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译林牛津版高一必修 1 Unit2 Growing pains. Reading Look at the family photo and answer: Main characters in ‘Growing Pains’. Who are they? What do you know about.

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1 译林牛津版高一必修 1 Unit2 Growing pains

2 Reading

3 Look at the family photo and answer: Main characters in ‘Growing Pains’. Who are they? What do you know about the famous TV show?  Popular during the 1980s & 1990s in America.  About family problems.

4 Mike Seaver Carol Seaver Maggie Seaver Dr. Jason Seaver Ben Seaver

5 Lead in If you were left alone, can you imagine what might happen?

6 Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a play.

7 1. In the form of a dialogue 2. Read the dialogue aloud 3. Remember to pay attention to the instructions and tips Reading a play Reading a normal text

8 Reading comprehension Listen to the tape and finish Part A. 1.Who are the main characters in the play? 2.2. Why was Dad very angry with Daniel? 3. What happened to their dog, Spot? Eric, Daniel, Mom and Dad. The room was a mess./ There was trash all over the place. Spot was ill.

9 Read the article and do Parts C1&C2 Part C1 1. ‘Where is your brother?’ 2. ‘I hate them!’ 3. ‘It’s so nice to be home!’ 4. ‘Mom, Dad, I can explain … 5. ‘Mom! Dad! You are back early!’ 6. ‘I feel like we have to punish him…’ 7. ‘What did you do with the money we left ?’ Part C1 1. ‘Where is your brother?’ 2. ‘I hate them!’ 3. ‘It’s so nice to be home!’ 4. ‘Mom, Dad, I can explain … 5. ‘Mom! Dad! You are back early!’ 6. ‘I feel like we have to punish him…’ 7. ‘What did you do with the money we left ?’ Dad Daniel Dad Daniel Eric Dad Mom

10 1. Mom and Dad were back from their holiday a week earlier. 2. Eric was happy when seeing his mother. 3. Parents left Daniel in charge. 4. The boys spent the money seeing the vet for Spot. 5. The room was very clean and tidy when their parents came back. 6. Daniel didn’t have a chance to explain what had happened. 7. Mom felt regretful for what they said to Daniel. 8. Boys didn’t use up the money from their parents. day frightened in a mess used

11 Choose the correct one: 1. I just finished my vacation to Yunnan. A. work B. holiday 2. The man explained to the people that the factory had been close. A. to give meaning of sth. B. to give a reason for sth. 3. When I went into the room, I found the room was in a mess. A. a difficult state B. a dirty or untidy state Word study

12 4. A teacher should trust his students. A. look after B. believe that sb. is good 5. The woman was mad at the dog for eating her shoes. A. worried B. angry 6. It is rude to run into other’s house without knocking at the door. A. not polite B. anxious Word study

13 Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form. CharactersThings they doFeelings Mom and Dad Eric Daniel just come back from vacation plays soccer at home stays in another room excited disappointed angry surprised and frightened sorry angry Detailed reading

14 Please read Act Two carefully and fill in the form. CharactersThings they doFeelings Daniel Eric Mom Dad express his anger angry comfort his brother calm talk about the things that happened today sorry and regretful strong-willed/ stubborn

15 You’ll be divided into groups of five. One is the narrator and the others are the main characters. Role-play Act One and Act Two.

16 Discussion 1. Suppose you were one of the children what would you do? 3. Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your family? How can you deal with it? 2. How do you think good parents should treat their children?

17 Homework 1. Write an end to the play. 2. Role-play the dialogue in groups of five.


19 vacation (P22) “ 假期 ” ,指正式规定的较长的假期,不指假日或节日。 the summer / winter vacation 暑/寒假 take a vacation 休假 three weeks of vacation 三周的假 on vacation ( 在 ) 度假 ① He is on vacation in Italy . 他在意大利度假。 ② 你要到哪儿度假 ? Where are you going for your vacation?

20 I can’t wait to surprise the boys . (P22) 我都等不及要让孩子们大吃一惊了。 ▲ can’t wait to do 等不及做 … ① I can’t wait to sing for you. 我实在想给你们唱一首歌。 ② 这个小男孩实在等不及吃可口的鱼了。 The little boy couldn’t wait to eat the delicious fish. 相关用法: can’t but do sth. 不得不 … ;只好 … can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁地做 …

21 surprise 1. vt. 使惊奇;使惊讶 What you said surprised me. I am surprised at what you said just now. What surprised me most was that the little boy could speak English so well. 2. adj. surprising 令人吃惊的 surprised 吃惊的;受惊的

22 n. 令人惊奇的事(可数)吃惊;惊奇 It was a pleasant surprise to see them again. To my surprise, he came back so soon. a. It is ____________that they lost. b. I am ___________that they lost. c. She wore a ____________look when she came into the room. surprising surprised

23 Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. (P22) (followed 作伴随状语, walking 作定语 ) 1) The teacher came into the classroom, following the students. 2) The teacher came into the classroom, followed by the students. 3) There was a terrible noise, following the sudden burst of light ( 闪电 ). 4) There was a sudden burst of light, followed by a terrible noise.

24 Summary 分词的选择取决于主句的主语。如主句的主语是动作的发出者,就 选用现在分词表主动 ; 主语是动作的承受者, 就选用过去分词表被动 ; 1. We all know that,, the situation will get worse. (2007 全国Ⅰ ) A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt with C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with

25 2. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _____ for the day. (2007 重庆 ) A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished 3.________ that she didn’t do a good job, I don’t think I am abler than her. (2007 陕西 ) A. To have said B. Having said C. To say D. Saying

26 …you weren’t supposed to come home until… (P22) be supposed to (do) 被期望或要求 ; 应该 (= be expected to / be required to do) 乘车时每个人都应该系上安全带。 Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car. 公交车应该在五点开车,但是到现在还没到呢。 The bus is supposed to leave at 5:00, but it hasn’t come yet. Suppose he saw you now, what would you say? I suppose him to be the headmaster.

27 The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone,… (P22) be to do sth. 1) 表示将来的打算和安排。 春节将至,孩子们将买几件新衣服。 我将在约定的地点与伯克小姐见面。 2) 应该做 …… 你昨晚晚自习就应该完成家庭作业。 You were to finish your homework in the evening class last night. The children are to buy some new clothes for the coming Spring Festival. I was to meet Miss Burke at an agreed place.

28 What did you do with the money we left? (P22) do with =make use of 处理;安排;办;处置;常与 what 连用。 The boys didn’t know what to do with themselves after school ended. 男孩儿不知道放学后如何打发时间。 我们将如何处置这个淘气的男孩儿呢? What are we to do with this naughty boy? What are you going to do with these old books? =How are you going to deal with these old books?

29 with+ 复合宾语常见结构 ① He stood there with his hand in his pocket . ② He was fast asleep with his mouth open . ③ They sat in silence with the light on for an hour . ④ With the guide leading the way, we got out of the forest without any difficulty . ⑤ He fell asleep with all the windows closed. ⑥ With two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend . with+ 宾语 + 介词短语 形容词 副词 现在分词 过去分词 不定式

30 1. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work , he gladly accepted it. ( 2007 安徽) A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finished

31 Leave 使得 / 让 ( 处于某种状态 ), 后跟复合宾语。能作宾 语补足语的有 : 介词短语, 形容词, 副词, 分词, 名词等。 ① Don’t leave her waiting in the rain . ② He seemed to have left something unsaid . ③ Don’t leave all the lights on/ leave the door open . ④ The parents died, leaving the boy an orphan . ⑤ I left him to explain it to them . ⑥ They often leave the child alone at home . 别让她在雨里等。 他似乎有些话没说。 别把所有的灯都/门开着。 父母双亡,孩子成了孤儿。 我让他给他们作解释。 他们经常让孩子一人在家。

32 …remember the day when we left you in charge? (P22) * in charge 主管, 掌管 ; 在 …… 管辖之下, 由 …… 照顾 * sb. is in charge of sth. 某人负责, 掌管, 照顾 * sth. is in the charge of sb. /in one’s charge 在 …… 掌管之下, 由 …… 经管 * free of charge=for free 1. Mary is in charge of the hospital. The hospital is in the charge of Mary. 2. The project is in the charge of Dr Green. Dr Green is in charge of the project.

33 I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty … (P22) He didn’t come to school for some reason. The reason for his coming late was that he got up late. =The reason why he came late was that he got up late. The reason that he explained to me was that he got up late. The reason why she didn’t attend the meeting was that she was ill.

34 expect (P22) 预期,预料,指望 expect sb. / sth . expect sb. to do sth . expect to do sth . expect that… ① 我们谁也没预料这种情况。 ② 我在等他的来信。 None of us expected it . I’m expecting his letter . ③ 不要对他期望太高. Don’t expect too much of him.

35 ④ 你预计什么时候回来 ? ⑤ 你别指望他会支持你。 ⑥ 我想他会很快回来的。 ⑦ “ 她会不会来呢? ” “ 我想会 / 不会。 ” When do you expect to be back? You can’t expect him to support you . I expect that he’ll come back soon . “Will she come?” “I expect so/ not.”

36 【高考链接】 1. Does this meal cost $ 50? I __________something far better than this! ( 2007 全国Ⅰ) A. preferB. expect C. suggest D. suppose

37 Do you think we were too hard on Daniel ? (P23) be hard on sb. 对某人严厉,对某人苛刻 继母对白雪公主很苛刻。 不要对一个 10 岁的孩子说这些话,这对他来说太重了些。 Stepmother is very hard on Snow White. Don’t say that to a ten-year-old boy. You are too hard on him.

38 1. 既然大家都在, 我们就开始吧。 2. 既然你完成了工作, 可以走了。 3. 既然这里没有别人, 我们可以无拘束地谈了。 Now that everyone is here, let’s begin our work. Now that you have finished your work, you can go now. Now that we are alone, we can talk freely. now that (P23) = since “ 既然 ”, 放句首, 表显而易见的原因。

39 I feel like we have to punish him… (P23) 1. Do you feel like parents try to force you to spend your spare time doing things you don’t like? 2. 如果你愿意, 我们可以外出散步。 3. 这种材料摸起来象丝绸。 If you feel like it, we can go out for a walk. The material feels like silk. 你觉得像是你的父母企图强迫你花时间做你不喜 欢的事情吗 ?

40 祝同学们学习进步!

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