D Institution) come forward to jointly develop technology in mutually agreed focus areas, with high market potential in 2–3 year’s time frame. The total Project Cost should have 2 components – Indian Industry Cost (to be incurred in India) and Partner Country Industry Cost (to be incurred in UK) Both the governments provide financial support, up to 50% of their respective country cost, to their industry applicant.

9 9 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Program implementation process DST India & Govt of Partner Country sign MoU highlighting: Focus areas & Annual fund allocation Programme implemented by: GITA in India Partner Country Partnership Development Activities like information exchange, missions, workshops, reports etc. to attract potential industry applicants to the Call for Proposals. Independent Evaluation of Proposals received Jointly agree on award of Projects Disbursal of Funds Project monitoring / Loan repayment / Closure impact analysis

10 10 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Program implementation process DST India & Govt of Partner Country sign MoU highlighting the focus areas & annual fund allocation for such program’s. Program is implemented by an arm’s–length organisation, manned by professionals, on both sides, to do the following:  Partnership Development Activities like information exchange, missions, workshops, reports etc. to develop partnerships between industries who will be the potential applicants to the program  Joint Request for Proposal (RfP) is floated to invite applications in both countries.  Independent evaluation of proposals is done by each country.  Both countries jointly agree on award of projects.  Followed by disbursal of funds to lead Industry partner based on project milestones.  Project monitoring / Loan repayment / Closure impact analysis.

11 11 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Focus Sectors Healthcare Renewable Energy Technologies Water Purification / Waste Water Treatment Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Bio–Technology Earth Sciences & Disaster Management Nanoscience / Nanatechnology Space Science & Technology Life Sciences Treatment of Municipal / Industrial / Bio–hazardous Waste Energy Efficiency – covering Appliances, Industrial Energy Efficiency & Green Buildings Green Mobility Clean Coal Technologies

12 12 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance Signing of Agreement between DST & partner country Announcement of Request for Proposal (RFP) Receipt of Full Proposals Joint Announcement of selected projects Disbursal of Fund to selected projects 12 weeks 24 weeks 12 weeks 8 weeks Pre-Launch Exploratory Activities Reports of technology- needs vs. country strengths Joint Committee meetings, missions, summits etc. Pre-Launch Exploratory Activities Reports of technology- needs vs. country strengths Joint Committee meetings, missions, summits etc. Finalization & Approval of plan, documents & budget Guidelines/schedule RFP document RFP Promotional plan Partnership Development Activities Evaluation and Selection Mechanism Sample Agreement Project monitoring mechanism Exit/Closure mechanism Budget & approval Finalization & Approval of plan, documents & budget Guidelines/schedule RFP document RFP Promotional plan Partnership Development Activities Evaluation and Selection Mechanism Sample Agreement Project monitoring mechanism Exit/Closure mechanism Budget & approval RFP Promotion / Outreach and Partnership Development Activities for inviting applications Promotions; Receiving applications and developing documentations including necessary due-diligence and making ready for evaluations Executing partnership development activities (like missions, workshops, information dissemination, match- making services, reports/publications etc.) between India and the collaborating countries RFP Promotion / Outreach and Partnership Development Activities for inviting applications Promotions; Receiving applications and developing documentations including necessary due-diligence and making ready for evaluations Executing partnership development activities (like missions, workshops, information dissemination, match- making services, reports/publications etc.) between India and the collaborating countries Evaluations & Selection Due-diligence Evaluation of proposals through experts panel Joint Evaluations with Partner Country Joint Evaluation Report Submission of Budget for approved project funding Approval for funding Evaluations & Selection Due-diligence Evaluation of proposals through experts panel Joint Evaluations with Partner Country Joint Evaluation Report Submission of Budget for approved project funding Approval for funding Agreement Signing & Funding Due diligence & documentat- ion Agreement signing Release of funds Agreement Signing & Funding Due diligence & documentat- ion Agreement signing Release of funds Timelines

13 13 © Global Innovation & Technology Alliance

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