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Talking 1. Do you have some problems? 2. What are they? Which do you think is the most serious? Why? 3. Did you ask someone for advice? 4. What’s the.

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Presentation on theme: "Talking 1. Do you have some problems? 2. What are they? Which do you think is the most serious? Why? 3. Did you ask someone for advice? 4. What’s the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Talking 1. Do you have some problems? 2. What are they? Which do you think is the most serious? Why? 3. Did you ask someone for advice? 4. What’s the advice? 5. What do you think of the advice? 6. Did you work out your problem finally? Pair work



5 Now 2 mins to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese relation, cloud, communication, whatever, communicate 2. Chinese-English 和睦相处;争吵;年纪较长的;代替; 焦虑的;主动提出;正确的;其次;解 释;晴朗的

6 Read and choose What’s the problem of Sad and Thirteen?. A: He can't get on with his friend. B: He can't get on with his family. C: He can't get on with his teacher. The first sentence of each paragraph can be helpful for you to understand a text. Sad and Thirteen

7 My problem I can’t get on with my family Read Passage 1 parentselder brother

8 It’s like a big,black cloud hanging over our home. Check the problems from parents 1. Relations have become difficult. 2. They fight a lot. 3. My parents feel lonely. 4. My parents love to watch TV. 5. I don’t know if I should say anything to them. Read Passage 1 a big black cloud 关系

9 Read Passage 1 1. Are the relations between my brother and me nice ? nice 2. Can he watch his favorite TV? Why? 3. Can his elder brother watch his favorite TV show? No, my elder brother is not very to me. No, he can’t. Because his brother always to let him watch his favorite TV show. Yes, he can. He watches he wants until late at night. Read the letter and find the problems from his brother. refuses whatever

10 Sad and Thirteen’s problems Thirteen’s problems His parents __________ and he doesn’t like it. His elder brother is not______ to him and ________ to let him watch his favorite TV show. He feels_______and_________. fight a lot nice refuses nervous lonely

11 Do you think that is normal? He thinks it’s not easy and it’s normal to have these feelings. a school counselor 指导老师 Mr.Hunt What does he think of Sad and Thirteen’s problem? The first sentence of each paragraph can be helpful for you to understand a text.

12 Read Passage 2 ProblemsAdvice His parents fight a lot, he really doesn’t like it. His brother isn’t nice to him. He refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show. Sit down and communicate with his brother. Talk about the feelings with his family. Do more jobs around the house. Underline the advice in the passage. 在第二段中划出亨特先生的建议。

13 Why don't you________ them? If your parents have problems, you should_______________. You could _______________. My parents __________. I _____like it.I don't know if I should __________________. My elder brother__________ let me ___________________, instead he watches __________. I don't think this is____. Why don't you___________________? You should tell him_______________,but he should __________________ __________________. fight a lot don't say anything to them talk with offer to help do more jobs refuses to watch my favorite TV until late fair communicate with him you don't mind your favorite show let you watch lonely and nervous better

14 Why don't you________ them? If your parents have problems, you should_______________. You could _______________. My parents __________. I _____like it.I don't know if I should __________________. My elder brother__________ let me ___________________, instead he watches __________. I don't think this is____. Why don't you___________________? You should tell him_______________,but he should __________________ __________________. fight a lot don't say anything to them talk with offer to help do more jobs refuses to watch my favorite TV until late fair communicate with him you don't mind your favorite show let you watch lonely and nervous better

15 Why don't you________ them? If your parents have problems, you should_______________. You could _______________. My parents __________. I _____like it.I don't know if I should __________________. My elder brother__________ let me ___________________, instead he watches __________. I don't think this is____. Why don't you___________________? You should tell him_______________,but he should __________________ __________________. fight a lot don't say anything to them talk with offer to help do more jobs refuses to watch my favorite TV until late fair communicate with him you don't mind your favorite show let you watch lonely and nervous better


17 your problems What’s your problem? at school at home

18 1. 选择你喜欢的漂流瓶,每个漂流瓶中有不同的烦恼。 2. 小组讨论针对这个问题可以采取的措施,并将措施写在 小纸条上,不能重复。 3. 小组 8 人, 1 人读出问题,另 7 人表达你的看法或建议, 可适当加表情与动作。 4. 参考句型: a.Why don’t you …? b.Why not…? c.Maybe you could… d.How/What about doing…? e.I think you should …so that… 鼓励的话语: Come on ! Never give up! You are the best. Good ! Believe in yourself !


20 Homework 1.Focus on "Malaysia flight disappearance" ( 关注马航事件 ) 2.Finish your love card.


22 2014-3-8 154

23 Dear friend, I’m a student from No.5 Middle School. Problems and worries are normal in life. If you have any problems, you should _____________ Maybe you could __________________________ Why don’t you_________________________? Good luck to you! Yours, ______


25 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 1. 你看上去很疲劳,怎么了? You ____ tired. What’s ___ _______? 2. 昨晚,我一直学习到午夜,因此我没有 睡足觉。 I studied _____ _________ last night so I didn’t ___ ______ sleep. until midnight look the matter get enough

26 3. 我应该做什么? _____ _______I do? 4. 你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了, 但那不是一件大事。 _____ ____ you forget about it? _________ she’s wrong, it’s not ____ ___ _____. What should Why don’t Although big deal a

27 5. 他应当如何做? _____ _______ he do? 6. 他应当和他的朋友谈一下,以便他能 向他道谦。 He ______ _____ ___ his friend ____ ____ he can say he’s sorry. What should should talk to so that

28 7. 或许你应当去他家。 _______ you ______ go to his house. 8. 我猜我可以,但是我不想让他吃惊。 I guess I _______, but I don’t want to _______ _______. Maybe could could surprise him

29 经典例句: 1. How about going out for a walk? 2. What about another cake? 3. Why don’t you turn to the reference book? 4. Why didn’t you see the football match? 5. Why don’t you go there with us? 6. Why not go fishing today?

30 Sentences from this unit: 1. Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening? 2. Why don’t you forget about it so that you can be friends again? 3. Why don’t you sit down and communicate with your brother? 4. You could write him a letter. 5. You should talk to him so that you can say you’re sorry.

31 1. _________ going out for a walk? 2. ___________ another cake? 3. __________ you ________ (turn off)TV? 4.Why _____ you ___ (see)the football match? 5. _____________ go there with us? 6. ________ go fishing today? How about What about Why don’t turn off didn’t Why don’t you Why not see

32 7. _____________ go to sleep earlier this evening? 8. _____________ forget about it so that you can be friends again? 9. _____________ sit down and communicate with your brother? 10. __________ write him a letter. 11. __________ talk to him so that you can say you’re sorry. Why don’t you You could You should


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