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1 Name: __________________________Day: ____Period: _____ HIV and AIDS.

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1 1 Name: __________________________Day: ____Period: _____ HIV and AIDS

2 2 General Information 1. AIDS is one of the most ______________________in human history. 2. More than _______________ ago, doctors in the United States identified the first cases of AIDS in________________________. Now there are an estimated ______________________ people living with HIV or AIDS worldwide, and more than _____________________ every year from AIDS-related illnesses. 3. AIDS is caused by the _______________________________ HIV affects the __________________in your body. A healthy body is equipped with _______________ lymphocyte cells (CD4 cells). These cells help the immune system function normally and fight off certain kinds of infections. They do this by acting as ____________________ to other types of immune system cells, telling them to become active and fight against an invading germ.

3 3 1.HIV attaches to these CD4 cells,___________________, and uses them as a place to multiply. In doing so, the virus _______________ the ability of the infected cells to do their job in the immune system. The body then __________ the ability to fight many infections. General Information (continued) 3. There is still ________________ for HIV and AIDS. However, medical experts have been able to develop __________ to inhibit it (meaning they interfere with its growth). These drugs have been successful in _________________________________ of the disease, and people with the disease now live much longer. 2. People with _______ begin to get serious ___________ that they normally wouldn't — that is, they become_____________________. The name for this condition is_________________________________________________

4 4 How does a Person become Infected with HIV/AIDS? 1.Hundreds of __________teens become infected with HIV _______________. HIV can be ___________ from an infected person to another person through ___________________________________________ 2. The virus is spread through ___________________ including: a. ___________("unprotected" means not using a condom) b. _____________(including needles used for injecting drugs and those used for tattooing) HIV and AIDS cannot be spread if you….. Touch someone who has HIV or AIDS Share objects Use the same bathroom facilities Use the same sports equipment

5 5 How do People know they have HIV? 1. Once a person's blood __________ the number of CD4 cells required to fight infections, or the person has _________ of specific illnesses or diseases that occur in people with HIV infection, doctors make a___________________________. 2. Severe symptoms of HIV infection and AIDS _________________________________. And for years leading up to that, a person _____________have symptoms of AIDS. The amount of time it takes for symptoms of AIDS to appear ______ from person to person. Some people ______________________ for years while they are infected with HIV. It is still possible to infect others with HIV, even if the person with the virus has absolutely no symptoms. You ___________ simply by looking at someone whether he or she is infected.

6 6 Symptoms of AIDS 1. Extreme weakness or fatigue 2. Rapid weight loss 3. Frequent fevers that last for several weeks with no explanation 4. Heavy sweating at night 5.Swollen lymph glands 6.Minor infections that cause skin rashes and mouth sores 7.White spots in the mouth or throat 8.Chronic diarrhea 9.A cough that won't go away 10. Trouble remembering things

7 7 Preventing the Spread of HIV and AIDS 1. One of the reasons that HIV is so _________________ is that a person can have the virus for a long time___________________. That person can then ___________________________to others through high-risk behaviors. 2. HIV transmission can be _________________ by: a. abstaining from___________________ b. avoiding _________________________________ through which HIV is transmitted c. never_________________

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