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Progress report of Working Group activities 1 David Pennington, EC (JRC) - WG1 Co-chair Food SCP RT Plenary meeting – 20 th November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress report of Working Group activities 1 David Pennington, EC (JRC) - WG1 Co-chair Food SCP RT Plenary meeting – 20 th November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress report of Working Group activities 1 David Pennington, EC (JRC) - WG1 Co-chair Food SCP RT Plenary meeting – 20 th November 2013

2 WG1 Drafting Group integrated necessary modifications in the Protocol following comments (July-September 2013) 144 comments in total (specially on methodological hierarchy, allocation rules and impact assessment categories) 11 participants (e.g. DEFRA, ESU-Services, ANIA, SIK, AFNOR) November 2012 – March 2013 Public Consultation of the ENVIFOOD Protocol

3 ENVIFOOD Protocol pilot test in detail March 2013 Launch ENVIFOOD pilot test Webinars and online forum discussions throughout the process 30 Sept End ENVIFOOD pilot test Oct 2013 ENVIFOOD Protocol fine-tuning 20 Nov 2013 Final ENVIFOOD Protocol 19 companies/organisations/research institutesAssessments strictly according to Protocol and in line with RT’s 10 guiding principles

4 Participants to ENVIFOOD pilot test

5 Comments for immediate change: Integrated in protocol v.1 Medium Term: Comments asking for further guidance to be added into a separate document Long term: Comments for further technical discussion Testers Pilot test questionnaire Reporting Template Comments Protocol ENVIFOOD Protocol pilot test outcomes

6 Working document on Product category rules Working document on available data Governance of the ENVIFOOD Protocol WG1 Deliverables 2013

7 Working Document on Product Category Rules: Content Background, Policy context, and Needs of business Current availability Options for the Round Table

8 Working Documents on Product Category Rules: Recommendations Coordinate the development of product group specific category rules in line with the ENVIFOOD Protocol, and associated guidelines Support coordination, endorsement and evaluation of different PEFCRs for food and drink related products ENVIFOOD Protocol periodically reviewed e.g. to include updates and additional general provisions at food/drink sector level

9 Working Documents on Data: Content Overview of primary and secondary data needs, accounting for business perspective and policy context Current data situation in relation to food and drink products Options for Round Table for further developments

10 Working Documents on Data: Recommendations Coordinate data needs and database development activities, including benchmarks and underlying data, related to the food and drink sector facilitated by background databases provided by, or endorsed, by different constituents for the food/drink supply chain together with e.g. EC’s ELCD database coherence and availability facilitated through e.g. the ILCD Data Network supported by the EC Key role in relation to stakeholder awareness and coherent use by constituents

11 Governance of the ENVIFOOD Protocol European and international context Short and medium-term governance options

12 Short Term: - Complementary additions to ISO and PEF methodology - Role in PEF pilot test phase for food, feed and drink products Medium Term: European and International Standardization Uptake and promotion of the ENVIFOOD Protocol at European and international levels PEF pilot phase Standardization Uptake and promotion Governance of the ENVIFOOD Protocol: Recommendations

13 Technical contribution of the RT to the PEF pilot phase Pilots could be led by European sector federations members of the RT – presence in PEFCR technical group meetings Support the identification, coordination and review of different PEFCRs Guiding documents for PEFCRs development: interactions/synergies Support in development of PEFCRs and communication vehicles test Support in the evaluation of the results of the pilot test phase Regular reporting back to RT members - PEFCR co-chairs participate in WGs

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