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Science Review 500 400 300 200 100 Erosion Rocks & Minerals Matter Recycling Food Chains.

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2 Science Review

3 500 400 300 200 100 Erosion Rocks & Minerals Matter Recycling Food Chains

4 All nonliving and living things acting with each other. Examples are pond, forest, desert, and saltwater. Categories Food Chains 100 Points

5 Categories What is an ecosystem?

6 Food Chains 200 Points Examples of this are a rabbit has long ears to hear danger and an owl has big eyes to let in a lot of light. Categories

7 What are adaptations? Food Chains 200 Points

8 Food Chains 300 Points Mice eat grass, Snakes eat mice, hawks eat the snakes dead animals decompose and add nutrients to the grass. Categories

9 Food Chains 300 Points Categories What is a food chain?

10 A source of energy for most life on Earth. Categories Food Chains 400 Points

11 Categories What is the sun? Food Chains 400 Points

12 This animal eats only plants. Categories Food Chains 500 Points

13 Categories What is a herbivore? Food Chains 500 Points

14 A way of turning trash back into nature. Categories Recycling 100 Points

15 Categories What is composting?

16 Recycling 200 Points Making trash into something usable. Categories

17 What is recycling? Recycling 200 Points

18 Recycling 300 Points Useful materials that come from the Earth. Categories

19 Recycling 300 Points Categories What are natural resources?

20 Using natural resources in a way that does not waste them. Categories Recycling 400 Points

21 Categories What is conservation? Recycling 400 Points

22 The Three R’s that represent how to protect our natural Resources. Categories Recycling 500 Points

23 Categories What is reduce reuse recycle? Recycling 500 Points

24 Anything that takes up space and has mass. Categories Matter 100 Points

25 Categories What is matter?

26 Matter 200 Points The two properties of matter. Categories

27 What are physical and chemical? Matter 200 Points

28 Matter 300 Points The property of matter that has definite shape and volume. Categories

29 Matter 300 Points Categories What is solid?

30 The property of matter that has definite volume but not a definite shape. Categories Matter 400 Points

31 Categories What is liquid? Matter 400 Points

32 Lights that shine in the night sky. Categories Matter 500 Points

33 Categories What are stars? Marriage Response 500 Points

34 When rocks are formed,rocks worn down, and formed again. Categories Rocks & Minerals 100 Points

35 Categories What is the rock cycle?

36 Rocks & Minerals 200 Points Earth’s three main types of rocks Categories

37 What are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic? Rocks & Minerals 200 Points

38 Rocks & Minerals 300 Points thousands or millions of years Categories

39 Rocks & Minerals 300 Points Categories What is the time it takes for the rock cycle (rocks to be formed or changed)

40 a mountain with an opening or vent Categories Rocks & Minerals 400 Points

41 Categories What is a volcano? Rocks & Minerals 400 Points

42 can destroy forests, bury fields, as well as build new land Categories Rocks & Minerals 500 Points

43 Categories What can a volcano do to Earth’s surface? Rocks & Minerals 500 Points

44 The process by which earth materials are broken down and moved from place to place. Categories Erosion 100 Points

45 Categories What is erosion?

46 Erosion 200 Points A huge mass of ice that moves very slowly over land. Categories

47 What is a glacier? Erosion 200 Points

48 Erosion 300 Points Rain, snow, sleet, or hail are forms of this. Categories

49 Erosion 300 Points Categories What is precipitation?

50 These protect sloped land from eroding. Categories Erosion 400 Points

51 Categories What are plants, trees, grass, and rocks? Erosion 400 Points

52 Land formed where a river deposits its sediment into a lake or ocean. Categories Erosion 500 Points

53 Categories What is a delta? Erosion 500 Points

54 Thank you for playing!

55 The Daily Double Categories

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