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Adverbs Mr. Cotton.

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Presentation on theme: "Adverbs Mr. Cotton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adverbs Mr. Cotton

2 Adverbs modify verbs adjectives adverbs

3 Adverbs answer these questions:
How? In what manner? Ex. Patiently, boldly, slowly, softly, enthusiastically When? Ex. Recently, later, finally, daily, again, formerly Where? Ex. Outside, here, down, forward, up, away To what extent? To what degree? Ex. Extremely, very, too, rarely, completely, frequently

4 Placement of adverbs in sentences
Adverbs can be placed before or after the verb that is modified When businesses knowingly deceive customers, they are violating ethical standards. Do not illegally copy paper or electronic documents.

5 Adverbs that modify adjectives are placed immediately before the adjective
The courtesy of greeting others within your own firm is universally acceptable in the US. In some countries, greetings are very expressive and elaborate. Downsizing is becoming an increasingly popular way for businesses to lower expenses.

6 We very precisely judged the commute time to our new client’s office.
Adverbs that modify other adverbs are placed immediately before the adverb being modified. We very precisely judged the commute time to our new client’s office. Ruby did extremely well.

7 Forming Adverbs Add ly to an adjective root to form the majority of adverbs Adjective Adverb cautious cautiously extreme extremely perfect perfectly skillful skillfully

8 Adjective Adverb busy busily easy easily heavy heavily merry merrily
Adverbs formed from adjectives ending in y Change the y to an i and add ly Adjective Adverb busy busily easy easily heavy heavily merry merrily

9 Adverbs formed from adjectives ending in ible or able Drop the final e on adjectives that end in able or ible before adding the y to form the adverb. Adjective Adverb forcible forcibly terrible terribly possible possibly

10 Common Adverbs that don’t end in ly
Again almost always Down far fast Hard more much Near now nowhere Often once sometimes Soon then there Too twice up

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