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NV Driver Education Curriculum

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1 NV Driver Education Curriculum
Getting Ready to Drive NV Driver Education Curriculum Unit 3: The Driving Task Presentation 1 of 7

2 Before we begin... Let’s Talk About It
Share your thoughts with a partner. Take 60 seconds to discuss: BRAINSTORM – What comes to mind when you hear the words getting ready to drive? Black & white image from: Bikes image from: Retrieved 7/31/10

3 Pre-Drive Tasks Check around the outside of the vehicle
Broken glass (windows, lights) Body damage Condition of tires Fluid leaks Direction of front tires (turned?) Debris on the ground Check for small children or pets Image from: Retrieved: 12/01/09 SEE: Fluid leaks photo in Pearson Driver Right Page 368 (10th edition revised, red cover) Page 351 (11th edition, white cover)

4 Safe Practices Before Start-Up
Pre-Driving Video See 60 Second Driver video Safe Practices Before Start-Up (0:60) See Car & Driver video Pre-Drive Checklist (2:24) See ADTSEA video Pre-entry Checks (0:40) NO sound Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability 60 Second driver image from: YouTube image from: ADTSEA image from: Retrieved: 01/21/10 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing NOTE: Some on Check access

5 Approaching from a Curb
When parked at the curb Approach from the front of the car Increase awareness of oncoming traffic Approach with key in hand Store valuable in trunk Reduce risk of items sliding in car and distracting driver Parked cars image from: Retrieved: 01/21/10 Car passing image from: Retrieved: 12/04/09

6 Approaching in a Parking Lot
When parked in a parking lot Approach from the rear of the car Increase awareness of people and objects nearby Approach with key in hand Store valuable in trunk Reduce risk of items sliding in car and distracting driver Moving cars image from: Retrieved 01/21/10 Parked cars + Walker image from: Retrieved: 12/01/09

7 Entering Your Vehicle Check traffic flow of approaching vehicles
Unlock doors Enter as quickly as possible (to avoid conflicts) Check door swing Check passengers for safe entry Lock doors Place key in the ignition (do not start vehicle) Image from: Retrieved: 12/01/09

8 Driving Position Video
See 60 Second Driver video Driver Position (0:60) See Car & Driver video Proper Driving Position (2:37) Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability 60 Second driver image from: YouTube image from: Retrieved: 01/21/10 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing NOTE: Some on Check access

9 Seating Position Adjust the seat for comfort and control.
Sit with your back firmly against the seat. Chin should be no lower than top of steering wheel. Body at least 10 inches away from hub of steering wheel. Image from: Retrieved: 12/01/09

10 Head Restraints Designed to reduce whiplash injuries in a collision
Top of restraint at least as high as your eyes and as close as is comfortable to back of head Image fro: Retrieved: 12/01/09

11 Common in rear-end crashes
Whiplash Common in rear-end crashes Image from: Retrieved: 12/01/09

12 Seat and Head Rest Testing Explained
Head Rest Video See 60 Second Driver video Head Restraints (0:60) See My Ride video Seat and Head Rest Testing Explained Originally from: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability 60 Second driver image from: YouTube image from: Retrieved: 01/21/10 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing NOTE: Some on Check access

13 Foot Pedals Place right heel on floor in front of brake pedal
Pivot the foot to access the accelerator and brake Accelerator Pedal speed/momentum Brake Pedal slow/stop Knees should be slightly bent A Images taken by Clark County School District B B A

14 Other Foot Pedals Clutch Pedal Dead Pedal
1 2 B A Clutch Pedal Used in manual shift vehicles Locate friction point for smooth operation Dead Pedal Located left of floorboard, may be just a flat spot For balance and stability for left foot and leg Parking Brake (foot pedal or hand lever) Emphasis on “parking” brake, rather than “emergency” brake 1 2 Image from: Retrieved 12/01/09

15 Steering Wheel Seating at least 10 inches from wheel
Adjustment lever(s) Able to place wrist on top of wheel (safe distance from air bag) Place hands at 9 and 3 o’clock (air bag will deploy at 10, 2, and 6) Elbows slightly bent Clock image from: Car image from: Retrieved: 12/08/09

16 Mirrors Inside Rearview Mirror Outside Side Mirrors
Position to show maximum view through rear window Outside Side Mirrors Adjust both left and right sides Traditional setting or BGE setting Large Image from: Montana Driver Ed Curriculum Side mirror image from: Rearview Mirror Image from: Retrieved: 12/01/09

17 Setting Mirrors Video Click on web address to access video clips
See 60 Second Driver video Blind Spots (0:60) See Advance Auto Parts video Adjusting Mirrors TRADITIONAL setting (1:57) See Daytime TV Show Mirror Adjustment BLIND-GLARE ELIMINATION (BGE) setting (1:57) Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability 60 Second driver image from: Advance images from: Retrieved: 01/21/10 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing NOTE: Some on Check access

18 Blind-Glare Elimination (BGE)
Mirror Settings Traditional Setting Blind-Glare Elimination (BGE) Should Check Needed Smaller blind spots

19 Traditional Mirror Setting
Adjust side mirrors so they show slightest amount of the side of the vehicle See complete rear view window within 200 feet Move head to expose blind spots Images from: Retrieved: 01/25/10

20 Cones outline the blind areas caused by traditional mirror settings
Traditional side view mirror settings shows same view as rear view mirror TRADITIONAL SETTING RIGHT BLIND SPOT REAR MIRROR VIEW RIGHT SIDE VIEW LEFT SIDE VIEW Slide from Montana Driver Ed Curriculum TRADITIONAL SETTING LEFT BLIND SPOT

21 BGE Mirror Setting Blindspot and Glare Elimination (BGE) developed in 1996 No need to move head to look in blind spots Adjust 15 degrees to the outside of car Place head on driver side window, adjust mirror such that you barely see side of car Move head to center of car, adjust passenger’s side mirror so that you can barely see side of car Image from: Montana Driver Ed Curriculum

22 The BGE enhanced side mirror settings (15 degrees to outside) eliminates right and left side mirror blind areas ENHANCED RIGHT SIDE MIRROR VIEW REAR MIRROR VIEW Slide from Montana Driver Ed Curriculum ENHANCED LEFT SIDE MIRROR VIEW Reference: Blindzone & Glare Elimination (BGE) Mirror Settings (G. Platzer, 1996)

23 Best protection against injury in a collision.
Safety Belts Best protection against injury in a collision. Adjust for best protection Lap belt across boney pelvic area Shoulder belt over collarbone and rib cage Adjust should belt anchors on pillar Tension relieving device adjustments Check passengers Image from: Retrieved: 10/01/09

24 Seatbelt PSA Video Click on web address to access video clips
See Public Service Announcement (PSA) Crash Affects without Seatbelt (1:01) Shopping, front passenger no belt, short distance crash - affects See Public Service Announcement (PSA) Rear Passenger Kills without Seatbelt (1:12) Teen rear passenger kills others See Public Service Announcement (PSA) Award Winning (with & without) Seatbelts (0:45) Heaven can Wait Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability YouTube image from: Retrieved: 01/21/10 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing NOTE: Some on Check access

25 Safe Driving Tip Throw and Run
Final Thoughts Throw and Run If you are confronted by a carjacker, throw the keys in one direction while running in the opposite direction. If you have a key fob, push the panic button before throwing the keys. The carjacker is after your car, not after you. Image from: Retrieved: 12/01/09

26 Test Your Knowledge Before getting out of a parked car on the traffic side of the street, you should: Give a hand and arm signal for slow-down Check traffic coming from behind before opening the door Open your door so the other vehicles will stop and let you out Lock and secure the vehicle Answer: B

27 Test Your Knowledge This sign means: Hill ahead No trucks allowed
No passing zone for trucks Trucks must yield to other vehicles Answer: A Image from:

28 Test Your Knowledge When sharing the road with a tractor-trailer or bus you need to: Understand it takes more time and space for them to slow down and stop Remember that these vehicles have larger blind spots than autos Signal for turns and lane changes well in advance All of the above Answer: D

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