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Tyler Ruby and Chris Coup.  To analyze and interpret deviance and social Control and how it has affected our society in recent years.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyler Ruby and Chris Coup.  To analyze and interpret deviance and social Control and how it has affected our society in recent years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyler Ruby and Chris Coup

2  To analyze and interpret deviance and social Control and how it has affected our society in recent years.

3  Refers to Any Action or Behavior That Differ from Cultural Norms Including Formally Enacted Rules.  Examples Include: Intelligence, Athlete, Ethnicity, Crime, and Fashion.

4  Every society decides what is deviance and what is not.  Functionalism: Each group enforces its norms among the members

5  Each group is dominated by a group of elite people.  Basic purpose is to maintain that power.  Society is groups that are controlled uneasily by this group of people

6  Inner and Outer controls help determine crime  Ex: Conscious, values, morals, integrity, police, family, and friends  These form a person’s self-control  Children who lack this are more likely to become criminals.

7  Meanings people derive from labels, symbols, and reactions.  Certain behaviors aren’t deviant unless society claims them to be deviant.  Powerful individuals impose the more significant labels

8  A learned phenomenon  People learned to be criminals by being associated with areas of high criminal activity  Crime is matter of the ordinary

9  Arises when social norms conflict or don’t exist  Kept from reaching a certain goal  “Make a Point”

10  Looking for answers within individuals  Something in their makeup forces them to become a deviant  Environmental factors encourage deviance

11  Focuses on inborn tendencies  1.) Intelligence- Usually low intelligence leads to crime  2.) The XYY theory- The extra Y chromosome leads to crime  3.) Body Type- the more bulk you are the more likely you are to commit a crime.

12  Abnormalities within the individual  Personality disorders  Bad experiences

13  Deviance clarifies moral boundaries and affirms norms  Deviance promotes social unity  Deviance promotes social change

14  Innovators: people who accept the goals of society (embezzlers and robbers)  Ritualism: Cling to conventional goals of conduct  Retreatism: Reject both cultural goals and institutionalized means of achieving them  Rebellion: Convinced that their society is corrupt

15  Power and Social inequality is the primary characteristic of a society  Those who sell labor, and those who buy labor  Marginal Working Class: People with few skills  Most likely to commit street crimes

16  Sanctions: Negative and Positive ◦ -Most negative are informal ◦ -Gossip, Glares Degradation Ceremonies: Designed to strip the individual of his or her identity in the group. Imprisonment

17  “The death penalty”  Up to the state whether to employ capital punishment  Financial costs tend to be higher  Blatant deterrent of crime  Typically supported by most religions

18  Deviance such as crime is considered a mental illness  Rape, murder, and robbery are seen as internal disorders  Usually depends on peoples experience in life, not mental illnesses

19  How do you feel deviance is brought about in society? ◦ - He really thinks that deviance is encouraged by the area that they live in. Their social environment gives them opportunities to commit deviance. Do you think that we do enough as a society to control deviance? - He thinks that we try to do the most we can. He hopes that we would use the death penalty a little more, but we need to make sure we are putting people in jail for credible crimes Have you ever been guilty of giving an informal reaction to someone violating a social norm? - Yes, he admits to laughing at people who just look absolutely ridiculous in public. I admit that I often laugh aloud with him.

20  WTcqNE& WTcqNE&feature=related

21  Theories of Deviance. 12 May 2009.  GORDON MARSHALL. "differential association." A Dictionary of Sociology. 1998. 12 May. 2009.differential association  Henslin, James. Sociology: A Down to Earth Perspective. 3. Needham Heights: A Pearson Education, 2001.  " Deviance (sociology)." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 13 May 2009, 21:09 UTC. 14 May 2009. ldid=289749757  Hughes, Michael. “The Nature of Deviance.” Online Learning Center. 11 May 2009.

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