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Presented by Wendy Caesar Gibbs, RD, CSR,LDN Registered Dietitian Board Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Wendy Caesar Gibbs, RD, CSR,LDN Registered Dietitian Board Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Wendy Caesar Gibbs, RD, CSR,LDN Registered Dietitian Board Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition





6 The food that we eat to nourish our bodies can be broken down into 3 essential building blocks. 1.Carbohydrates (Carbs) – the body’s quick energy source 2.Fats – the body’s energy storage and building block for the brain & nervess 3.Proteins – an essential building block for cells, organs, musclesProteins – an essential building block for cells, organs, muscles

7 Vitamins & Minerals Vitamins are substances made by plants or animals. Minerals are elements that come from the earth. Our bodies absorb these substances from the foods we eat and use them to maintain normal development and growth. Water Our bodies are made mostly of water and it needs to be replaced to make up for the amount that the body loses doing normal everyday functions





12 Does not take the Place of Measuring

13 Orange juice — ½ cup Fruit Group: counts as ½ cup fruit Juices are high in sugar. Only serve ½ cup (4 ounces) servings

14 Cut That Baked Potato Down to Size 1 medium potato (2.5-3 inch wide) = the size of a computer mouse That’s equal to 1 cup of vegetables.

15 Serve the Right Amount 1 portion of pasta, rice is ½ cup = ½ a baseball That's a 1-ounce serving of grains.

16 Trim Waffles Down to Size 1 portion of pancake or waffle = the size of a CD. That's a 1-ounce serving of grains.

17 Size Is Everything at the Bakery 1 small muffin = a tennis ball 1/2 a medium bagel = a hockey puck That's a 1-ounce serving of grains.

18 Watch Your Dairy Servings 1 portion of cheese = four dice That's a 1-cup serving of dairy.

19 How Much Meat Is Enough? A 3-ounce portion = a deck of cards or the palm of your hand (minus fingers) Lean protein in every meal -- like fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, beans -- can help with weight loss. But adults only need 5-6.5 ounces in a day. So an egg at breakfast or a handful of nuts as a snack (12 almonds, 24 pistachios, or 7 walnut halves) – leaves about 3 ounces for your main meal.

20 Baseball-Sized Broccoli and Berries 1 serving of fruits or veggies = 1 baseball or the size of your fist 1 cup of leafy greens = 2 tennis balls That's a 1-cup serving of fruits and vegetables. Healthy eating tips: Green, red, and orange foods have lots of nutrition: bBerries, red bell peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes. Dark greens are heart-healthy: spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, kale.

21 Go Slightly Nuts for Peanut Butter 1 portion or 2 tablespoons = a golf ball That's 2 one-ounce servings of protein.

22 It's Easy to Overdo Fats and Oils 1 teaspoon = a poker chip or a stack of four dimes That's 1 serving of fats and oils.

23 Have Just a Handful of Chips 1 ounce = 6 large tortilla chips, 20 potato chips, (150 calories) Contains 2 teaspoons of oil Chips tend to be chock-full of the nutrients we need to limit: fat, saturated fat, refined grains, and sodium. Healthy eating tip: Baked, multigrain, and vegetable chips -- like carrot and sweet potato -- have more nutrients and may have less fat.

24 Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish are usually located. Avoid the center aisles where junk foods lurk. Choose "real" foods, such as 100% fruit juice or 100% whole-grain items with as little processing and as few additives as possible. If you want more salt or sugar, add it yourself.. It is easier to avoid junk food if it is not in the house. Avoiding foods that contain more than five ingredients, artificial ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce


26 Encourage 6-8 cups daily. 1 Cup with all meals. 2-3 cups in between

27 Table Etiquette Eat with a fork Chew with mouth closed Don’t stuff mouth full of food Eat slowly. The meal should last at least 20 minutes Use a napkin Always say thank-you when served something. Shows appreciation.

28 Meal Preparation Involve the entire family in various tasks Setting the table Preparing all or portions of meal Opening packages Stirring, spreading. Pouring Measuring their portions Putting away food Cleaning up kitchen


30 Encourage community walks Use gyms in the complex Enroll in exercise class( aerobics, water aerobics, etc) Obtain authorization for Personal Trainer Utilize basketball courts

31 Questions????

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