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Programming in Rural Development 2007 - 2013 Jela Tvdonova NR 2007.

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1 Programming in Rural Development 2007 - 2013 Jela Tvdonova NR 2007

2 Heading - management and protection of natural resources The sustainable management and protection of natural resources covers following parts: Common agriculture policy CAP New Common Fishery Policy Rural Development Policy Environmental matters are also of great importance and the Commission suggests increasing funding in this area and developing an instrument which would allow strictly environmental measures to be taken ("Life+"). The Commission proposes simplifying the financing arrangements and structures of these policies.

3 3 Regulations and 3 Funds CAP: European Agriculture Guarantee Fund, EC Regulation 1290/2005 on the CAP implementation and financial instruments CFP: European Fishery Measures and EC Regulation 861/2006 for the implementation of the Common Fishery Policy in the areas of te Law of the Sea RDP: European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development, EC Regulation 1698/2005 on the implemntation of rural development policies

4 Funds 2000 - 20062007 - 2013 ObjectivesFinancial instruments ObjectivesFinancial instruments LEADER plusEAGGF Leader in mainstream p. EAFRD RDEAGGF – guarantee, guidance (accompaning measures) RD – outside Cohesion Policy CAPEAGGF - guarantee CAPEAF Fishery restructuring FIFGCommon Fishery PolicyEFF

5 Strategic guidelines for new RD policy The strategic approach European strategy for RD National strategic plans

6 Rural development and the EU’s overall aims Placing the CAP and rural development in context - Strong economic performance must go hand in hand with the sustainable use of natural resources. (residency Conclusions, European Council, Göteborg 2001 ) The New CAP is replacing the Old CAP. Improving international competitiveness Increasing market orientation through decoupling Bringing agricultural policy into line with consumer expectations Making the new CAP work for Lisbon

7 Priorities for Rural Development 2007 - 2013 Horizontal/cross cutting priorities (all axes): focus on the human capital aspect (knowledge, training, information and entrepreneurship) and on the participation of particular groups such as women and young/elderly people because of the specific role they can play in rural development; increased integration of rural areas into the Information Society (use of broadband technologies and ICT); improved governance (coherent programming, integrated approaches, integration of regional and sub- regional development strategies and in particular of the Leader approach in overall programming).

8 Priorities for Rural Development 2007 - 2013 Priorities linked to competitiveness (axis 1): knowledge transfer and innovation in the food chain, targeting in particular small and medium sized enterprises; priority sectors for capital investment in view of restructuring pressures, in particular in the new MS. Targets and indicators will need to be set for the agriculture and food sector to measure progress in increasing competitiveness and show the contribution of axis 1 to the Community Lisbon Action Programme.

9 Priorities for Rural Development 2007 - 2013 Priorities linked to environment/land management (axis 2): the conservation of natural resources and the protection of the environment in rural areas. This should also allow, through adequate land management, a contribution of agriculture and forestry to already agreed (international)/EU environmental strategies and legislation (Natura 2000, Water Framework Directive, Kyoto Protocol), relating in particular to biodiversity, water and climate change. Targets and indicators will be have to be set to measure how axis 2 contributes to halting biodiversity decline, achieving the WFD objectives and climate change mitigation (emission reduction, renewable resources, carbon sinks).

10 Priorities for Rural Development 2007 - 2013 Priorities linked to wider rural development (axis 3): creation of employment opportunities in the fields of diversification and quality of life. Targets and indicators will be have to be set to measure how axis 3 contributes to the Community Lisbon Action Programme in terms of jobs and participation rates through diversification and small scale infrastructure. A certain differentiation by type of rural area (peri-urban, intermediate, remote) will be needed in the light of their specific problems and opportunities.

11 Priorities for Rural Development 2007 - 2013 Priorities for Leader (axis 4): the above priorities adapted for local strategies and cooperation.

12 Objectives Support for rural development shall contribute to achieving the following objectives: (a) improving the competitiveness of agriculture and forestry by supporting restructuring, development and innovation; (b) improving the environment and the countryside by supporting land management; (c) improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging diversification of economic activity.

13 The EU rural development policy principles Complementarity RD policies (CAP II Pillar) accompany market and income support policies (CAP I Pillar), consistent with cohesion policies RD funds should not substitute national funds and private resources

14 The EU rural development policy Principles Partnership Programme priorities and eligibility criteria have to be developed in close consultation with => economic and social partners => regional and local authorities => civil society organisations The role of economic and social partners in the Programme Monitoring Committee

15 The EU approach to RD Institutional bodies involved: a.Programme Managing Authority (usually MoA) b.Programme Monitoring Committee (MoA, economic and social partners, other Ministries, Research Institutes, etc.) c.Paying Agency (implementing, monitoring, controlling) d.Sub-regional offices of PA e.Programme monitoring institutions (to be designed) f.Experts in sub-committees (e.g. linked to individual measures) g.Local authorities h.Programme evaluators (independent)

16 The EU approach to RD National Strategy Plan a.Evaluation of economic, social and environmental situation in the country b.Thematic and territorial priorities c.Description of RD programmes (incl. Budget) d.The means to ensure coordination of RD programme with other EU co-financed programmes and policies e.Description of arrangements for establishing the national rural network

17 The EU approach to RD Rural Development Programme a.Evaluation of economic, social and environmental situation in the country b.Justification of selected priorities c.Description of RD measures d.Financing plan (by measures) e.Description of monitoring and evaluation system f.Results of consultations with economic and social partners

18 The EU approach to RD Monitoring and Evaluation (ex-ante, mid- term, ex-post, on-going) –Agreement as to the objects and areas of an ongoing monitoring of programme performance; –Clear definition of monitoring indicators –Data to be collected to calculate above indicators; –Institution responsible for monitoring reports, description of applied indicators, etc. –Monitoring analysis; –Formal discussion of monitoring results; –Division of institutional responsibilities (data collection, data processing, data transfer, etc.).

19 RD Axes and Measures Axis 1: Improving competitiveness of farming, forestry, agri-food economy A minimum of 10% of the national envelope has to be spent on Axis 1. Measures: Measures aimed at promoting knowledge and improving human potential through: vocational training and information actions, including diffusion of scientific knowledge and innovative practises, for persons engaged in the agricultural,food and forestry sectors; setting up of young farmers; early retirement of farmers and farm workers; use of advisory services by farmers and forest holders; setting up of farm management, farm relief and farm advisory services, as well as of forestry advisory services; measures aimed at restructuring and developing physical

20 RD Axes and Measures Axis 1: Improving competitiveness of farming, forestry, agri-food economy A minimum of 10% of the national envelope has to be spent on Axis 1. Measures: Measures aimed at restructuring and developing physical potential and promoting innovation through: modernisation of agricultural holdings; cooperation for development of new products,processes and technologies in the agriculture and food sector and in the forestry sector; improving and developing infrastructure related to the development and adaptation of agriculture and forestry; restoring agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and introducing appropriate prevention actions;

21 RD Axes and Measures Axis 1: Improving competitiveness of farming, forestry, agri-food economy A minimum of 10% of the national envelope has to be spent on Axis 1. Measures: Measures aimed at improving the quality of agricultural production and products by: helping farmers to adapt to demanding standards based on Community legislation; supporting farmers who participate in food quality schemes; supporting producer groups for information and promotion activities for products under food quality schemes;

22 RD Axes and Measures Axis 1: Improving competitiveness of farming, forestry, agri-food economy A minimum of 10% of the national envelope has to be spent on Axis 1. Measures: Transitional measures for the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia concerning: supporting semi-subsistence agricultural holdings undergoing restructuring; supporting setting up of producer groups.

23 RD Axes and Measures Axis 2: Environment and countryside Agri-environmental measures remain compulsory. Beneficiaries must respect 19 obligatory EU environmental regulation and national mandatory requirements for agriculture (good agricultural practices – codex) A minimum of 25% of the national envelope has to be spent on Axis 2. Measures targeting the sustainable use of agriculturalland through: natural handicap payments to farmers in mountain areas; L 277/18 EN Official Journal of the European Union 21.10.2005 payments to farmers in areas with handicaps, other than mountain areas; Natura 2000 payments and payments linked to Directive 2000/60/EC; agri-environment payments; animal welfare payments; support for non-productive investments

24 RD Axes and Measures Axis 2: Environment and countryside Agri-environmental measures remain compulsory. Beneficiaries must respect 19 obligatory EU environmental regulation and national mandatory requirements for agriculture (good agricultural practices – codex) A minimum of 25% of the national envelope has to be spent on Axis 2. Measures targeting the sustainable use of forestry land through: first afforestation of agricultural land; first establishment of agroforestry systems on agricultural land; first afforestation of non-agricultural land; Natura 2000 payments; forest-environment payments; restoring forestry potential and introducing prevention actions; support for non-productive investments.

25 RD Axes and Measures Axis 3: Improving quality of life and diversification of the rural economy A minimum of 10% of the national envelope has to be spent on Axis 3. Measures: diversify the rural economy, comprising: diversification into non-agricultural activities, support for the creation and development of microenterprises with a view to promoting entrepreneurship and developing the economic fabric, encouragement of tourism activities; improve the quality of life in the rural areas, comprising: basic services for the economy and rural population, village renewal and development, conservation and upgrading of the rural heritage; training and information measure for economic actors operating in the fields covered by axis 3; skills-acquisition and animation measure with a view to preparing and implementing a local development strategy.

26 RD Axes and Measures Axis 4: the LEADER approach Each RD programme must have a LEADER element for the implementation of bottom-up local development strategies of local action groups. A minimum of 5%(2,5 for NMS) of national programme funding is compulsory for LEADER. Measures: The support granted under the Leader axis shall be for: implementing local development strategies as referred to in Article 62(1)(a), with a view to achieving the objectives of one or more of the three other axes defined in Sections 1, 2 and 3; implementing cooperation projects involving the objectives selected under point (a); running the local action group, acquiring skills and animating the territory as referred to in Article 59.

27 Unified system of programming, financing and monitoring EU Rural development fund 1.axis Competitiveness 2. axis Protection of environment + Land management 3. axis Quality of life + diversification “ LEADER” Axis Rural development 2007-2013

28 Thank you for your attention! Jela Tvrdonova k k 00421 915709531

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