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Innovation in the Rural Development Networks Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development Matthias Langemeyer & Iman Boot.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation in the Rural Development Networks Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development Matthias Langemeyer & Iman Boot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation in the Rural Development Networks Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development Matthias Langemeyer & Iman Boot

2 2 Setting the frame 1. Presentation of legal framework Regulation (EU) N° 1305/2013 2. Governance, both national and European 3. Specific task of the NRNs 4. Networks at EU level 5. Innovation, getting started 1. Presentation of legal framework Regulation (EU) N° 1305/2013 2. Governance, both national and European 3. Specific task of the NRNs 4. Networks at EU level 5. Innovation, getting started

3 3 Europe 2020 Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Common Agricultural Policy Viable food production Sustainable management of natural resources and climate action Territorial balance and diversity of rural areas European Structural and Investment Funds 11 Thematic Objectives Horizon 2020 Agricultural research European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability Pillar 2: EU's rural development policy 6 Union priorities Pillar 1 The new CAP framework

4 Legal framework Rural Networks – EU level Regulation (EU) 1305/2013 Article 51 on technical assistance Article 52 ENRD (including Evaluation) Article 53 EIP Network Rural Development Basic Act Joint ENRD & EIP AGRI Net Organisational structure and operation of ENRD and of EIP Network – Commission Decision to come Implementing Rules Involve stakeholders Improve the quality of RDPs Inform on the benefits of RD policy Support the evaluation of RDPs ENRD Objectives

5 Legal framework National Rural Networks: Regulation (EU) 1305/2013 Article 51 on technical assistance Article 54 on national rural networks Article 66(1) i publicity and information Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 Article 5 Partnership principle Rural Development Basic Act & Common Provisions Based on: Art 54(4): Establishment and operation for NRNs & Art 66(1) i: Publicity and information Establishment & operation of NRNs + content of NRN programmes Implementing Act Guidance fiche on NRNs for Managing Authorities on the ENRD website Further guidance will be on the ENRD website Commission Guidance

6 The Networks at EU level operate under a single governance structure (Principles). Ensuring coordination and synergies: same legal basis and basic structures for 2 networks functions (ENRD, EIP) Broad inclusiveness: The core group: a network assembly should include all main RD stakeholders, including research institutes and advisory services. Flexibility and better targeting: there should be more possibilities to form different sub-groups (e.g. for Leader, evaluation, innovation etc.) with different focus. The steering of the networks should be separated from the content driven groups. 6 Governance

7 7 Single governance structure

8 Objectives and tasks of the NRNs 8 Objectives/ Tasks Involve stake- holders Improve the quality of RDP implementation Inform the broader public and potential beneficiaries Foster innovation Thematic and analytical exchanges between stakeholders, sharing and dissemination of findings Share and disseminate monitoring and evaluation findings Networking activities for advisors and innovation support services Collection of examples of projects covering all RDP priorities Training and networking activities for LAGS Publicity and information concerning the RDP, information and communication activities aimed at a broader public Participate in and contribute to the ENRD activities

9 ENRD Tasks Collect, analyse and disseminate information Support evaluation processes and data collection/management Collect, consolidate and disseminate good practices (including evaluation) Thematic work  exchange of expertise Information on developments in the rural areas in EU and 3 rd countries Meetings and seminars Capacity building and support to LAGs and NRNs Network at EU-level

10 Cooperation with ENRD and EIP:  Participation at meetings and exchanges at EU level,  Input into planning at EU level,  Providing examples of projects and good practices (relevant experiences) in the implementation of RD policy,  Providing information for network statistics,  Contribution to thematic work (both through providing content input and providing participants to meetings at EU or regional cluster level). NRN -> EU Networks

11 Links Rural Development Programmes

12 Innovation

13 Getting started - 1 13

14 14 Getting started - 2

15 15 Getting started - 3

16 Possible tasks NRNs - Innovation Information (helpdesk) and networking - EIP operational groups - LAGs - training - investment Cross border exchange of information Innovation Support Services Network (national level)

17 Links to EU networks Any question, remark on EIP, Horizon 2020, Innovation brokerage …. Contact EIP Service Point Any question on Leader, training …… Contact ENRD network When in doubt ….. Contact one and they will sort it out

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