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Reid Horse Stables Presented by Elizabeth Estbergs.

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Presentation on theme: "Reid Horse Stables Presented by Elizabeth Estbergs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reid Horse Stables Presented by Elizabeth Estbergs

2 How do we know they existed? 1.Through ACT Government records 2.Through Canberra Times articles 3.Through published local histories 4.Through memorial plaques

3 1. ACT Government records  Where did the working horses live?  Who used the working horses?  What other uses were the stables put to?  When were the stables built?  Where were the stables?  Why did the stables close down?

4 Proposed stables  Stabling for business firms at City, Canberra, 1941  Extracted from file T.L. 5186 pt 1 Department of the Interior. Planning and Development Branch. Stabling Accommodation Reid

5 Stables in the ACT  Acton  Kingston  Reid

6 Reid 1915  Extracted from map: Dept of Home Affairs, Lands & Survey Branch Canberra 1915.  Yellow arrow points to St John’s Church.

7 Reid 1933  Extract from map compiled and drawn by Property & Survey Branch, Dept of the Interior Canberra 1933

8 Locality Plan Plan on file T.L. 5186 pt 1 Department of the Interior. Planning and Development Branch. Stabling Accommodation Reid Showing exact location of the stables (1956)

9 Plan Y 1942  Showing proposal for establishing of communal stabling.  Restrictions on the use of petrol is partly responsible for the demand  From file T.L. 5186 pt 1

10 Site Plan Reid Stables internal site plan on file T.L. 5186 pt 1 Department of the Interior. Planning and Development Branch. Stabling Accommodation Reid (1942)

11 2. Newspaper items

12 Newspaper items Acton stables were used by the government for a variety of purposes.

13 3. Published local histories  Foskett, Alan. You may have lived here for a while: a short history of Canberra’s hostels, guest houses and early hotels. Campbell, Alan Foskett, 2002  Foskett, Alan. Reid – house of fame; a history of one of Canberra’s most lived-in hostels 1947-1981. Campbell, Alan Foskett, 2000.

14 4. Plaque on Casino wall


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