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Presentation on theme: " E-NIGERIA CONFERENCE 28-30 June, Abuja, Nigeria MDGs, ICTs & Rural Development Aida Opoku-Mensah Officer-In-Charge, DISD/ECA."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-NIGERIA CONFERENCE 28-30 June, Abuja, Nigeria MDGs, ICTs & Rural Development Aida Opoku-Mensah Officer-In-Charge, DISD/ECA

2 Presentation outline  Overview  Background to ECA’s work - The African Information Society Initiative (AISI)  MDGs & AISI Objectives  ICT + Rural Development – Impact on MDGs  The NICI Policy Process  VICI - Ghana  Challenges  Conclusions

3 Overview Presentation is against backdrop of:  MDG Summit, September/NY (ICTs an important component)  WSIS 2, Tunis (African Regional Action Plan)  Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) in African countries address MDGs – revision to include ICTs  Integration of MDGs, PRS and AISI objectives (e-policies/integration of PRSs, MDGs)

4 Background What is AISI?  a vision for ICT development in Africa  an implementation process, with evaluation of results & impact (Policy)  series of sector applications defined according to Africa’s priorities (Info+Knowledge)  a tool where synergies are created through open partnerships + outreach

5 MDGs & AISI Objectives MDGs AISI Objectives 1. eradicate extreme poverty and hunger food security related objectives – agriculture, commerce/trade/rural dev. 2. achieve universal primary education education 3. promote gender equality and empower women gender and development 4. reduce child mortalityhealth 5. improve maternal healthhealth 6. combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases health 7. ensure environmental sustainability man-made crises and natural disasters

6 MDGs & AISI Objectives MDG 8: develop global collaboration for development one of AISI recommendations

7 ICTs + Rural Development = MDGs? ICTs + Rural Dev. Impact ICTs in rural economy Economic empowerment (m-commerce, e- commerce, trade in ICT services, access to markets (agric produce, and handicrafts, increase livelihoods), particularly for women. Addresses MDG 1 ICTs in rural education Access to education by rural children through ICTs; knowledge equity on technology (knowledge deficit in rural areas) Addresses MDG 2 ICT & Rural Women Rural women have limited access to technology and can benefit from ICTs for economic empowerment and education. Addresses MDG 3

8 ICTs + Rural Development = MDGs? ICTs + Rural Dev. Impact ICT in Health Facilitates access to healthcare, diagnosis, health management, tracking for epidemics and disease control, etc. Addresses MDG 4, 5,6 ICTs + Natural Resource management Greater opportunities for better management of community resources also avoid environmental degradation and natural disasters using GIS tools. Addresses MDG 7

9 NICI Process  NICI Vision: To leverage the benefits of ICT for a people-centered, free market based and export-oriented socio-economic development.  NICI Mission: To achieve higher growth rates in all spheres of socio-economic activities using ICT as a platform to implement applications and provide services.

10 NICI/e-strategies – Links to rural development and MDGs  NICI and Poverty Reduction Strategy -Need for mainstreaming ICT for Development in the PRSP processes -Need for strengthening pro-poor approach and linkages with MDGs in the NICI processes  New NICI countries established the linkages -Comoros: reflecting PRSP concerns in PRSP -The Gambia: PRSP focus areas integrated -Niger: HIV/AIDS = one of the key areas

11 The VICI as an ICT & rural development tool  VICI – Pilot in Ghana  Undertaken in collaboration with the University of Ghana in a village in the Eastern region of Ghana  It aimed to experiment the translation of Ghana NICI policy at the village level in support of the country’s decentralization process  E-readiness study undertaken and ICT needs identified  Village ICT policy developed to specifically address rural development issues

12 VICI Results



15 Promoting Rural Dev. & ICTs – The Challenges  Infrastructure – still very limited in many rural areas –addressed through: -stronger policy enforcements by Govts. (regulation/Universal access obligations) -Promoting greater connectivity & interoperability – physical infrastructure -More innovative PPPs for rolling out infrastructure -Strong political will and transformational policies and mindsets

16 Promoting Rural Dev. & ICTs – The Challenges  Investments – must be top priority: -Govts. must be willing to investment in rural development and introduction of ICTs not just lip service -Budget allocations should factor ICT for rural development -Need for strong ICT and Rural development lobbies.

17 Promoting Rural Dev. & ICTs – The Challenges  Policies (e.g NICIs) should focus more on rural development: -Many of the e-strategies focus on the national level hence the introduction of the VICI -NICI process should be decentralised within Govt. structures to include and involve local Govts. -Rural development needs have to be reflected more in policies

18 Promoting Rural Dev. & ICTs – The Challenges  Enhancing Govt services (e-Govt) will have to include Local Govt. (services to communities) -There will be need for local level partners -Capacity-building and awareness programmes must target local – government needs. -Need to reinforce governance with local government concerns -Finance for e-Local Government efforts

19 Promoting Rural Dev. & ICTs – The Challenges  E-Literacy in rural areas to prepare rural communities  Awareness raising efforts on impact of ICTs on rural livelihoods  Introduction of technology in education (national curricula and including rural schools)  Skills provides the basis for enterpreneurship in rural areas.

20 Promoting Rural Dev. & ICTs – The Challenges  Building e-rural entrepreneurs to sustain the rural e-economy  This should include the creation of business opportunities as the ICT businesses are all urban based  This opens up the rural economy and introduces new wealth creation opportunities especially for women and youth (in e- and m- commerce)  Can halt rural urban migration  Bolster informal private sector

21 Promoting Rural Dev. & ICTs – The Challenges  Greater involvement of communities in Government decentralisation efforts especially in areas of tourism/culture, government, natural resource management, etc.  An e-literate rural populace can ensure smooth decentralisation programmes  Widen the economic base of rural areas and enable the development of e-enterprises in tourism, culture etc

22 Thank You !

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