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Ondina da Barca Vieira On behalf of Mozambique Team Quito, 24 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Ondina da Barca Vieira On behalf of Mozambique Team Quito, 24 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ondina da Barca Vieira On behalf of Mozambique Team Quito, 24 March 2010

2 Outline I. An overview of the legal institutional framework for Gender Equality in Mozambique II. Progress on Implementation of National Commitments on Gender Equality in Mozambique III. Key Gender Issues to be Addressed by sector and sources of analysis IV. Measuring success under GRBIII

3 I. An overview of the legal & institutional framework for Gender Equality in Mozambique I. CEDAW since 1997 and Optional Protocol since 2007 II. Gender equality enshrined in the Constitution - economic, political and social rights (art. 35, 36) III. National Action Plan on Advancement of Women since 2002 IV. National Gender Policy and Implementation Strategy since 2006 V. New Family Law since 2004 VI. National Plan to Prevent and Combat to Violence against Women since 2008 VII. Gender Issues addressed in the Agenda 2025 VIII. Land (1997), Family (2004), Commercial Laws (2005) and Law Against Domestic Violence Against Women in 2009 IX. Gender inequalities recognized as one of the key determinants of poverty in Government 5 Year Plan and PRSP II since 2005 and priority issues identified X. Sector Gender Strategies developed since 2005 – education, agriculture, energy, health, interior, public sector… XI. Law on Local Level Organs 2004 - 30% minimum women seats in local consultative councils XII. Gender Machinery (Ministry of Women and Social Action – 2000; National Council on Advancement of Women – Gov &Civil Society since 2004 ) …

4 II. Progress Against implementation of Priority GE Commitments in Gov 5Year Plan 2005-2009 and PARPA – 2006-2009 1. Approval and implementation of gender policy and its strategy, institutionalization of gender units in all sectors at the central and provincial government levels, and training for the effective integration, implementation, and monitoring of gender issues in sectoral plans and budgets – status – limited 2. Integration of the gender dimension into national development policies, programs, and projects - limited 3. Revision of all legislation discriminatory against women women and adoption of new legislation, particularly against domestic violence, and the creation of conditions for their enforcement including service delivery – noticeable progress in approval of laws and less in implementation 4. Expansion of agricultural extension services in order to provide better support to the transfer of technologies, particularly in rural areas – noticeable progress 5. Integration of women into strategies for the development of small and medium-scale companies, including access to suitable credit and expansion of the labor-intensive fields of industry - limited

5 6. Identification and addressing of the gaps in sex disaggregated statistics collection and analysis to systematically inform policy making - some progress 7. Promotion of gender balance in leadership positions, and fostering the increased ability of women to assume those positions – best performing area 8. Implementation of actions intended to reduce the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among women and girls, including promotion of the role of men in this context – least performance area 9. Intensification of efforts to reduce gender disparities in basic, secondary, and tertiary education particularly in technical education - gender parity in basic education (enrolment); some progress in higher education and limited in technical education 10. Improve the coverage of water supply s and sanitation services in rural areas to reduce women and girls workload to better the chances in formal education and productive activities – limited progress

6 Main Reasons for the Mixed Progress Limited integration of the gender related actions in sector programming, plans, budgets and M&E frameworks at all levels Limited role of the gender machinery in national planning and budgeting processes Limited performance of the Gender Machinery in systematic progress monitoring both horizontal & vertical Consistent monitoring of progress took place within the context of the Performance Assessment Framework beyond the selected indicators

7 III. Key Gender Issues to be addressed by sectors at all levels under GRBIII and sources of analysis

8 1. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Education - Sexual abuse of girls in schools - Reduction of gender disparities at secondary level and technical education Government statistics & Information including MDG Reports PNAM & National Plan on Prevention and Combat to VAW Against Women CEDAW Concluding Remarks CSOs studies (FAWEMO) Assessment of the level of Implementation and Impact of Gender issues in PARPAII Joint Review Aide Memoires

9 2. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Agriculture Gender Disparities: - in access to extension services and new technologies by women - in service providers (extension workers) Government statistics & Information PNAM Joint Review Aide Memoires

10 3. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Rural Development - Gender disparities in representation in Local Level Councils - Gender disparities in access to financial services - Gender disparities in access to the District Development Focal (10) Government statistics & Information CEDAW concluding Remarks PNAM LOLE District Development Investment Funds rules and regulations Academia CSOs analysis on implementation/impact Joint Review Aide Memoires

11 4. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Health - Very limited service delivery for Women Victims of Violence at provincial and district levels ( about 50% women victims of violence) - Feminization of HIV&AIDS including gender disparities in access to treatment beyond maternal health care services Government statistics & Information including PES&BdPES CEDAW concluding remarks PNAM CSOs reports Joint Review Reports

12 5. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Employment - Gender disparities in formal employment particularly in urban areas (public and private sector); - Gender disparities in professional training (traditional versus non- traditional areas) Government statistics & Information including PES&BdPES CEDAW concluding remarks ILO Analysis PNAM

13 6. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Interior - Very limited service delivery for women victim of violence at provincial and district levels (20 special police stations and 11 sections in police stations in 2009) Government statistics & Information including PES&BdPES CEDAW concluding remarks PNAM CSO analysis – WLSA and FORUM Mulher

14 7. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Environment - Integration of the actions under the action plan on gender and climate changes into sector plans and budgets; Government statistics & Information including PES&BdPES CEDAW concluding remarks PNAM

15 8. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis All sectors - Weak integration of gender equality commitments in plans and budgets and monitoring frameworks Government PES&BdPES PNAM GDI Report Report on Level of Implementation and Impact of Gender issues in PARPAII Joint Review Aide Memoires

16 9. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis Academia - Institutionalization of capacity building on gender and gender responsive budgeting Government PES&BdPES PNAM GRB Evaluation Reports

17 10. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis MMAS/CNAM - Weak role in planning and budgeting processes and overall oversight of implementation of the gender equality commitments - Adequate continuous resource allocation to social protection programmes – cash transfers to HIV&AIDS care givers; cash for work programme – according to the JR aide Memoire 2009, the beneficiaries reduced from 279.800 to 152.763 in 2008 - No contribution to CSOs providing shelter to women victims of violence Government PES&BdPES PNAM CEDAW concluding remarks GDI Report Report on Level of Implementation and Impact of Gender issues in PARPAII Independent Reports Joint Review Aide Memoires

18 11. Sector/IssueSource of Analysis MPD/MF - Lack of institutionalization of Gender Responsive Planning, Budgeting and M&E Government PES&BdPES PNAM CEDAW concluding remarks GDI Report Report on Level of Implementation and Impact of Gender issues in PARPAII Joint Review Aide Memoires Mozambique key messages to CSW 2010

19 IV. Measuring Success & Methods How? Methods Gender equality commitments reflected in sector plans and changes in Budget system to capture allocations for gender equality commitments – mainstream and women specific Service availability and quality at local level Women´s access to economic opportunities at local level Changes in programmes/new programmes Studies and analysis – gender aware policy appraisals; sex disaggregated beneficiary assessments; citizen reports cards, MTEF, Gender Budget Statements/audit…; Annual Reviews)

20 … and Thank you so much for listening through!

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