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Presentation on theme: "GUIDELINES “TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT” Nairobi, 26-28 January, 2005."— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose: –Opportunities and constrains –Way forward Presentation –General framework –Strategic vision –Conclusions THE URBAN SECTOR WITHIN EC DEVELOPMENT POLICY

3 Art.177 of Treaty : –Sustainable development –Integration in world economy –Fight against poverty GENERAL FRAMEWORK

4 Joint statement Council/Commission (2000) six priority areas: –Trade –Regional integration –Macro economic support, social sectors –Transport –Food, security and rural development –Capacity building, good governance New EU Development policy (2005) –Themes of co-operation- Spatial planning Rural, urban and local development GENERAL FRAMEWORK (CONT)

5 Definition of country/region strategies: –Multi annual programming (5years). Next cycle 2007-12. Negotiation starts in 2006 –Strategies based upon: PRSPs Dialogue Selection of focal sectors or themes (max. 2) –Country/Region strategy paper + indicative programme (CSP/RSP + NIP/RIP) GENERAL FRAMEWORK (CONT)

6 Opportunities for urban sector –Contributing to the objectives of the Treaty –Spatial planning: new theme under the revised EU Development policy –Presence of Urban Development in the international agenda –Reinforced collaboration with UN-Habitat –Sectoral guidelines will promote the sector –Role of National/Regional Authorities essential to raise urban development weight in portfolio GENERAL FRAMEWORK (end)

7 Actions in an urban environment: –Sub-sectoral –Horizontal programmes Urbs - Latin America Urbs - Asia Supporting city-to-city co-operation (networking, information exchange, best practice dissemination) Others presented to you these days STRATEGIC VISION: INTRODUCTION (I)

8 Need to establish a sectoral framework: –To reinforce coherence and impact –To facilitate the sectoral dialogue Methodological guidelines: sustainable urban development STRATEGIC VISION: INTRODUCTION (II)

9 Purpose and structure of « guidelines » –Reference document for i) defining urban strategy ii) helping project management –Four parts: Approach Application to project cycle management Urban questions Toolkit METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES (I)

10 Target group : –EC staff – HQ and Delegations –Authorities, professionals, other –Other agencies and organisations Reference manual –Urban issues –Key elements and links METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES (II)

11 PART I. APPROACHPART I. APPROACH –Specificities of urban sector (multi-sector, multi-discipline) –Two pillars + Five horizontal elements to ensure sustainability : Good governance--good management Supported—Sensitive—Synergistic—Significant—Sensible –Framing subsectoral actions within a global strategy METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES (III)

12 PART II. APPLICATION TO PCMPART II. APPLICATION TO PCM –Contributing to sustainable development. –Check-list for each step of PC Coherence with two pillars Taking into account the five horizontal elements –Classification and indications Urban policy (urban development strategy) National strategy Good governance and good management Sectoral projects Decentralised co-operation METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES (IV)

13 PART III. Urban issuesPART III. Urban issues –Cross-cutting: poverty, environment, gender, awareness, capacity building, participation Links and considerations with regard to PCM –Sectoral actions: transport, water supply and sanitation, waste management, health, natural resources, employment, housing General remarks, links and PCM METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES (V)

14 PART IV. ANNEXES --- TOOLS –TOR – Urban sector profile study –TOR – Pre-feasibility study –TOR – Feasibility study –TOR - Evaluation –Link analysis –Local Agenda 21 –Environmental Impact Assessment METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES (VI)

15 Opportunities for the urban sector –Increased concern among the international community –Presence in the global agenda –New EU development policy –Next programming exercise starting in 2006 –Reinforced cooperation with UN-Habitat Adoption of an integrated approach to: –Ensure coherence, collaboration with other actors and greater impact –Facilitate dialogue and promote the sector –Raise awareness of partner countries CONCLUSIONS

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