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Dragon Boat Festival. origin To commemorate Qu Yuan Mi Luo river ( 汨罗江) on fifth day of the fifth month rice dumpling (粽子) racing dragon-boat.

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Presentation on theme: "Dragon Boat Festival. origin To commemorate Qu Yuan Mi Luo river ( 汨罗江) on fifth day of the fifth month rice dumpling (粽子) racing dragon-boat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dragon Boat Festival

2 origin

3 To commemorate Qu Yuan Mi Luo river ( 汨罗江) on fifth day of the fifth month rice dumpling (粽子) racing dragon-boat

4 To commemorate Wu Zixu Spring and Autumn Period ( 春秋时期 ) died aggrieved( 含 冤而死 ) Tao immortal( 涛 神 ) fifth day of the fifth month

5 To commemorate dutiful daughter (孝女) Cao'e (曹 娥) Han Dynasty jumped into the river found her father

6 Dragon Festival (龙的节日) eating rice dumplings racing dragon- boat Dragon Festival

7 Bad day (恶日) pre-Qin period( 先 秦时期 ) May was a bad month calamus( 菖蒲 ) Chinese mugwort leaf (艾 草) expel the evil

8 To commemorate the poet Qiu Jin (秋瑾) a famous poet joined the revolution She died a heroic death.( 英勇牺牲 )

9 How do Chinese people celebrate Dragon Boat Festival ?

10 Dragon Boat Festival The fifth day of fifth lunar month

11 Dragon Boat race inspired by the villager's valiant( 勇敢的 ) attempts to rescue Qu Yuan from the Mi Luo river

12 the most exciting part of the festival brightly painted and decorated canoes forward to the rhythm of beating drums( 鼓 ) take place all over China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan…

13 rice dumpling (粽子) meat, peanut, egg yolk ( 蛋黄) throw the rice dumpling into the river in order to appease( 使满足 ) the river dragons so that they would not devour( 吞噬 ) Qu Yuan

14 Chinese mugwort leaf (艾草) an especially dangerous time hang various herbs( 药草 ), called Chinese mugwort leaf, on their door for protection

15 realgar wine (雄黄酒) is thought to remove poisons from the body Hsiang Bao (香包) contains various fragrant( 芳香的 ) medicinal herbs

16 comparison

17 comparison Korean Danoje ( 韩国端午祭 ) VS Dragon Boat Festival

18 Korean Danoje ( 韩国端午祭 ) rituals( 祭礼 ) official slave mask drama,( 官奴假面 戏 ) Chinese poetry writing competitions

19 Wrestling( 摔跤 ) Swinging( 荡秋 千 ) Archery( 射箭 ) casting pot( 投 壶 ) fireworks games dragon-boat racing

20 Dragon Boat Festival Inserted Mugwort, calamus( 插艾 蒿、菖蒲 ) eating rice dumplings drinking realgar wine( 饮雄黄 酒 )

21 tying colorful tales( 拴五彩缕 ) dragon boat racing

22 Similar Eat “Ai Zi cake“( 艾子糕) use the water of calamus to wash their hair Dragon Boat Festival fan Chinese mugwort leaf (艾草)

23 significance

24 Dragon is the totem of China Chinese people worship it

25 Qu Yuan ‘s famous article 《离骚》、 《九章》、 《九歌》、 《天问》

26 a heritage of Chinese culture a spirit of our nation patriotism( 爱国主义 )

27 Thank you !

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