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Jeopardy A?B?C?D?E? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: The main purpose of a plant’s flower is to produce fruit and seeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy A?B?C?D?E? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: The main purpose of a plant’s flower is to produce fruit and seeds."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy A?B?C?D?E? $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: The main purpose of a plant’s flower is to produce fruit and seeds.

4 QUESTION What is: YESSIREEE! That is absolutely TRUE, TRUE, TRUE

5 ANSWER _______________ must be transferred before a flowering plant can produce seeds. (What word goes in the blank? Hint: it rhymes with “Colin”)

6 QUESTION What is: Pollen

7 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: When a bean seed germinates it is dormant. Germinate means to hold perfectly still and do absolutely nothing.

8 QUESTION What is: OH MY GOODNESS! THIS IS FALSE, FALSE FALSE! When a seed GERMINATES it produces a root that pushes through the seed coat and grows downward! It is NOT dormant.

9 ANSWER This is the reason why we had October 11, 2010 off

10 QUESTION What is: Columbus Day!!

11 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: Animals help plants.

12 QUESTION What is: TRUE! I REALLY THINK SO. Can’t a plant seed get stuck on the fur of an animal? The animal does not stand still. Doesn’t it go to another place where the seed falls out of the fur into the soil?

13 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: Roots stop at all rock road blocks! Then they stop right there, dry up, and die.

14 QUESTION What is: NO WAY! THAT IS A FALSE STATEMENT! The root keeps growing by making its way around or alongside the object.

15 ANSWER This is why plants have leaves.

16 QUESTION What is: to produce food. Plants get their food from their leaves.

17 ANSWER This is the primary purpose of the plant’s roots

18 QUESTION What is: To absorb water.

19 ANSWER These are those bright yellow weeds that bloom in the spring and summer all over the yard. You can wish upon them once they are finished blooming.

20 QUESTION What are: dandelions (P.S. the leaves of the dandelion plant have jagged leaves, don’t they?)

21 ANSWER When a rabbit has a litter of baby bunnies (Ahhh…) the babies will look like their mother, BUT they may be different in this way.

22 QUESTION What is: The color of their fur.

23 ANSWER Wild baby animals are similar to their parents in the way they __________ (rhymes with book)

24 QUESTION What is: LOOK.

25 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: The habit of barking to go outside is a trait of a dog that is inherited from its parents.

26 QUESTION What is: FALSE! NO WAY! FORGET THAT! The color of its fur may be inherited, but barking to go outside is NOT inherited.

27 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: Young animals learn many behaviors by watching their mothers.

28 QUESTION What is: TRUE! YUP, YUP, YUP. We all learn behaviors from our parents.

29 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: Sneezing is a learned behavior for a person.

30 QUESTION What is: NOPE! FALSE! There is no way my mother taught me how to sneeze! She taught me how to talk! But my body decided to sneeze all on its own!

31 ANSWER A bird building a nest is an example of an ________________.

32 QUESTION What is: Instinct. Turtles bury eggs, bears hibernate in winter. All INSTINCTS!

33 ANSWER This is the story we have been reading this week

34 QUESTION What is: What Jo Did

35 ANSWER This is the reason why some birds fly south or migrate in the fall.

36 QUESTION What is: to find food during the winter. It’s an instinct.

37 ANSWER Scientists classify animals into two large groups based on whether the animals have one of these

38 QUESTION What is: a backbone

39 ANSWER This animal has large, arm-like tentacles with stinging cells

40 QUESTION What is: a jellyfish

41 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: A snake has a backbone

42 QUESTION What is: ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Hard to believe, but YES! A snake has a backbone!

43 ANSWER A sponge is different from most animals because it does not do this

44 QUESTION What is: Move about; sponges hold perfectly still.

45 ANSWER This is one way that a bird differs from a reptile

46 QUESTION What is: A bird is warm-blooded and a reptile is cold-blooded.

47 ANSWER The way a living thing acts is called this

48 QUESTION What is: Its behavior

49 ANSWER This is a simple, automatic action that an animal does have to think about.

50 QUESTION What is: a reflex

51 ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE: Talking is a learned behavior for a person

52 What is: TRUE, TRUE, ABSOLUTELY TRUE! We were all taught how to talk!

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