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Published byClarissa Blankenship Modified over 9 years ago
THE NGAI TE AHI SETTLEMENT TRUST Introducing the Ngai Te Ahi Raupatu Settlements Trust October 2012 1
C ONTENTS Contents Document Purpose Responsibilities Assets in Trust Relationships – Ngai Te Ahi Stakeholders Relationships – Other Iwi and Hapu Groups Developing Strategy and the Medium Term Plan Action Plan 2012-2013 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2
D OCUMENT P URPOSE Purpose and Aim of this document This document aims to provide Ngai Te Ahi hapu members, whanau, rangatahi, pakeke, kuia and koroua a clear understanding of the purpose and role of the newly established Ngai Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust. The objectives of this document are to: Summarise how the Trust was established and provide a brief history of Ngai Te Ahi treaty settlement activities List the primary responsibilities the Ngai Te Ahi Trust has List the assets the Ngai Te Ahi Trust holds View the main groups the Ngai Te Ahi Trust works with and is responsible to and the roles they play Outline the general strategic approach being adopted by the Trust, and Detailing the Ngai Te Ahi Trust action plan for 2012 and 2013 The Ngai Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust is also referred to in this document as “The Trust” and “The Ngai Te Ahi Trust.” Ngai Te Ahi Treaty Settlements History On 6 April 2012, Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui initialled a Deed of Settlement with the Crown to settle Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui historical Treaty claims against the Crown. In order to meet the requirements for settlement prescribed by the Crown, a post settlement governance entity was established to sign the Deed of Settlement and to receive and administer the settlement assets received as part of the Treaty settlement. The Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui Settlement Trust is the post settlement governance entity constituted by Deed of Trust with which the Crown has entered into a negotiated settlement of all historical Treaty of Waitangi claims of the Hapū of Ngāti Ranginui. The primary role of the Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui Settlement Trust is to receive the settlement property and on transfer the settlement property to each of the Hapū of Ngāti Ranginui. The Ngāi Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust has been established to receive the settlement property and administer on behalf of Ngāi Te Ahi. 3
R ESPONSIBILITIES Ngai Te Ahi Trust Responsibilities The purpose and responsibilities, outlined in the trust deed, for the Ngai Te Ahi Trust are to: 1.Receive all benefits, moneys or property due, payable ortransferable to the Ngāi Te Ahi Hapū 1.Receive all benefits, moneys or property due, payable or transferable to the Ngāi Te Ahi Hapū 2.Hold the Trust Fund and administer the Trust Fund and theliabilities of the Ngāi Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust astrustees on behalf of all persons of Ngāi Te Ahi Hapū descent 2.Hold the Trust Fund and administer the Trust Fund and the liabilities of the Ngāi Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust as trustees on behalf of all persons of Ngāi Te Ahi Hapū descent 3.Manage prudently the affairs, business activities,relationships, assets and liabilities of the Ngāi Te AhiRaupatu Settlement Trust 3.Manage prudently the affairs, business activities, relationships, assets and liabilities of the Ngāi Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust 4.Distribute benefits directly or indirectly to the Beneficiariesupon any basis which the Ngāi Te Ahi Raupatu SettlementTrust may decide 4.Distribute benefits directly or indirectly to the Beneficiaries upon any basis which the Ngāi Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust may decide 5.Support and promote community development basedprogrammes for health, education, religion, relief of poverty,employment that improve and enhance the social, cultural,environmental and economic wellbeing of Ngai Te Ahibeneficiaries in Tauranga Moana 5.Support and promote community development based programmes for health, education, religion, relief of poverty, employment that improve and enhance the social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing of Ngai Te Ahi beneficiaries in Tauranga Moana 6.Promote that the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi areadhered to when dealing with the Crown and its agenciestogether with territorial authorities, and 6.Promote that the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi are adhered to when dealing with the Crown and its agencies together with territorial authorities, and 7.Support the environmental enhancement, protection andaccess for tangata whenua and the general public to Mauao(Mount Maunganui), Tauranga harbour and it’s manytributaries. 7.Support the environmental enhancement, protection and access for tangata whenua and the general public to Mauao (Mount Maunganui), Tauranga harbour and it’s many tributaries. Ngai Te Ahi Trust Commitment to Action The Ngai Te Ahi Trust is committed to: Upholding the mana and reputation of Ngai Te Ahi through action Supporting, building and revitalising Ngai Te Ahi hapu tikanga, kawa, history, culture and identity Managing and growing Ngai Te Ahi assets and capital base in a careful and sustainable manner to benefit future Ngai Te Ahi generations Working in unison with other Ngai Te Ahi institutions including the Hairini marae committee, the Womens committee and the hapu committee. Communicating about Ngai Te Ahi Trust activity, plans and progress on a frequent basis to Ngai Te Ahi whanau and individuals Being accountable and accessible to Ngai Te Ahi whanau and individuals, and Fulfilling the legal and fiduciary obligations of the Ngai Te Ahi Trust deed. 4
A SSETS IN T RUST The Ngai Te Ahi redress for settlemement is made up of cash, properties, cultural rights and relationship rights with a 2012 summary value of $5m. The redress due to Ngai Te Ahi and that will be administered by the Trust is: Ngai Te Ahi Settlement Redress Cash $2.408m cash Property Properties within Te Papa shared with Ngati Ruahine, Ngai Tamarawaho & Ngai te Ahi 5% Courthouse Property Return of DOC land Ohauiti No. 2 RFR rights for Housing NZ properties 20% share in Puwhenua Forest Shares 5.9% of Te Papa Property Joint Venture with Ngai Te Rangi Relationships Direct Crown and Hapu relationships Direct relationship with BOP Polytechnic 5
R ELATIONSHIPS – N GAI T E A HI S TAKEHOLDERS Ngai Te Ahi Trust Relationships The Ngai Te Ahi Trust is committed to maintaining a strong relationship with Ngai Te Ahi people and institutions. The list below outlines the main groups the Ngai Te Ahi Trust will work with and the types of relationship it wishes to establish. Ngai Te Ahi People The Trust is primarily responsible to all Ngai Te Ahi people. The Trust will seek guidance from pakeke, kuia, koroua and rangatahi to direct activities revitalising Ngai Te Ahi identity. Hairini Marae Committee The Trust recognises that Hairini marae is the physical centre point of Ngai Te Ahi hapu. The Trust is committed to support the activities of the marae through the leadership of the marae committee. The Trust engages with the Women's Committee through the Hairini Marae Committee. Hapu Committee The Trust is committed to maintaining a relationship with those committees and groups already setup Ngai Te Ahi Representatitives The Trust will work with Ngai Te Ahi representatives that hold hapu positions on iwi or regional boards and committees. The Trust Ngai Te Ahi People Hairini Marae Committee Hapu Committee Ngai Te Ahi Representatives 6
R ELATIONSHIPS – O THER I WI AND H APU G ROUPS Ngai Te Ahi Trust Relationships The Ngai Te Ahi Trust acknowledges there is a wider iwi and hapu community within Tauranga Moana that Ngai Te Ahi is a part of. The Trust is committed to maintaining strong relationships with other hapu and iwi groups and organisations. The list below outlines the main groups the Ngai Te Ahi Trust will work with and the major outcomes it wishes to achieve. Nga Hapu o Ngati Ranginui Settlement Trust (NHoNRST) NHoNRST is responsible to facilitate the transfer of all Ngati Ranginui redress to the respective hapu by 2014. The Trust will work with NHoNRST to gain all Ngai Te Ahi redress in a timely manner. The TMIC Leasing Company holds rights for Ngai Te Ahi and Ngati Ruahine properties until transfer of title to hapu. The TMIC Leasing Company will work with NHoNRST to release rentals from the properties to Ngai Te Ahi. Other Ranginui Hapu Ngai Te Ahi Trust has informal and formal relationships with other Ngati Ranginui hapu to be developed and grown. Tauranga Moana Iwi Joint Ventures Ngai Te Ahi has interests in Joint Venture arrangements made with other Tauranga Moana Iwi and Hapu. Ngai Te Ahi Trust will be required to exercise their rights within these business ventures and work with hapu and iwi partners. The Trust NHoNRST Other Ranginui Hapu Tauranga Moana Iwi Joint Ventures 7
D EVELOPING S TRATEGY AND T HE M EDIUM T ERM P LAN The Trust has adopted a careful approach to strategy and planning in order to set in place a strong base for future growth. The short term plan is that long term strategy is discussed and approved by Ngai Te Ahi whanau, individuals and kaumatua. 2012 NTA Trust newly established Inaugural Trustees elected Property redress held by Crown Strategy, planning and priorities are unorganised or do not exist Iwi negotiations still underway Various transition arrangements established (NHoRST, TMIC Leasing) The Trust also recognises that all Ngai Te Ahi settlement redress will be transferred over the next 20 months by July 2014. The diagram below outlines the current situation and goals the Trust is working towards for 2015. 2015 NTA Trust systems and procedures are embedded Second Trustee elections conducted All Ngai Te Ahi redress has been transferred to the trust Ngai Te Ahi strategy and planning is clear, understood and supported by Ngai Te Ahi whanau Ngai Te Ahi strategy is being actioned The Ngai Te Ahi Trust purpose is widely understood Permanent Iwi arrangements and joint ventures are operational Strategy Development and Medium Term Focus 8
A CTION P LAN 2012-2013 The Trust is eager to setup and embed all governance and management systems as soon as possible and to develop the Ngai Te Ahi long term strategy. The diagram below lists the priority goals for 2012 and 2013. 2012 Gain formal recognition from NHoRST as the Ngai Te Ahi post settlement governance entity Receive first installment of cash redress Clarify short term (12 month) actions and budget Establish all necessary formal relationships with iwi and hapu groups Establish all management systems (finance, communications, governance) and necessary business policy 2013 Organise and hold Ngai Te Ahi Hapu Strategy Summit and Think Tank Hui Draft and seek approval for the Ngai Te Ahi Trust long term strategy Create business plan that enacts the new Ngai Te Ahi Trust strategy Receive and maintain any settlement redress Hold first annual general meeting Priority Actions for the Ngai Te Ahi Trust 9
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