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Meeting of the General Assembly of UEVP Brussels 11 November Jan Vaarten, FVE Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting of the General Assembly of UEVP Brussels 11 November Jan Vaarten, FVE Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting of the General Assembly of UEVP Brussels 11 November Jan Vaarten, FVE Executive Director

2 Animal Health Law  Public consultation is closed  Commission received > 150 comments has put everything together (available on SANCO Website)  Internal discussion in Commission still ongoing  Process is delayed

3 (strongly) agrees  Extension of requirements for professional qualifications for official and approved vets, incl CPD 80%  Minimum criteria for biosecurity measures on farms 76%  Surveillance needs to be improved 67%  Intra-Community Trade  Placing on the market 39% 46%  No difference for commercial and non-commercial holdings with possibilities for risk-based exemptions 74%  Simplification on current rules for I&R 74%  Convergence of EU legislation with international standards 82%

4 Categorisation of Disease Risks  EU Animal Health Strategy Pillar 1: prioritisation of EU intervention  EU Commission – and OIE – are working on a system to categorise animal related threats.  A weighing system is being worked out and tested for a number of selected diseases  The tool will be used to direct the strategy, not to decide on the strategy itself

5 TSE Road Map 2 ( Reflection Paper)  To continue the review of the measures while assuring a high level of food safety : Proportionality of the measures  Better targetting BSE surveillance activity For MSs demonstrating good epidemiological situation  SRM removal, Changes might be made on new scientific opinions In line with OIE rules  Lifting prohibition on feeding processed animal proteins  Systematic cohort culling

6 Trans Atlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance « TATFAR »  EU – US summit 3 Nov 2009  Goals: information exchange and better understanding of each others policies  Review of ongoing activities and suggestions for areas for collaboration  3 working groups  Appropriate therapeutic use  Prevention of resistance  Improve pipeline  Until now only officials involved : EFSA, ECDC, TRIO-presidency  Stakeholder meeting announced

7 Use of « Rural Development Fund » to enhance Animal Health and Welfare  Scottish Initiative co-funded through the Rural Development Fund  Based on Regulation (EC) No 1974/2006 of 15 December 2006 laying down detailed rules for the support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)  Some of the Drivers:  Have vets on the farms to implement diseases prevention  Implementation results of Welfare Quality  Data collection and benchmarking  So far Member States have not used the Rural Development Fund as they could  Good example for other Member States

8 DG Research 7 th Framework Program  Call for an European multi-disciplinary multi-sectorial inter- professional network : « Think tank »  Addressing zoonotic diseases transmitted via companion animals  Overview current situation and propose targetted actions  « Coordination and support Action » that cover not the research itself, but the coordination and networking of projects, programmes and policies  Created a very strong core group to write an application, incl FECAVA, WSAVA, IAHAIO, …  Deadline for submission is 25 january 2011

9 EU Veterinary Week 2010  Succesful  Again, good publicity for Veterinary Profession and FVE 2011  General Theme « Veterinarians in your daily life »  Conference on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 May  Crises management  Vaccination Policies  Involvement of Students  Evaluation of the road show

10 Vet 2011 World Veterinary Year  the 250th world anniversary of veterinary education.  the 250th world anniversary of the veterinary profession  the 250th anniversary of the concept of comparative pathobiology The major events of World Veterinary Year  24 January 2011: official Opening Ceremony, Versailles - France  12 - 16 May 2011 : World conference on veterinary education Lyon - France  10 - 14 Oct. 2011 : Closing Ceremony, Cape Town - South Africa

11 Comitology  Basic Legislative Acts can delegate powers to the Committees  Simpler and faster procedure in general for used to fil in technical details  Lisbon Treaty has changed procedure  Applicable to Basic Acts that entered into force after Treaty difference between  Delegated Acts (art 290) which supplement or amend non essential parts of the basic act, control of EP/Council  Implementing Acts (art 291) for uniform implementation

12 Thank you for your attention!

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