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Unit 0 (Culture), Day 1 Welcome!. Agenda  Attendance  Introduction (2 min)  9 th Grade Expectations (10 min)  Class Expectations Activity (10 min)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 0 (Culture), Day 1 Welcome!. Agenda  Attendance  Introduction (2 min)  9 th Grade Expectations (10 min)  Class Expectations Activity (10 min)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 0 (Culture), Day 1 Welcome!

2 Agenda  Attendance  Introduction (2 min)  9 th Grade Expectations (10 min)  Class Expectations Activity (10 min)  Class Discipline (3 min)  Room Movement (3 min)  About Me (3 min)  About Our Class Pets (3 min)  About You (Speed Friending) (15 min)  Grading Information (5 min)  Homework (Supplies and Syllabus) (2 min)

3 Attendance  Please sit in your correct seat (the seats are numbered, find your number on the list)

4 Introduction  9 th Grade Physics  Mrs. Larkin  

5 9 th Grade Expectations  Yellow Sheet, DO NOT LOSE!  Policies common for all 9 th grade classes

6 Late Work  LATE WORK  All assignments (homework, essays and projects) will be entered as zeros in the grade book if late/incomplete.  All assignments not submitted at the original due date must have a “Missing Assignment” form completed in lieu of original assignment.  Students will have one week from original submission date to hand in a late assignment. Assignment will be given full credit for Essential Skills assessed and an incomplete for Habits of Mind and Design Project Skills.

7 Tardy Policy  TARDY POLICY  Students who are marked present for class have arrived on time to class, in their designated seat and have necessary materials out on their table ready to learn.  Students will be marked tardy after one minute from the start of class.

8 Absence Protocol  ABSENCE PROTOCOL  If you are absent, you have the same amount of days to make up any work you missed.  Students should access the teacher’s DP for missing work/assignments or discuss missing work before the next class period with that teacher during appropriate office hours.  If you are absent the day of a quiz, test or exam, you must take the test within two days of your return. Excessive or patterned absences from tests or exams will be noted and directed to the Administration staff for further action

9 Vending Machine Usage  VENDING MACHINE USAGE  Students will not be permitted to use the vending machines during instructional time.  If students ask to go to the “bathroom” or “printer” and come back with vending machine food, the food will be thrown away and students serve Friday afternoon Reflection Hour.

10 Food & Drink  FOOD/DRINK  Students will not be permitted to eat in the classroom. Students eating in the classroom will have their food confiscated and thrown away.  Students may drink water or sport drinks in the classroom. All other drinks, blended coffees, energy drinks, shakes and the like are not permitted in the classroom.

11 Electronics  ELECTRONICS:  Cell phones or electronic devices are not to be used during class time unless instructed by your teacher.  They are to be shut off or put on vibrate/silent mode and put away, out of sight. If they are visible, even if not in use, they will be taken.

12 Reflection Hour  REFLECTION HOUR  Reflection Hour will be held on Fridays between 4 – 5PM. Students will be escorted from their 6 th period class to the Reflection Hour room by a 9 th grade teacher.  If a student is not present for Reflection Hour, they will serve the time the following week.  If students accumulate more than 3 hours of Reflection Hour in less than 3 weeks OR one hour for 3 consecutive weeks, a mandatory parent meeting will be called with teachers.  If student misses two consecutive Friday Reflection Hours on days they are present in school, they will serve 1 day in school suspension.  After 2 in school suspensions, students and parents will meet with administration to discuss further consequences.  The following behaviors constitute Reflection Hour:  A missing/incomplete assignment from any class  Disruptive behavior  Academic dishonesty  Failure to make up a quiz or exam on time

13 Class Expectations  Punctual  Prepared  Polite  Productive  1 Copy per table  2 “looks like” in each column  2 “doesn’t look like” PunctualPreparedPoliteProductiv e Looks Like1212 1212 1212 1212 Doesn’t Look Like 1212 1212 1212 1212

14 Class Discipline  Feedback  I point out incorrect behavior that you should correct  Student-Teacher Discussion  You will be asked to leave the classroom; I will clarify your incorrect actions and steps you can take to correct them  Reflection Hour  30 minutes to 60 minutes (teacher discretion) on Fridays  **Severe Clause**  Defiance, violence, vandalism, bullying, technology misuse, and other sever behavior result in immediate principal visit

15 Room Movement  Bathroom Passes  1 per student per semester  Print your name  You will receive a 7 minute break halfway between long classes  Pencil Sharpening  Raise up your pencil  Trash Can & Kleenex  On your table

16 About Me  From: Chicago, IL  College: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign  Major: Chemistry  Minor: Spanish Culture  Masters: Loyola Marymount University  Educational Administration  Favorite Color: Blue  Favorite Childhood Books: Harry Potter  Current TV Show: BBC’s Robin Hood

17 About our Class Pets

18 About You  Get to know your table! Student 1Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5 Born? Raised? Fave Subject Fave Color Fave Book Fave TV Show

19 Homework  Buy Supplies  Due Friday  Read Syllabus  Quiz Wed/Thu!

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