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A Healthier NC™ A Healthier NC “It’s All Up To You!” US! 1.

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Presentation on theme: "A Healthier NC™ A Healthier NC “It’s All Up To You!” US! 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Healthier NC™ A Healthier NC “It’s All Up To You!” US! 1

2 A Healthier NC™ 2 We are the Producers of NC SPIN Mission: To present balanced discussion about significant issues affecting the state and its people. History: - 15 Years & 760+ TV Broadcasts - Trusted and Respected for Balanced Voice - Unique Qualifications to Lead Debate Hall of Fame Broadcaster Former NC Deputy State Treasurer Virtual “Who’s Who” of NC Public Policy Experts About Us: North Carolina’s only independently owned and produced statewide public policy TV and radio program.

3 A Healthier NC™ 3 How Did We Get Here? Outcome: Health care and community leaders agreed – we should not let the dialogue stop here. Launch a public health education and engagement campaign to encourage healthier North Carolinians. NC Health Care 2012 Forum: Hosted by GSK, panel discussions moderated by NC SPIN that focused on key NC health care questions - What do we value most and on what can we agree? - What are the innovations, new ideas, best practices to consider? - Who’s responsible for health care and improved health?

4 A Healthier NC™ 4 NC Health Care: A State of Crisis? United Health Foundation – America’s Health Rankings 2012 Core Health Measurement Rankings: Obesity 34 Physical Inactivity 31 Lack of Health Insurance 42 Low Birthweight 44 Diabetes 42 Cardiovascular Deaths 32 Cancer Deaths 33 Premature Death 37 Infant Mortality 46 Most of these rankings can be improved through lifestyle modification – living healthier lives. A History of Bad Health: NC consistently ranks in bottom third nationally Rank 33 in 2012 / Rank 35 in 2011

5 A Healthier NC™ What is “A Healthier NC”? A Healthier NC is today’s Good Health Plan. In 1945, North Carolina Governor Mel Broughton spearheaded a statewide effort designed to relieve the acute shortage of doctors and nurses in North Carolina and improve the health of North Carolinians. Passing legislation to fund the effort required public support, so state leaders organized a public relations campaign for what they called The Good Health Plan. This campaign funded badly needed hospitals in underserved rural areas, adding 7,200 more hospital beds. It also served as a catalyst for the establishment of the first four-year, state- supported medical school and teaching hospital at UNC. Fast forward 60 years and North Carolina still ranks among the bottom third in state health rankings. Approximately 28 percent of our adult population is obese, 10 percent of our adult population is diabetic. North Carolina also ranks 11 th in the nation for childhood obesity, a disturbing indicator of future chronic disease. A Healthier NC was created with the purpose of addressing these and other NC health challenges as the Campaign for Good Health did in 1946. Everyone plays a role in shaping A Healthier NC. 1946 2012 5

6 A Healthier NC™ The purpose of A Healthier NC is to promote good health choices and available health care resources that foster healthier, happier lives and help control cost of health care. A Healthier NC is a statewide public health education campaign initiated by NC SPIN, North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, North Carolina Medical Society and other leading health care organizations. The intent of the campaign is to raise awareness and engage citizens around four key themes: -What does healthy mean? -What’s my responsibility for improved health? -What are smarter ways to access health care? -Get healthy with the A Healthier NC Challenge! A Healthier NC… It’s All Up To Us!  1 Million North Carolinians  15 Million Hours of Activity  10 Million Pounds Lost 6

7 A Healthier NC™ How does it work and what’s the goal? 7 Messaging and participation through community groups, businesses, schools and select media to promote: -FREE online health journaling tools -Health improvement content -NC health resources and events A Healthier NC Goal:  1 Million North Carolinians  15 Million Hours of Activity  10 Million Pounds Lost

8 A Healthier NC™ 8

9 9 Health improvement content, resources and events contributed by sponsors and partners, highlighting what’s working across the state.

10 A Healthier NC™ 10 Health improvement content, resources and events contributed by sponsors and partners, highlighting what’s working across the state.

11 A Healthier NC™ 11

12 A Healthier NC™ 12

13 A Healthier NC™ 13 FREE health journal tools track individual effort and results, while measuring North Carolina’s collective progress for improved health. Journal pages allow participants to: weight loss progress

14 A Healthier NC™ 14 FREE health journal tools track individual effort and results, while measuring North Carolina’s collective progress for improved health. Journal pages allow participants to: track physical activity

15 A Healthier NC™ 15 FREE health journal tools track individual effort and results, while measuring North Carolina’s collective progress for improved health. Journal pages allow participants to: track mental and environmental health factors

16 A Healthier NC™ 16 FREE health journal tools track individual effort and results, while measuring North Carolina’s collective progress for improved health. Journal pages allow participants to: food and caloric intake

17 A Healthier NC™ 17 FREE health journal tools track individual effort and results, while measuring North Carolina’s collective progress for improved health. Journal pages allow participants to: calculate body mass index (BMI)

18 A Healthier NC™ 18 FREE health journal tools track individual effort and results, while measuring North Carolina’s collective progress for improved health. Journal pages allow participants to: track other critical health characteristics “Know Your Numbers”

19 A Healthier NC™ 19 FREE health journal tools track individual effort and results, while measuring North Carolina’s collective progress for improved health. Journal pages allow participants to: run reports and chart your progress

20 A Healthier NC™ 20 My Account page allows participants to: share progress with an accountability partner--health care professional, co-worker, friend

21 A Healthier NC™ 21 A Healthier NC is for Groups Businesses, churches, clubs, schools— anywhere North Carolinians gather. Why form an AHNC Group Health experts agree, working to improve personal health with a partner or with a group often produces greater results than setting out on your own! Benefits of AHNC Groups FREE group management and health journaling tools make it possible encourage your group to make healthier lifestyle choices, eat better, move more, and modify behaviors that impact health. FREE tools make it possible to measure the outcomes of your group’s efforts!

22 A Healthier NC™ 22 My Account page allows participants to: form or join as many groups as desired group types include businesses, schools, churches, and other community groups members of groups contribute their activities, activity hours and outcomes to each of their groups, while also helping contribute to the broader AHNC Goal AHNC Groups

23 A Healthier NC™ 23 From “My Account” page, under the “My Groups” tab, you can join a group. search by “Group Type” search by “Group Name” Once you have joined, you can post messages to group track progress of group view all your groups via the “My Groups” tab on your “My Account” page

24 A Healthier NC™ 24 Select Group Type Select Visibility Level From “My Account” page, under the “My Groups” tab, you can “Create A Group”

25 A Healthier NC™ 25 Sample School Group Home Page

26 A Healthier NC™ 26 AHNC Group Admin Page

27 A Healthier NC™ 27 AHNC Group Admin Page

28 A Healthier NC™ 28 AHNC Group Admin Page

29 A Healthier NC™ 29 NC School Groups Where to Start: AHNC to work with DPI to set up a “Master Group” AHNC will set up School Groups by School District School Groups can be “Claimed” by each school - within each School Group, you can set up sub-groups - school groups can be public for parents and/or community members to join - Carolina Hurricanes are working on incentives for school group participation, others may be willing to follow their lead - official school launch based on calendar school year – August ‘13 Recommendations, Questions, Next Steps? Contact Todd Shamel (919) 832-1416

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