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Ch. 13 Psychological Disorders. 1. Perspectives on Psychological Disorders Societal Does the behavior conform to existing social norms? Individual Personal.

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1 Ch. 13 Psychological Disorders

2 1. Perspectives on Psychological Disorders Societal Does the behavior conform to existing social norms? Individual Personal sense of well-being Happy, satisfied, peaceful Mental-health professional Personality Personal discomfort Life functioning Click here to view the Perspectives on Psychological Disorders table Click here to view the Perspectives on Psychological Disorders table

3 A.Historical Views of Psychological Disorders Supernatural view dominated early societies Mental hospitals used to be like prisons B.Theories of the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Psychological Disorders The Biological Model Physiological or biochemical basis

4 The Psychoanalytic Model Result of unconscious conflicts The Cognitive-Behavioral Model Result of learning maladaptive behaviors and belief The Diathesis-Stress Model & Systems Theory Diathesis-Stress - predisposition to disorder which is triggered by stress Systems Theory - Biopsychosocial Model risk factors combine to produce disorder

5 C.Classifying Psychological Disorders Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- IV) Used for insurance purposes Focuses on significant behavioral patterns Lists symptoms Criticism Disorders classified as diseases Many of the symptoms have nothing to do with mental illness Click here to view the Diagnostic Categories of DSM-IV table Click here to view the Diagnostic Categories of DSM-IV table D.The Prevalence of Psychological Disorders

6 2.Mood Disorders A. Depression - sadness, worthlessness Biological factors Psychological factors Arbitrary inference Selective abstraction Overgeneralization Magnification and minimization Major Depressive Disorder Video

7 Social factors Troubled-close relationships Depressed people evoke anxiety and hostility in others Vicious cycle

8 B. Mania Euphoria and extreme activity Bipolar disorder - alternating depression and mania

9 C. Causes of Mood Disorders Biological factors Twin studies Genetic and neurotransmitter problems Psychological factors Cognitive distortions Negative self-image Feelings of unworthiness

10 3.Anxiety Disorders A. Specific phobias - intense fear of specific situations or objects Social phobias - excessive fear of social situations Agoraphobic - intense fear of crowds and public places B. Panic disorder Intense terror without cause

11 C.Other Anxiety Disorders Generalized anxiety disorder - unfocused fears Obsessive-compulsive disorder - disturbing thoughts- rituals D.Causes of Anxiety Disorders Conditioning (e.g. dog bite) Not in control (e.g. high crime areas) Autonomic response influenced by genetics Displacement (e.g. fear of spouse)

12 4.Psychosomatic and Somatoform Disorders A. Psychosomatic Disorder Real illness with psychological causes such as stress or anxiety B. Somatoform Disorders Physical symptoms without physical cause C.Causes of Somatoform Disorders Freud- Traumatic experience in past Cognitive behavioral - Examine ways the behavior is being rewarded May be real physical illnesses that are misdiagnosed

13 5.Dissociative Disorders A. Dissociative Amnesia Flight and assumption of new identity B. Dissociative Identity Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder C. Depersonalization Disorder Person suddenly feels strangely changed or different D.Causes of Dissociative Disorders Unconscious processes May also include biological factors

14 6.Sexual Disorders A. Sexual Dysfunction Erectile disorder - inability to achieve or maintain an erection B. Paraphilias Fetishism Pedophilia C. Gender-Identity Disorders Involve desire to become a member of the other sex.

15 7.Personality Disorders A. Schizoid - inability to form social relationships B. Paranoid - very suspicious of others C. Dependent - inability to make decisions or act independently D. Avoidant - social anxiety leading to isolation

16 E. Narcissistic - grandiose sense of self-importance F. Borderline - instability in self-image, mood, relationships G. Antisocial - showing no sense of remorse H. Causes of Personality Disorders

17 8.Schizophrenic Disorders A.Hallucinations Sensory experiences without stimulation B.Delusions False beliefs

18 C.Types of Schizophrenic Disorders Disorganized schizophrenia Bizarre behavior Incoherent Catatonic schizophrenia Paranoid schizophrenia Schizophrenia Video D.Causes of Schizophrenia Biological predisposition may be inherited May be excessive dopamine May involve family relationships and social class

19 9.Childhood Disorders A. Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Psychostimulants Increases focus B. Autistic Disorder Fail to form attachments Raymond in Rain Man

20 10.Gender and Cultural Differences in Psychological Disorders A.Gender Differences More women are in treatment Men express more aggression Women more fearful, hopeless This is probably both biological and sociological B.Cultural Differences Many disorders occur only in particular cultural groups Prevalence of some disorders among males/females/children differs markedly by culture

21 End of Chapter

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