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History of Computers Abacus Was invented approximately 3000 BC

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1 History of Computers Abacus Was invented approximately 3000 BC
Can do X, /, +, - Is still in use today in parts of the world

2 History of Computers Napier’s Bones
Was invented in 1500’s by John Napier Can do X, /, +, - Is able to do multiplication much faster than abacus How it Works

3 History of Computers Pascaline Was invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642
Can do X, /, +, - Wasn’t reliable as the position of the machine could cause the gears to move and change the result of a calculation

4 History of Computers Difference Engine
Was invented in by Charles Babbage Would able to do +, -, X, / as well as solve polynomial calculations and logarithms Only built a portion of it before Babbage he could build one that would be programmable…the analytical engine How it Works How it Works II

5 History of Computers Analytical Engine
Charles Babbage began working on it in 1848 Was designed to perform any kind of mathematical calculation because it would be programmable! (punch cards) Was never built by Babbage because of disagreements he had with the parts manufacturers and he ran out of money. This was the worlds first truly programmable device, and therefore the world’s first true computer Charles Babbage began working on it in 1848 It was built in the 1980’s by the University of Cambridge and worked as intended

6 History of Computers Tabulating Machine
Was invented by Herman Hollerith for the 1904 US Census Uses punch cards to program. Used mainly for payroll calculations. Hollerith sold his machine to IBM. IBM produced and sold thousands of this machine

7 History of Computers MARK 1
Developed in 1942 by Harvard University and IBM to calculate firing trajectories for artillery shells It was a fully programmable that used punched tape to store and retrieve instructions and data The world’s first computer that used electronic relays for switches. It was not completely electronic. Worked continuously for 15 years before it was decommissioned. A moth got caught in one of the relays of this machine causing it to fail. When found the term “The program has a bug” was coined.

8 History of Computers MARK 1 cont. Was 8 feet tall and 51 feet long.
It could store 72 numbers in memory, perform addition of 23 digit numbers in a fraction of a second. It could perform x, / of 23 digit numbers in a few seconds

9 History of Computers ENIAC
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator First programmable, fully electronic computer built by University of Pennsylvania and IBM in 1946 Was programmed by re-wiring the front panel (shown in picture) and stored data on punch cards Used over 18, 000 tubes which generated a lot of heat and often burnt out Was over 2000 times faster than the MARK 1 Was also used by the military for artillery calculations Short History of ENIAC

10 History of Computers Colossus
Was invented in Britain in WWII under extreme secrecy. Was used in the “Ultra program’ . This was a super top secret endeavor to break German high level codes. The colossus was vital in successfully breaking many of the German Army and Navy codes. Churchill ordered it destroyed after the war so it couldn’t be copied and its existence could be denied. The Story

11 History of Computers Transistor
Was invented in 1948 by three scientists: Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley at Bell Labs. Was the first solid state (no moving parts) electronic switch! It was cheaper to make, lasted much longer, was much smaller, faster and generated much less heat than the vacuum tube. Was a true revolution in electronics The backbone of all electronic devices

12 History of Computers Transistor cont.

13 History of Computers Univac Was invented by Sperry - Rand
Used mainly vacuum tubes but had some transistors Was one of the first successful commercial computers Successfully predicted the outcome of the 1952 US presidential election Original Univac Commercial

14 History of Computers Integrated Circuit Was invented in 1972
Was the first device to incorporate thousands of transistors in a single wafer that could be soldered to a circuit board Vastly increased the speed of an electronic device Impact on Society

15 History of Computers Microprocessor Was invented in 1971 by Intel.
It was a special type of integrated circuit that contained the brains of the computer on a single chip All the vital computer processing operations were integrated onto a single chip which made the computer extremely fast, and much cheaper to make

16 History of Computers Microprocessor
The number of transistors on a chip can give a rough estimation of the speed and processing power of the computer. Today’s microprocessors can have over 2.5 billion transistors on a chip. The first Intel chip introduced in 1971 had 2300 transistors

17 History of Computers Apple IIe
Apple was founded by Stephen Wozniak and Stephen Jobs in Cupertino California in The Apple II e was made in 1983 It was the first “personal computer” that was affordable for the general public It launched the personal computer revolution Using an Apple II e

18 History of Computers Macintosh Was invented in 1984
It implemented the first GUI operating system, with a mouse Microsoft copied this type of operating system with “Windows” Apple Macintosh Superbowl Commercial

19 History of Computers IBM Pc
Came out soon after the Apple IIc and was developed with ‘off the shelf’ parts at IBM Was much less expensive but much harder to operate. It was not well received by consumers It did not have a GUI but had support of businesses PC Jr. Commercial

20 History of Computers Smartphone
The first smart phone came out in 1992 and was developed by IBM called ‘Simon’ It had a calendar, address book, calculator, service, and even a touch screen. Was too expensive to be a commercial success

21 History of Computers Tablets First developed by Microsoft in 2001
Had voice recognition and rotatable screen and used a pen Didn’t find much commercial success except in hospitals and factories

22 History of Computers Quantum Computer
Are currently being researched at universities around the world Hold the promise of potentially being 1000’s of times faster than the fastest computers today. Still in development

23 History of Computers Molecular Computer
Are currently being researched in universities around the world They are genetically designed computers using organic molecules. They will be like a ‘living’ computer Still in research

24 History of Computers State of the Art Honda's Asimo

25 History of Computers State of the Art Juggling Swarm Robot Helicopters

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