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25 January 2013 Dr Ian Arnott UK Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) audit Audit of inpatients with ulcerative colitis 1st January 2013 – 31st December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "25 January 2013 Dr Ian Arnott UK Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) audit Audit of inpatients with ulcerative colitis 1st January 2013 – 31st December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 25 January 2013 Dr Ian Arnott UK Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) audit Audit of inpatients with ulcerative colitis 1st January 2013 – 31st December 2013

2 First thing you need to know This is a prospective audit of the inpatient care & experience of patients with ulcerative colitis. Data collection will run from: – 1 st January 2013 to 31 st Dec 2013

3 Important methodological changes Only data on patients admitted with ulcerative colitis (UC) will be collected Patients must be prospectively identified Please collect data on up to 50 patients admitted with ulcerative colitis. We appreciate you may not have this number of patients!

4 IBD audit – other elements Data collection for: – Biologics audit is on-going – Organisational audit will take place in February 2014.

5 Getting started 1.Go to the landing page: 2.Once on the landing page please click on ‘Inpatient care audit’ 3.This will take you to the web tool where you will need to login

6 Inclusion criteria for entering adult patients Patients who have been admitted for treatment or surgery for ulcerative colitis Include patients of any age if they are admitted under your service Patients that are admitted to your hospital for longer than 24 hours Include patients with multiple admissions during the audit period

7 Exclusion criteria If the primary reason for admission is not for treatment of UC A day case (for an infusion, endoscopy or day surgery procedure) If the patient stayed overnight but was discharged within 24 hours of admission

8 Prospective identification of cases We would like you to record up to 50 prospective cases in the year (although we realise you may not have that many cases). Once patients are identified, they should be registered on the system - remaining clinical details can be entered at the time of discharge. This is when the patient questionnaire will be generated and will need to be distributed to the patient.

9 Suggestions for identifying patients prospectively Plan in advance a robust system for case identification The IBD team should meet to agree a local plan Find a solution that works for you – the solution will be different in different hospitals. Be aware that patients with UC can be admitted from a number of different sources and can be cared for in many different wards. The audit is prospective and case id should not rely on ICD10 coding

10 Suggestions for identifying patients prospectively Possible solutions include: – Identifying a dedicated person who will search relevant ward areas and/or – Identifying a member of staff – who liaises with a linked staff on each ward and/or – Ask the IBD nurse to record patients admitted onto the web tool, involve the junior doctor – Display the posters for patients and staff

11 Patient experience questionnaires The first patient questionnaire should be included in the discharge pack with the freepost envelope. If this is not possible it can be either posted or emailed to the patient. The IBD team should encourage the patient to complete and return the questionnaire. A second questionnaire should be sent to the patient no sooner than two weeks after the first questionnaire.

12 Suggestions for distributing questionnaires Both questionnaires are printed when the patient is discharged. One questionnaire is included in the discharge pack and the other given to secretary or a named staff member to send out two weeks after the first questionnaire has been given. Or The web tool will notify when second questionnaires need to be sent out. The person entering the data will need to look out for when this happens.

13 Cross reference codes When you click ‘generate inpatient questionnaire’ the cross reference code is automatically generated by the web tool. These cross reference codes are unique identifiers of the patient case – it is really important that the questionnaires are not photocopied and distributed to other patients.

14 Next dates for Webinars Due to the success of the webinars we held in 2012 we are planning to release further dates more information will be circulated in due course.

15 Supporting information Below is a list of supporting information. From the week beginning 17th December 2012 it will be possible to download these directly from the audit web tool. How to log in How to enter clinical data into the web tool How to complete inpatient experience questionnaires How to generate and distribute your patient questionnaires Help notes for adult sites Help notes for paediatric sites Hard copy of audit tool – adult sites Hard copy of audit tool – paediatric sites Frequently asked questions Round 4 flow chart Poster for patients, staff/ wards Quick guide paper and slide set

16 Any questions? Contact us: The UK IBD audit project team at or call 020 3075 1565 or 020 3075 1566

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