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Reactor Dosimetry News and Prospects Mladen Mitev BgNS Conference 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Reactor Dosimetry News and Prospects Mladen Mitev BgNS Conference 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reactor Dosimetry News and Prospects Mladen Mitev BgNS Conference 2014

2 International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry Organized every three years by The European Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry Europe, Africa, Asia (other), and Australia ASTM International Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications Americas, East and Southeast Asia, Israel

3 ISRD 15 Held in Aix-en-Provence, 18-23 May, 2014

4 Scientific program included following topics: Reactor surveillance and plant life management Nuclear data Neutron and gamma transport calculations and modelling Experimental techniques Benchmarks and intercomparisons Dosimetry for research reactors : MTR, ZPR, ADS, fusion... More than 150 participants from 30 countries 6 Workshops on Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd 2 poster sessions on Monday 19th and Wednesday 21 st

5 Reactor Surveillance and Plant Life In-vessel and ex-vessel dosimetry programs AGR dosimetry experience Fluence-to-dpa corelation attempts Core to vessel benchmark experiments CEA/ Cadarache FLUOLE Benchmark

6 Nuclear data Validation of the recently released International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF) in different fields Evaluation of the 93 Nb Reaction Cross-Section Analysis of induced gamma activation by D-T neutrons in selected fusion reactor relevant materials with EAF- 2010 and IRDFF-1.0

7 Dosimetry for research reactors Older dosimetry data reviewing and documenting Contribution of accelerator facilities to the reactor dosimetry Extensive dosimetry demand of BNCT recognized Advances in radiation heating measurements using calorimeters

8 Dosimetry for research reactors Two main fields of calorimeters application: Electronics Fusion technology like energy deposition in blanket, magnetic coil insulation, etc.

9 Neutron and gamma transport calculations and modelling Focussed on methods coupling, implementation of core techniques GEN 4 problems modelling: RPV damage Dose evaluations Tritium production

10 Neutron and gamma transport calculations and modelling The Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors Lead by Oak Ridge National Lab and funded by U.S. Department of Energy, with participation from laboratory, academic, and industry partners Established in July 2010 for the purpose of providing advanced modeling and simulation solutions for commercial nuclear reactors. Primary goal is to provide coupled, higher-fidelity, usable modeling and simulation capabilities, needed to address light water reactor (LWR) operational and safety performance-defining phenomena that are not yet able to be fully modeled taking a first-principles approach. TITAN as main computing power (almost 300 000 cores and almost 19 000 GPU accelerators) and F-5 Storm as interface system (Joel A. Kulesza, et. al.)

11 Thank you!

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