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CS Dept, City Univ.1 Internet of Things: Doubts and Reality Xiaohua Jia Dept. of Computer Science City University of Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "CS Dept, City Univ.1 Internet of Things: Doubts and Reality Xiaohua Jia Dept. of Computer Science City University of Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS Dept, City Univ.1 Internet of Things: Doubts and Reality Xiaohua Jia Dept. of Computer Science City University of Hong Kong

2 CS Dept, City Univ.2 Challenges of IoT Super large scale (anything, anytime, anywhere, by anybody) Interconnection of Heterogeneous devices, OS, and subnets Openness and Security Dependability and Reliability ……

3 CS Dept, City Univ.3 Doubt 1: Is it possible to connect anything to the Internet? Capacity of cloud storage Capacity of cloud processing power Capacity of the Internet Dependability, reliability, fault tolerance……

4 CS Dept, City Univ.4 Doubt 2: Do we want to connect everything to the Internet ? Business protection Security and Privacy Trustworthy ….

5 CS Dept, City Univ.5 Doubt 3: IoT, another big bubble? IoT is a big initiative of governments (China) Are there sufficient businesses without government subsidy Business driven or research funding driven Following an evolution path or a revolutionary change ….

6 CS Dept, City Univ.6 Doubt 4: Environment conservation or environment destruction? Energy cost Electronics waste Information waste ………….

7 CS Dept, City Univ.7 Doubt 5: IoT, a new bottle for old wine? IoT, an integration of existing technologies. What are the unique (original) research problems? Parallel computing, distributed computing Sensor networks, delay tolerant networks, internetworking, …. Reliability, security, privacy, ….

8 CS Dept, City Univ.8 Is IoT boom sustainable? How far can it go?

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