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 First patented in the U.S. on May 16, 1882 by Henry Van Hovenbergh of Elizabeth, New Jersey, early flip books consisted of simple drawings stacked in.

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Presentation on theme: " First patented in the U.S. on May 16, 1882 by Henry Van Hovenbergh of Elizabeth, New Jersey, early flip books consisted of simple drawings stacked in."— Presentation transcript:


2  First patented in the U.S. on May 16, 1882 by Henry Van Hovenbergh of Elizabeth, New Jersey, early flip books consisted of simple drawings stacked in sequential stages of movement with a single staple binding. When the pages were flipped, they would create the optical illusion of motion

3 On February 19,1887 Thomas Edison was awarded the United States Patent No. 200,251 for the tin foil photograph from 1877 =pictures+of+thomas+edison+in+1878

4 In 1887 Thomas Edison invented the first camera ted+the+first+camera&biw=1280&bih=929&sou rce=lnms&sa=X&ei=XCc4VPrtG5DPggTd6YCg BA&ved=0CAUQ_AUoAA&dpr=1

5  Round hay Garden Scene  29 Aug 1888  In 1888 Louis le Prince filmed "Round hay Garden Scene" in Leedes, England

6  It all started…  in the 1889-1890  first+movie+made

7  The first movie ever made was 50 sec. long and it was called “The Lumie’re Brothers made in 1895

8  Flipbooks were then popularized in the early 1900’s by the Cracker Jack Company who gave them away as free in-pack prizes. Other marketers soon followed suit, including manufacturers of breakfast cereals, bubble gum, cigarettes, automobiles and snack

9  The first color movie was “Gone With The Wind” made in 1939

10 Flipbooks were then popularized in the early 1900’s by the Cracker Jack Company who gave them away as free in-pack prizes. Other marketers soon followed suit, including manufacturers of breakfast cereals, bubble gum, cigarettes, automobiles and snack foods. The trend continued strong through the 1940’s.

11 Then, in the 1960′s, innovative marketers from Disney, Gillette, McDonald’s, Post Cereals, Canada Dry, Ford (and others) resurrected the trend, creatively using flip books as novelties, interactive brochures and promotional giveaways to promote their products. But unfortunately, that trend ended in the 1970’s as new “interactive multimedia” technologies began to take the spotlight…

12  But now, over a century after flip books were first introduced, flipbooks are back… and better than ever! Flippies has re-engineered the original flip book concept to create the most engaging, entertaining flip book experience ever. We’ve also created a patent pending process to make the creation and production of flip books from live- action or animated video footage easy and efficient. The end result is a high quality flip book “keepsake” that plays back crystal clear clips of full motion video with a simple flip of a thumb, achievements in taking his original flip book concept to a whole new level of sophistication.

13 In this age of high tech interactive multimedia, the simplicity of flipbooks is not only refreshing, but its illusion is even more captivating than ever. Creative marketers are, once again, beginning to use flip books as interactive brochures and promotional giveaway items for live events, trade shows and other marketing activities. Flippies is proud to play a role in the history of flip books by continuing to innovate through the use of new technologies, the implementation of proprietary production techniques and by applying our creativity and passion to the development of new custom flip books for marketers, publishers and enthusiasts throughout the world

14  This is the oldest picture ever taken m/images/search?q=t he+oldest+picture+in +the+world&id=93E2 1513551DFB57F932BE 21A10E83FCFD651627 &FORM=IQFRBA

15 The 2000 video camera of+the+first+2000+model+camera&biw=12 80&bih=929&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=un iv&sa=X&ei=kFxBVJO7K8ee8AH8j4CwAQ &ved=0CCoQ7Ak#tbm=isch&q=pics+of+t he+first+2000+model+vedio+camera

16 of+the+first+2000+model+camera&biw=12 80&bih=929&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=un iv&sa=X&ei=kFxBVJO7K8ee8AH8j4CwAQ &ved=0CCoQ7Ak#tbm=isch&q=the+first+ hard+drive+ever+made

17  Power of Love, in September 1922 it was released, this movie featured “anaglyph process” which involved simultaneously shooting 2 views of a scene, and then printing the film in 2 different colors, and combining them with layered on 1 reel  22-first-3d-movie.html

18 The Toll of the Sea 31 Aug 1922 This film introduced the first two-color process.

19  Warner Brothers  31 Aug 1923  The Warner brothers made their film distribution and production into a corporation.

20  Movies with Sound  31 Aug 1925  Warner brothers, along with Western Electric, decided to develop a system to add sound to movies.

21 http://www.nasa.go v/mission_pages/ap ollo/apollo11.html  Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong working at an equipment storage area on the lunar module. This is one of the few photos that show Armstrong during the moonwalk. Click image to enlarge.

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