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Software from Science for Science Steven Newhouse, Director.

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1 Software from Science for Science Steven Newhouse, Director

2 © 2 Community Engagement July 2004: ‘The Roadtrip’ Functional Issues: Security, Running Jobs, Moving Data, … Autumn 2006: SUPER Study of User Priorities for e-Infrastructure for e-Research Non-functional issues: Meta-data, file management, VOs, … Support: Tools, services, training and consultancy Infrastructure: Authentication, software licensing and reliable consistent environments Good News: Problems have changed over two years! Bad News: Users are happier but not happy!

3 © 3 Providing Solutions Higher-level e-Infrastructure Services Scientists doing Science Lower-level e-Infrastructure Services Data Resources Bioinformatics Engineering Arts & Humanities Industrial Partners Compute Resources Communities High Energy Physics gLite (EGEE) GLOBUS TOOLKIT OMII-UK

4 © 4 Our Mission… OMII-UK aims to provide software and support to enable a sustained future for the UK e-Science community and its international collaborators Promote the use of good-quality open-source software Reduce the risk of moving to new e-infrastructure world Recognise distinct user communities: by domain and function

5 © 5 Manchester Southampton Edinburgh University of Manchester Electronics and Computer Science University of Edinburgh European Bioinformatics Institute The OMII-UK Partnership Cambridge Southampton: 14 FTEs Manchester: 9 FTEs Edinburgh: 8 FTEs Community: ~8 FTEs

6 © 6 OMII-UK in context Ad hoc e-Infrastructure services e-Science Users EPSRC ESRC STFC NERC BBSRC MRC AHRC e-Infrastructure Services to enable e-Science Globus, gLite, CROWN, NAREGI, Web Services,.. Higher-level services & tools National Grid Services Data Compute Bioinformatics Users Engineering Users Information Retrieval (JISC) Industrial Partners OMII-UK Services Organisation & Composition International Grid Providers

7 © 7 User Communities Applied Technology Specialists e-Infrastructure e-Researchers (domain & generic) Providers

8 © 8 Software for Science from Science Fund short-term open-source community development work Responsive mode ( Calls Accessing Grid from the Desktop Portets Support Grid API Support consolidation from one project to enable reuse in others (NB: Not research) Increase confidence & accelerate adoption of open-source software

9 © 9 e-Science Community Information about software that you have found useful Open Source Development Community Information about software that you are developing that others might use Contributing software into the Repository Open Source Developers funded by OMII-UK in the community Website & Wiki Software Repository Software Catalogue Register a software project or activity Website Interactions

10 © 10 OMII-UK User Community Download individual software components directly from repository OMII-UK Software Release Software components integrated and tested to form the OMII-UK software release - Applied Domain Researchers TechnologistsProviders Information about the community Advice & consultancy Community forums & feedback Support & Training Partnerships to provide software Website & Wiki Software Repository Software Catalogue

11 © 11 Scientists using software Obtaining OMII-UK Software Components Direct from the development team NeSCForge, SourceForge, project website From the OMII-UK repository Component release contributed by the developers From the OMII-UK release Integrated and quality assured collection of many software components Installation wizards to ‘expert’ or ‘typical’ installs Support and training around these components

12 © 12 Mature Software Components Secure web services hosting environment (Tomcat, Axis, …) Composing workflows across secured resources (Taverna) Web service to integrating heterogeneous data resources (OGSA-DAI) Web service for jobs submission and job monitoring (GridSAM) Registry for service publishing, discovery & annotation (Grimoires) Additional functionality to support OGSA-DAI & Taverna EGEE performance testing Supporting scientific workflows through web services (BPEL) Integration of open-source components, training & support

13 © 13 Running Projects Collecting & publishing resource details in a registry (Open Grid Manager) Monitoring and reporting of resources Lightweight probes recording data in Grimoires Authorisation Integration SAML 1 Assertion port-type Service PERMIS decision making engine Matchmaking and brokering across web services (Knoogle) Consume GridSAM, Grimoires, BPEL & Taverna Client & server for distributed visualisation (RAVE)

14 © 14 Completed projects Reliable Messaging (FIRMS) Implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging and WS- Reliability specifications Distributed Events (FINS) Implementatino of WS-Eventing Simplified lightweight interface to running applications (AHE) Uses WSRF::Lite to provide secure Perl WS Using BPEL to run simulation & visualisation applications through GridSAM (MANGO)

15 © 15 New Projects Programmatic Access to the Grid using SAGA (Simple API Grid Applications) C++ & Java implementation Use of OMII-UK and Globus middleware Command line and graphical desktop interface (OGRSH) Using OGF specifications: BES, ByteIO, Naming Integration of GridSAM with the PBS/Torque, LSF, gLite compute element and Microsoft’s CCS. Integration of the Basic Execution Service into the Condor client to form Condor-BES.

16 © 16 New Projects - Portlets Managing Shibboleth Authorisation (SPAM-GP) Portlet to specify attribute release policies Portlet to specify resource access policies E.g. portlets, web service, artefact, resource, … Artefact Sharing Framework (WHIP) Infrastructure to share artefacts Upload/download from desktop client Attach policy (Shibboleth) to govern access Instantiate by sharing different workflows

17 © 17 New Projects - Portlets Application Portlet Designer Application Designer to provide customised portlet interface to JSDL job submission Use of Artefact Sharing Framework to share designed portlets Authorised deployment and undeployment portlets National Grid Service (NGS) Jobs & Data Portlets Refactor the ‘new’ NGS portlets to use SAGA Integrate into OMII-UK portlet environment (GridSphere) Access Grid Client Portlet (applet & client) combination Manage (transparent) switching between uni/multi cast Effectively replace existing AG3 client app.

18 © 18 Summary What can you do to get involved? Let others know about your project Contribute a release of your software Join the beta-testing programme Download the complete software release or a component Release Timetable Development releases (3.3.x) Production release in April 2007 (3.4.0) More Information: Web: Contact: Mail:

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