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Physical Memory And Physical Addressing Chapter 10 1.

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1 Physical Memory And Physical Addressing Chapter 10 1

2 RAM Technologies RAM is used as primary memory in many computer systems, it provides random access, it can be updated and is volatile. The two technologies used to implement RAM are – SRAM (Static RAM) - DRAM (Dynamic RAM) 2

3 SRAM It is an extension of digital logic. SRAM uses a flip flop(4 to 6 transistors) to store a bit Very fast Consume a lot of power Larger than DRAM, so less density Typically used for memory applications that are small but fast. 3

4 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

5 DRAM DRAM use a capacitor to store a charge representing if it is set or cleared. Capacitors are smaller than flip flops, so it can be more densely packed Slower than Flip Flops Low cost, low power, high density(small package), high speed. DRAM has been the standard RAM used in all computers. DRAM can be found in every thing, from automobiles to automatic bread maker 5

6 Problems with DRAM There is problem with DRAM, the capacitors discharge and the bits become 0. DRAM contains extra circuit for refresh, refresh circuit. The circuit performs task of reading and then writing a bit back. The hardware must ensure that the value of a bit does not change between the read and write operation of the refresh circuit. 6

7 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

8 Illustration of a memory module with DRAM Chips DIMM Dual In Line Memory Module Type of popular RAM module 8

9 Measures Of Memory Technology The quantitative measures to assess memory technology are 1 - Density 2 - Latency And Cycle times (Speed) 9

10 1-Measures Of Memory Technology Chip Density: Each memory chip is a matrix of tiny cells. Each cell holds one bit of information. The Number of bits which can be held in a chip is defined as chip density. Higher density is desirable but chip require more power and generate more heat. Chip density is measured in megabits (Mbit). Ex: A 64Mbit chip has 64 million cells and is capable of holding 64 million bits of data In DRAM chips the density is expressed as the depth of the chip (in locations) x width of the chip (in bits) Ex: 4M x 16 = 64 Mbit ; 4 is depth of chip in millions of locations(rows) 16 is the width of the chip in bits(columns) 10

11 1-Measures Of Memory Technology(con’) CALCULATING THE CAPACITY OF A MODULE: A module consists of a group of chips Adding the capacities of all the chips on the module gives the total capacity of the module. The capacity of a module is described in megabytes Exercise: If I have a memory module with 8 DRAM Chips and the Chip Density is 64 Mbits, how much memory do I have. 11

12 1-Measures Of Memory Technology(con’) Sol: No. of DRAM chips in my module = 8 Density of each chip = 64 Mbit Capacity of the Module = 64 x 8 = 512Mbit Capacity is described in Megabytes(MB) 512Mbits = ------------------ = 64 MB Module 8 bits per byte 12

13 2-Measures of performance Speed : refers to how quickly the memory system can handle successive requests. The amount of time that RAM takes to write data or to read it when it receives a request from the processor is called the access time Access time consists of Latency and transfer time 13

14 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

15 HOW MEMORYWORKS WITH THE PROCESSOR Memory bus North Bridge & South Bridge 15

16 2-Measures of performance (cont’) Latency is the time elapses between a start of an operation and end of an operation. or The overhead of finding the right place for the memory access and preparing to access it. Transfer time is the time required between successive operations. Time taken for write operations might differ significantly from the time taken for read operations. Hence the engineers use two separate measures :the read cycle time (tRC) and write cycle time (tWC) 16

17 Types of RAM Asynchronous RAM : works with the system speed Synchronous RAM : works with the speed of the Processor. - SSRAM(synchronous static RAM) -SDRAM(synchronous dynamic RAM) 17

18 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

19 Types of RAM technologies mostly used FPM RAM obsolete SDRAM DDR SDRAM 19

20 SDRAM SDRAM: Synchronous DRAM (DRAM is asynchronous). SDRAM is designed to synchronize itself with the timing of the CPU. This enables the memory controller to know the exact clock cycle when the requested data will be ready, so the CPU no longer has to wait between memory accesses. The RAM speed had to match or exceed system speed or the computer would be unstable or would not wok at all. PC100 SDRAM runs at 100MHz, PC133 SDRAM runs at 133MHz. Common size on desktops: 168-pin DIMM 20

21 DDR SDRAM: Double data rate synchronous dynamic RAM DDR RAM was developed from SDRAM technology It doubles the throughput of SDRAM by making 2 processes for every clock cycle. Runs at 200, 266, 333 …. 600 MHz DDR RAM uses 184-pin DIMMs that are different from SDRAM DIMMs. They will not fit in the same socket. 21

22 Memory Access & Memory Bus Memory Bus: The Hardware connection between the processor and memory is called Memory bus or Front side bus. It is a parallel connection consisting of several wires. Each wire in the bus carry one bit of data. Parallel connection from a programmer’s point of view defines the memory transfer size i.e. the amount of data which can be read or written to a memory in a single operation. 22

23 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

24 MEMORY ADDRESSING The generic term for the smallest unit of memory that the CPU can read or write is cell Hardware-accessible units of memory larger than one cell are called words Currently (1998) the most common word sizes are 32 bits (4 bytes) and 64 bits (8 bytes) Hence two schemes to address memory are : - Byte addressing - Word Addressing 24

25 Byte Addressing Byte addressing refers to hardware architectures which support, accessing individual bytes of data Memory is organized as an array of bytes This scheme is convenient to the programmers, it helps to access small data items like characters. Each byte of memory is assigned an Address, byte address. It allow a programmer to read/write a single byte, hence the memory controller support byte transfer. 25

26 Word Addressing A block of N bits is grouped as a word, N is the memory transfer size or Word size. Memory is organized as an array of words. It denotes the number of bits that a CPU can process at one time. Each word of the physical memory is assigned a unique number known as the physical memory address. Every read/write operation applies to an entire word. This architectural approach is known as word addressing. 26

27 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

28 Word Size And Other Data Types When choosing the size of a word an architect has to consider two important criteria - the performance of the memory system - its cost. Performance: The word size should be able to accommodate common data values (integers), frequently used instructions. If for example a word size of 32 bits is chosen then the architect will make the standard integer and the single precision also occupy same place( since all parts of the system work together) 28

29 Word Size And Other Data Types (cont’) Cost: Bigger the word size higher the performance. But in contrast parallel hardware occupies more space and increases the cost. Thus the word size is chosen as a compromise between the performance and economic costs. 29

30 Byte Addressing With Word Transfers A memory system that offers Byte Addressing gives lower performance than word addressing. Thus the a memory system that combines both the approaches is devised. Controller accepts the byte addresses from the processor, reads the appropriate word and extracts the specified byte. 30

31 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 31

32 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

33 Using Powers Of Two Extra hardware (ALU) is required for performing a division or computing a reminder. Memory is organized as powers of 2. Hardware can perform the computations by extracting bits. N=2^2, offset can be computed by extracting two lower order bits and word address by extracting rest of the bits. 33

34 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

35 Byte Alignment And Programming Byte Alignment is the way data is arranged and accessed in computer memory. Ex. An integer value is aligned if the bytes for the integer correspond to a word else it is termed as unaligned. Unaligned access result in lower performance because the memory controller must perform two read operations to obtain the requested bytes. Thus organization of physical memory affects performance. Data padding or aligning data on boundaries that correspond to the physical word size can improve program performance. 35

36 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 36

37 Memory size and Address space Given a fixed Address size the amount of memory which can be addressed depends whether the processor uses byte addressing or word addressing. Further if word addressing is used the amount of memory depends on the word size. Ex: On a system with word addressing where 4 bytes= Word 32 bit value can hold address for 17,179,869,184 bytes which is four times as much as when using byte addressing. 37

38 Programming with Word Addressing Byte addressing provides convenient interface to the programmers, does not maximize the memory size Word Addressing provides access to maximum amount of memory for a given address size. In a processor which uses word addressing. Software acts as a controller. Software reads/writes a byte by locating the appropriate word. The performance of the software is optimized by performing logical shifts and bit masking on an address rather than division or reminder computation. 38

39 Pointers And Data Structures The C programming language has a heritage for both byte and word addressing. An Example of byte pointer declaration char *cptr; The statement declares variable cptr to be a pointer to a character (byte in memory) An Example of word pointer declaration int *iptr; The statement declares variable iptr to be a pointer to an integer( word in the memory) If each integer contains four bytes, the autoincrement statement iptr++; This increments the value of iptr by four. Moves to the next word in memory. 39

40 Memory Dump Example of a linked list. Each pointer in the list corresponds to a memory address Head 192 200100 ^ 40

41 Memory Dump (cont’) Each node in the shown list contains : an integer count and a pointer to the next node on the list. In C, a node has the following Structure: struct node { int count; struct node *next; } Variable named Head is defined as head of the list: struct node *head; 41

42 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 42

43 Memory Dump (Cont’) In the above example the processor uses byte addressing. Grouping outputs into 4 byte units implies that the underlying word size is 4 bytes(32bits). Indirection & indirect operands: an instruction with an immediate operand value of 0x1be1f specifies indirection. The final operand value will be 6 according to the memory dump example. 43

44 Memory Banks And Interleaving Interleaving is another optimization technique used with physical memory systems. Like memory banks, high is performance achieved through hardware parallelism. The processor connects to multiple memory banks that each has its own controller. Higher performance results from simultaneous operation. The controller is designed so that all banks operate simultaneously. Interleaving is hidden from programmers. Programmer accesses contiguous bytes of memory(e.g. to fetch an integer), hardware automatically divides the request into the underlying memory modules. N -way interleaving is used to describe the number of memory modules. 44

45 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 45

46 Content Addressable Memory CAM: This form of memory includes hardware for high speed searching. Each row which is used to store an item is called a slot. The memory is organized as a two dimensional array A processor specifies a search key which the CAM hardware compares against each slot. A search key is same as the size of a slot. The CAM hardware compares the key with each slot. Hence finds an exact match. All the slots operate in parallel, hence time required to perform the search does not depend on the number of slots. CAM is used when look up speed is more important than cost. 46

47 From Essentials of Computer Architecture by Douglas E. Comer. ISBN 0131491792. © 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 47

48 Key Points Two aspects of physical memory: technology, Organization. Programmers find byte addressing convenient. Word addressing enhances performance. Memory controller translates byte address into word address. A memory dump shows the contents of memory along with the memory addresses of each location.muddassir Memory dump is used to relate data structures in a program to values in memory at run time. CAM combines memory technology and memory organization. CAM organizes memory as array of slots, provides high speed search. 48

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