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CAA Instructor Seminar 2013. Introduction and discussion Importance and practical value of P of L Nine in the IT Course syllabus: Review? Intensity, Reinforcement,

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Presentation on theme: "CAA Instructor Seminar 2013. Introduction and discussion Importance and practical value of P of L Nine in the IT Course syllabus: Review? Intensity, Reinforcement,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAA Instructor Seminar 2013

2 Introduction and discussion Importance and practical value of P of L Nine in the IT Course syllabus: Review? Intensity, Reinforcement, Exercise, Primacy, Recency, Effect, Feedback, Belonging and Readiness

3 Think like a student Bill Kershner: “What, Why and How”

4 Workshop Exercise We will break into groups Each group will have a few basic lessons Your task is to encapsulate in one or two sentences why each lesson is taught.

5 Lessons Effects of Controls Straight and Level Medium Turns Stalling Slow Flight The Circuit Crosswind Take offs and Landings Steep Turns Short (or Precision) Take offs and Landings Glide Approach Maximum Rate Turns

6 Workshop Review Effects of Controls Not an introduction to attitude flying, datum….. Your student wants to get their hands on the controls; let them! Let the student feel what it is like to control an aircraft in the air. Flying is fun!

7 Workshop Review Straight and Level Straight & level; Cruise; A to B Consolidation of E of C. Belonging Attitude recognition Trimming

8 Workshop Review Medium Turns To change direction Balance Coordination of controls

9 Workshop Review Stalling Stalling is not taught so that you become highly proficient at it It’s so that you will recognise the behaviour of an aircraft which is about to stall; and In the event that you do inadvertently stall You react instinctively with the correct recovery actions

10 Workshop Review Slow Flight Awareness exercise Handling characteristics at abnormally low speeds Recognition of approach to stall Recovery to safe flying speed Accuracy when the margin is minimal Confidence builder

11 Workshop Review The Circuit Consolidation of all previous lessons in a disciplined traffic pattern Techniques and handling skills required in Taking off and Landing

12 Workshop Review Crosswind Take offs and Landings The wind is not aligned with the runway Building on T/O & Landing skills Technique, coordination, Advanced skill, precision

13 Workshop Review Steep Turns To change direction rapidly Building on Medium Turns Coordination Positive control

14 Workshop Review Short (Precision) T/Os and Landings When will this skill be required? CH, WN, HN, AA? Minimum field length available Uncertain of surface Precautionary landing Emergency procedure?

15 Workshop Review Glide Approach Last thousand feet of a FLWoP Judgement practice Start point? I.e: When should you close the throttle?


17 Workshop Review Maximum Rate Turns Two possibles: 1. Handling skill 2. Collision avoidance (Emergency procedure) 3. Teach both: 4. 360 degree turns, roll out on reference point 5. 180 degree turn, no delay!

18 Summary You are not teaching someone to fly You are training a pilot Principles of Learning What, Why and How

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