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Hurricane Sandy: a complex storm of historic size

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1 Hurricane Sandy: a complex storm of historic size
Sandy’s Minimum Central Pressure: 940 (Irene: 951 (Lower is Stronger)) Sandy’s Hurricane Winds extended 90 miles Sandy’s Tropical Storm Winds extended 485 miles 1040 Mile Wind Diameter (Irene: 510 Mile)

2 A number of factors contributed to Sandy’s impact
An unusual set of atmospheric conditions steered Sandy west, where other storms typically head east… Hurricane Sandy was steered between a high pressure system in northern Canada and a low pressure trough over the Southeast US Coincided with high tides

3 Rising to the Challenge: Superstorm Sandy and the NYC Public Hospital System
Alan Aviles, President & CEO American Hospital Association – April 29, 2013

4 HHC: The Largest Municipal Healthcare System in the U.S.
1.4 million patients, including 475,000 uninsured NYC residents 11 acute care hospitals, 4 long-term care facilities, 6 diagnostic and treatment centers, and more than 70 community health centers 5 facilities located in flood zones; only one in lowest lying Flood Zone A Post-storm 2 hospitals fully evacuated, and one skilled nursing facility partially evacuated

5 Preparing for the Worst
3 days before: no elective admissions; cancellation of clinics/elective surgery Extra food and medical supplies Testing and topping generators Extra staffing and cots readied Precautionary patient transfers Command centers opened Staffing of OEM and Healthcare Evacuation Center Twice daily system-wide conference calls established Mobile emergency generators positioned

6 Storm Surge Not Forecast

7 NYC Impact The River in the Basement Produced by HHC – March 2013

8 NYC Impact (10/28-10/29) Seawalls breached, flooding to large sections of lower Manhattan Power lost below 33rd Street, including HHC Central Office and administrative facilities Coastal sections of Brooklyn and Staten Island flood Severe devastation by both fire and flood to Queens beach communities Subways and road tunnels flood 13-foot storm surge occurs Full moon/high tide coincide Wind shifts

9 NYC Devastation

10 NYC Devastation

11 NYC Devastation

12 NYC Devastation

13 NYC Devastation

14 Flood Zones 100 and 500-Year Flood Zone (FEMA 1983)
The combination of the precise hour at which Sandy’s surge arrived and the normal tidal cycle increased the storm’s impact on certain areas… There is a difference in the tidal cycle between the Sound and Ocean The arrival of Sandy’s storm surge largely coincided with high tide on the Ocean

15 Actual Flooding The combination of the precise hour at which Sandy’s surge arrived and the normal tidal cycle increased the storm’s impact on certain areas… There is a difference in the tidal cycle between the Sound and Ocean The arrival of Sandy’s storm surge largely coincided with high tide on the Ocean

16 Flooding: HHC Facilities
Coler Actual Hurricane Sandy Flooding Area --Note the extensive flooding in NJ and LI, outside of NYC, where many of our employees live Bellevue Coney Island

17 Coney Island Hospital

18 Bellevue Hospital Center

19 Bellevue Loading Dock

20 Evacuation Down the Stairs

21 Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital

22 Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital
Loss of power and steam heat Basement floods Emergency generator fails More than 80 medically-vulnerable patients transferred across the island to Goldwater

23 Special Medical Needs Shelters
HHC provides care through 8 Special Medical Needs Shelters (SMNS)

24 Reinforced importance
Lessons Learned Preparation Communication Central Coordination New Issues when the emergency lasts longer: Provision of prescription medications to community Provision of dialysis services Provision of “walk-in” primary care Provision of mental health services Staff redeployment plans Electronic record access that follows the patient Supporting all staff Reinforced importance

25 Our people were awesome!

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