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Promotion and prevention related to mental health in student groups Hubert Kaszyński Jagiellonian University Sociology Institute, Adult Psychiatry Clinic.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotion and prevention related to mental health in student groups Hubert Kaszyński Jagiellonian University Sociology Institute, Adult Psychiatry Clinic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotion and prevention related to mental health in student groups Hubert Kaszyński Jagiellonian University Sociology Institute, Adult Psychiatry Clinic University Hospital Anna Liberadzka Otwórzcie Drzwi [Open the Door] Association

2 The fundamentals of prophylaxis in other medical fields are simple but with regard to mental health and mental health problems they are much more complicated. In most cases we do not know everything about the causes of illness but we can be sure they are of complex nature. Hence, all prevention programmes are very difficult. (Wciórka, 1999)

3 Difficulties in the recovery process: When the society in an open or concealed way deprives persons with mental health conditions of their right to live with dignity in a local community According to the 2008 survey conducted among Poles persons with mental illnesses are treated worse than others as regards their right to: find employment (80%) have their personal dignity respected (68%) receive education(65%)



6 In prophylactic activities we assume that direct contact with persons suffering from mental health illnesses is effective Educational meetings

7 How can we try to understand a person with a mental health condition?

8 Educational meetings as a method of prevention in providing mental health care : ‘first-hand knowledge’ as a paradigm of the modern social and health care policy; ‘patient as teacher’ – clinical experiences of teachers; ‘structured dialogue’ as a direction of contemporary studies on reducing the stigma.

9 Act on Providing Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (draft) Including disability in education on university level; Persons with different disabilities as consultants participating in classes

10 Attitude to persons with mental illnesses: 19962008 Friendly 73%65% Indifferent 18%26% Reluctant 5% Hard to say 4% (Wciórka, Wciórka, 2008)

11 2008 Attitude to persons with mental illnesses: 19962008 No contact Friendly 73%65%54% Indiffrent 18%26%33% Reluctant 5% 6% Hard to say 4% 7% (Wciórka, Wciórka, 2008)

12 2008 Attitude to persons with mental illnesses: 19962008 No contact Indirect contact Friendly 73%65%54%56% Indiffrent 18%26%33%37% Reluctant 5% 6%4% Hard to say 4% 7%3% (Wciórka, Wciórka, 2008)

13 2008 Attitude to persons with mental illnesses: 19962008 No contact Indirect contact Personal contact Friendly 73%65%54%56%72% Indifferent 18%26%33%37%21% Reluctant 5% 6%4%5% Hard to say 4% 7%3%2% (Wciórka, Wciórka, 2008)

14 Educational meetings respond to the need of establishing a meeting in which beneficiaries and students have the same rights, which helps emphasize the subjectivity of persons with mental health conditions and, in consequence, mitigate stereotypes and prejudices against them.

15 Otwórzcie Drzwi [Open the Door] Association ul. Czarnowiejska 13/8 30-054 Kraków tel. (12) 6330329

16 213 first year students of medicine at the Jagiellonian University Medical College took part in educational meetings organized in 2008/2009 academic year

17 51,1% 1.Definitely not1.Rather not1.I have no opinion 1.Rather yes1.Definitely yes 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.0 1. 1.22,8% 1.21,5% 1.4,6% 1.34,7% 1.16,4% 1.Mental illness is an embarrassment

18 After educational meetings 79% respondents experienced a positive change in their perception of persons with mental health conditions.

19 The most common responses concerned ‘normal’ functioning of ill persons, their self-reliance in performing every day activities (22.6%). It was also emphasised that ill persons may share their experiences with students and that students were surprised that the persons are aware of their illnesses (16.7%).

20 Through education to acceptance *** Promotion of social economy in Poland on the basis of PIW EQUAL experiences

21 148 students of the Jagiellonian University Sociology Institute (specializing in social work) and of the Pedagogical Institute (specializing in resocialization) took part in educational meetings. The most valuable response concerned the students’ own life experiences and problems.

22 Do you think that the training you have received enabled you to understand better a person suffering from a mental health condition?

23 Change of perception: My perception of a person with a metal health condition has changed. I understood that the popular stereotype is misleading. We should not generalize about these people but treat them as normal persons, have compassion for them, we should not turn our backs on them or avoid them but try to understand and help them.

24 Through education to acceptance *** Let’s talk about mental health conditions

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