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Tasks for the horizontal teams Session 3 Course Informatics Business Prof.dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper Dr. Slinger Jansen.

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Presentation on theme: "Tasks for the horizontal teams Session 3 Course Informatics Business Prof.dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper Dr. Slinger Jansen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tasks for the horizontal teams Session 3 Course Informatics Business Prof.dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper Dr. Slinger Jansen

2 Contents  The organizational structure  The tasks of the horizontal teams  Arrangement of teams

3 Netherware Organization Project Office Finance Netherware BV CEO Team 1 P1 Team 2 P2 Team 3 P3 Team n Pn HRM Marketing Supervisory Board s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 C s1 s4 s3 s5 Netherware BV CEO C s2 Management Board Cs1 s5 s4

4 Horizontal teams 1.Human Resource Management and Internal communications 2.Finance 3.Project Office 4.Marketing and External Communications (external website) 5.CEO (one person per business unit) Who does what?

5 Starting points  Divide tasks  Be willing to delegate  Be accountable for your task  Find advisors if necessary  Be creative  No money  Go for high quality  Make it our joint experience  Your success is our success

6 Human resource management and internal communication  Handles new and resigning employees  Creates internal communication infrastructure: email, newsgroup, forum, site, address list, phone numbers, photographs  Maintains the personnel administration  Determines salaries and bonusses  Overview team collaboration and social mediator  Intervenes for under performance and study problems  Builds and maintains intranet  Note: All team reports progress as-is on intranet  Steered by CHRO

7 Finance  (Virtual) Bookkeeping for the period of 5 months  Establishes financial budgetting scheme for the business units  Pays salaries  Pays invoices for technical infrastructure  Determine rent for office (all inclusive), and pay this  Maintains total balance sheet  Define a structure for the year-end report  Compile and edit the year-end report  Weekly financial report – profit/loss/revenue/rev (also per employee)  Provides licence costs for platforms of teams –Internal development –Product under OEM agreement  Reviews technical part of business plan and product plan  Steered by CFO per BU

8 Project office  Responsible for all documentation templates  Registers all Netherware documentation and lecture presentations in BSCW  Responsible for the delivery of all assignments to the Supervisory Board on time –On paper for grading –In BSCW for access by colleagues  Hunting for progress sheets each 2nd week  Puts progress sheets on intranet  Compiles hours accounting sheets with total project hours  Registers project plans  Responsible for all technical arrangements  Provides costs for technical infrastructure –Desktop machines –Internet access –Software costs  Steered by a COO

9 Marketing and Sales  Maintains external web-site  Includes product pages for this year  Develops Netherware unit styles  Makes some photographs of events for publicity  Creates flyer for business unit  Reviews market plans of products  Market intelligence –Find market knowledge resources –Collect market data –Create sales prognoses  Reviews market intelligence (financial) for products  Steered by CMO

10 Reporting to CEO  Horizontals report to CEO through their CXO

11 CEO  Contacts with Supervisory board  Steers the management board  Make sure all tasks mentioned above are executed  Reviews investment plans of all products  Prepares continuation advise  Updates site with venture capital information  Updates site with Chamber of Commerce information, business plan contests, etc.

12 Arrangement of teams  Which horizontal?  Give your preferences Assignment: –Create a list of tasks for your horizontal –Discuss and report to CEO –Start executing the tasks

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