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Migration and Urbanization. Garissa County Urbanisation in Garissa County Guided by: The Growth Centres Strategy  Development of rural-based market.

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Presentation on theme: "Migration and Urbanization. Garissa County Urbanisation in Garissa County Guided by: The Growth Centres Strategy  Development of rural-based market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migration and Urbanization

2 Garissa County

3 Urbanisation in Garissa County Guided by: The Growth Centres Strategy  Development of rural-based market centres  Upgrading of local administrative and commercial centres from townships to urban centres/county councils to municipal councils. HOWEVER ….future development of these centres is based on:  the continued improvement of their infrastructure

4 Urbanisation and Development Any current guide?  Vision 2030: Kenya Strategy for Development  Urbanisation is KEY in the Social Pillar.

5 Guiding Development Strategies 1963 -1983: Centralised development strategy. 1983: District Focus for Rural Development strategy. 2010 (August): Promulgation of New Constitution ….Devolved Governance …decentralising development strategy. THUS: Urban development ---National/County Level.

6 Garissa’s Urbanisation Trend

7 Why Urbanisation? Development: Associated with urbanization. NOTE:  ALL rich countries are urban countries.  No country has ever reached high income levels with low urbanization. No country has ever reached high income levels with low urbanization Urban Centres: Allow for innovation and goods produced in larger quantity and more cheaply.

8 Effects of Unplanned Urbanisation  Municipalities/town/urban councils: failed to keep pace with rapid urban population growth. THUS!  Pressure on existing resources (infrastructure and services).  Increase in informal settlements (i.e. Urban slums).  Urban poor: 55% (59,237 persons).

9 Recommendation County Government and Partners should hasten:  the development of the county migration and urban development policies.  the development and implementation of urban development plans.

10 Aspired Current Status Two sides of Urbanisation

11 Planning for Development

12 Garissa …!

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