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Perth W Australia RIMPA WA 2015 AGM 15 July 2015 Informing the Future : Frightening &/or Fantastic Annimac / Anni Macbeth Futurist &

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Presentation on theme: "Perth W Australia RIMPA WA 2015 AGM 15 July 2015 Informing the Future : Frightening &/or Fantastic Annimac / Anni Macbeth Futurist &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Perth W Australia RIMPA WA 2015 AGM 15 July 2015 Informing the Future : Frightening &/or Fantastic Annimac / Anni Macbeth Futurist & Trend Forecaster

2 2015annimac 2 Exponential speed of change

3 2015annimac 3 Unpredictable Severe Climate Change

4 2015annimac 4 P ositive proof of global warming

5 2015annimac 5 Population vs Resources One water tank Swimming pool 97% of water on Earth is undrinkable

6 2015annimac 6 Grounded Queue for petrol - California Peak Oil Oz 2000 Petroleum products: furniture textiles computers iphones pharmaceuticals clothing ….. Transport costs soar We are reliant on plastics

7 2015annimac 77 Technology

8 2015annimac 8 Technology in Oz Industry Biotech + Nanotech + IT convergence Big Data analytics Real Time Info Augmented Reality Cloud 3-4D Printing coming : Hologram wristband with full interconnectivity Data : 2020 = 10 x today 2025 = 100 x today

9 2015annimac 9 History or People or Technology Which has been Driving Change ? Which is Driving Change now ?

10 2015annimac 10 Baby Boomers 1945 -1960 55- 70 Gen X 1960 - 1975 40- 55 Gen Y 1975 - 1990 25- 40 Gen Z 1990 - 2005 10- 25 nb: approx Millennials

11 2015annimac 11 b 1990 - 2005 Now the Greatest Influencer Of Change art-a-Business-As-a- art-a-Business-As-a- Teenager “Always try to make a profit, but make friendly service and quality products your top priority first.”

12 2015annimac 12 Gen Z 10 - 25 Gen Y Millennials 25 - 40 Gen X 40 - 55 Baby Boomer 55 - 70 is diversecelebrates diversity accepts diversityassumes diversity realistoptimistic/ realist pragmatic/ practical pragmatic/ idealist self drivenself inventiveself involvedself expansive no rulesre write rulesdesire rulesreject rules uses/ignores institutions irrelevance of institutions mistrusts institutions topples institutions self made kidsnurtured kidslatchkey kidslaissez faire kids highest expectationhigh expectationno link between hard work & success freedom to seek to achieve making the futurefuture is openfuture is closingfuture is now egolesspersonalisation & customisation labels (as security)categorisation (mass) Generational Characteristics Now

13 2015annimac 13 2 billion enter workforce 2015 largest cohort group hyperconnected self motivated for usefulness sling shotting technologies Augmented Reality VR biotech live intelligent cities Digital in their DNA The Influencers Gen Z 1990 - 2005 10 - 25 Digital Integrators

14 2015annimac 14 v conservative v serious v ambitious v principled ignore obstacles live mobile interconnectivity network people personalised messaging reject idea of fixed place expect robotics / androids The Influencers

15 2015annimac 15

16 2015annimac 16 Key to thriving Relationships people to people people to networks people to social media people to technologies

17 2015annimac 17 Key to thriving Attitudes & Values Honesty no spin Integrity walk the talk Respect peoples + planet Responsibility personal + professional

18 2015annimac 18 GenZ Walking their Talk Examples Gift Economy give time, energy, & creativity away National Regifting Day (Dec in USA, Canada) Project Pay It Forward by Student Body of America Assoc education with a pay it forward concept Copyleft vs Copyright open sourcing, file sharing eg Linux, Napster, Wikipedia Give Away Shops, Swap Shops, Free Shops, Free Stores in 40+ countries Online World “ Always try to make a profit, but make friendly service and quality products your top priority first.” Cloud funding, crowd funding

19 2013annimac 19 Thank you contact me

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