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Milk Market Situation Brussels, 21 October 2010. Market Situation, 21 October 20102 !!! Data from some Member States are confidential and are NOT included.

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Presentation on theme: "Milk Market Situation Brussels, 21 October 2010. Market Situation, 21 October 20102 !!! Data from some Member States are confidential and are NOT included."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milk Market Situation Brussels, 21 October 2010

2 Market Situation, 21 October 20102 !!! Data from some Member States are confidential and are NOT included in this table !!! EU Productions Source: MS’ communications to Eurostat

3 Market Situation, 21 October 20103 Source: MS’ communications to Eurostat

4 Market Situation, 21 October 20104 Sources : MS’ communications under reg. 562/2005 & 479/2010, LTO website

5 Market Situation, 21 October 20105 Source: MS’ communications under Reg. 479//2010 NB: The above national price averages are of mixed nature, some relate to standardised milk, others to milk with real fat and protein content, pending harmonisation under reg. 479/2010 August data not received from PT, replaced by DG Agri estimates / Agrimer estimate for FR

6 Market Situation, 21 October 20106 Source: MS’ communications under Regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010

7 Market Situation, 21 October 20107 Source: MS’ communications under reg. 479/2010

8 Market Situation, 21 October 20108 Comparison of EU weighted average SMP prices for food and feed purposes Source: MS’ communications under Regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010

9 Market Situation, 21 October 20109 Source: MS’ communications under Regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010

10 Market Situation, 21 October 201010 Source: MS’ communications under reg. 479/2010

11 Market Situation, 21 October 201011 Source: MS’ communications under reg. 562/2005 and 479/2010

12 Market Situation, 21 October 201012 Source: MS’ communications

13 Market Situation, 21 October 201013 Source: MS’ communications

14 Market Situation, 21 October 201014 Source: MS’ communications under Regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010

15 Market Situation, 21 October 201015 Source: MS’ communications under Regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010

16 Market Situation, 21 October 201016 Source: MS’ communications under Regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010

17 Market Situation, 21 October 201017

18 Market Situation, 21 October 201018

19 Market Situation, 21 October 201019 USD/EUR 1.3861 Source: European Central Bank

20 Market Situation, 21 October 201020 Source: MS’ communications under regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010 & USDA market news

21 Market Situation, 21 October 201021 Source: MS’ communications under regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010 & USDA market news

22 Market Situation, 21 October 201022 Source: MS’ communications under regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010 & USDA market news

23 Market Situation, 21 October 201023 Source: MS’ communications under regs. 562/2005 and 479/2010 & USDA market news

24 Market Situation, 21 October 201024

25 Market Situation, 21 October 201025

26 Market Situation, 21 October 201026

27 Market Situation, 21 October 201027

28 Market Situation, 21 October 201028

29 Market Situation, 21 October 201029

30 Market Situation, 21 October 201030

31 Market Situation, 21 October 201031

32 Market Situation, 21 October 201032

33 Market Situation, 21 October 201033

34 Market Situation, 21 October 201034

35 Market Situation, 21 October 201035 Anhydrous Milk Fat Source: graph based on information available on

36 Market Situation, 21 October 201036 Buttermilk Powder Source: graph based on information available on

37 Market Situation, 21 October 201037 Skimmed Milk Powder Source: graph based on information available on

38 Market Situation, 21 October 201038 Whole Milk Powder Source: graph based on information available on

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