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Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment A Strategic Institutional Approach António Teixeira (Universidade Aberta - PT) IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM.

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Presentation on theme: "Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment A Strategic Institutional Approach António Teixeira (Universidade Aberta - PT) IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment A Strategic Institutional Approach António Teixeira (Universidade Aberta - PT) IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 1

2 Itinerary 1. Prologue: Why an (Open) University should become Virtual? 2. A Network Learning System: The challenge of the EHEA 3. LMS-based Virtual Learning Environments 4. Personal Learning Environments 5. Open Resources and User-generated Content 6. Conclusion: How to Assure the Quality of Open Education 2 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

3 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 The Globalization of Higher Education (Political, Social, Economical and Cultural Factors) 1. Increased Physical and Virtual Mobility of Students and Teachers; 2. Integration of University Systems forming a Trans-continental unique HE market; 3. Increased Knowledge Transfer and Sharing; 4. Sustainable Human Development and Open Innovation; 5. Geo-problems; 6. Eco-problems. 3 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

4 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 A New Idea of University A University without place / A University in all places allways 1. The New Mission of Universities; 2. Cooperation vs. Collaboration within and between Universities; 3. The Universities on and in the Net. 4 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

5 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 U NIVERSIDADE Ab ERTA ’ S History Chronology of Main Events 1988. Foundation of the University 1989. First Undergraduate Programmes started 1990. First Master Programmes started 1994. Statues Approved. First elected President (Rector) 1995. First UAb Doctor 1998. Second President (Rector) elected [The first woman to be Rector in Portuguese Universities] 2000. First Online Course 2004. First Online Degree (Master Programme) 2006. Third President elected (current). Presentation of the Strategic Plan and Launching of the Innovation in ODL Strategy 2007. Full Implementation of ECTS and the EHEA Principles. Implementation of the Online Pedagogical Model 2009. Full Implementation of the Online Pedagogical Model. UAb became a fully online University 5 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

6 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Universidade Aberta is the public Portuguese distance education University Located in Lisbon, has also offices in Porto and Coimbra 4 Faculties (Departments) 13 Regional Centers 15 Undergraduate Programmes 18 Masters + 700 Courses 154 full-time academic staff (>80% with PhD) and 296 administrative staff + 10.000 students (20% non-Portuguese) Largest Higher Education publisher and TV producer 6 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

7 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Portugal A strategic place in the end of Europe and the beginning of the World 7 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

8 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 UAb’s Innovation Strategy (2006/10) [I] Vision: To transform UAb into a fully Virtual University Strategic Goals: 1. Globalize UAb operations and fully integrate the European Higher Education Area; 2. Make the learning experience fully flexible and independent from time and space restrictions; 3. Focus teaching on student needs and re-establish learning as a community- based experience; 4. Learning just in time and as we need – introduction to mobile-learning and non-formal modes of access to Knowledge. 8 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

9 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 UAb’s Innovation Strategy (2006/10) [II] Strategic Principles: 1. Systemic and Integrated Approach to Institutional Change; 2. Planning based on Cultural Analysis of the internal and external Context of Implementation; 3. Pedagogically-driven and not Technologically-driven Process; 4. Active and wide involvement of all kinds of staff and bodies; 5. International Comparability of Results; 6. Political Coherence in Managing the Change Process. 9 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

10 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 UAb’s Innovation Strategy (2006/10) [III] Main Strategic Tools: 1. (Online) Pedagogic Reference Model; 2. New and especially trained tutor network; 3. Continuous Training of Academic Staff, Tutors and Technical Staff based on the Online Pedagogical Model; 4. Establishment of a dedicated ODL Lab - Laboratório de Educação a Distância (LEaD); 5. Development of an integrated Virtual University Environment, facilitating and promoting a collaborative learning experience (Moodle + integrating Portal / Social Network); 6. International Evaluation (International Advisory Board). 10 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

11 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Copyright in a Virtual Learning Environment in a Systemic (Institutional) Approach (I) 1. Licensing the technological environment and its development (proprietary/open source); 2. Licensing the learning resources (texts, images, sounds) specially produced by teachers or reused from available sources (copyright/open access); 3. Licensing the materials produced during the learning process by students; 4. Controlling content sharing among registered users (teachers/students); 5. Controlling content abusive use inside the virtual environment; 6. Controlling content abusive use outside the virtual environment. 11 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

12 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Copyright in a Virtual Learning Environment in a Systemic (Institutional) Approach (II) 1. Using a systemic approach meant all teachers and students had to be subject to specific training in order to be able to operate in the Virtual Learning Environment; 2. Users were therefore previously certified as such («licensed» as teachers or students); 3. In the Training Courses major focus was given to copyright issues as well as open access and open content; 4. Institutional Policy and Directives (Copyright use, Open Access, etc.) are of critical importance; 5. The active collaboration between University Government (decision-makers), Faculties and Departments, Librarians and Legal Office staff is also crucial. 12 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

13 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 When using an LMS as a closed environment, all content production and use can be more easily certified and controlled. Even so, cheating and appropriation can increase. When using a PLE, it’s virtually impossible to control how users use content. It has become an ethical issue. Thus, users have to be educated regarding producing, reproducing, using and reusing online content. 13 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

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17 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Truth on/of the Web (I) With the Social Web (2.0) Digital Identity has become the key issue. Students and Teachers are no longer just sharing some virtual space in order to extend their possibility to communicate and share information, they live also on the web and have their own single digital identity. A student is therefore someone who cannot be imprisoned in the confinement of an LMS. 17 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

18 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Truth on/of the Web (II) The same applies to the products of human creation. These are also productions of the web (multiple not related authors) and not just products on the web. How can it be assured these are authentic and therefore true? Probably, that can only be determined by transparency. Transparency not solely regarding its authorship process but also how the network community of users could find it trustworthy. 18 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

19 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Trust and Transparency in User-generated Content Production Licensing is a form of assuring authenticity and (usually) the author’s right to control the use of his/her creation. Thus, an Open Content resource is licensed (usually by a Creative Commons license) by the original producer. However, the original producer when allowing for its production to be changed and subject to reuse, does not control it’s life cycle or even how the content can be changed. 19 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

20 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Identity, Trust and Transparency licensing copyrights is designed to assure authorship rights. It guarantees authenticity from an author’s perspective. But, licensing can also assure user rights, thus guaranteeing authenticity from a user’s perspective, establishing the identity of the work. In the Social Web, probably this 2 nd form of licensing is more effective than the 1 st in order to generate Trust an protect intellectual autonomy. 20 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

21 IFRRO BUSINESS MODELS FORUM Licensing in the Virtual Learning Environment Lisbon, 02 June 2010 Thank You! 21 António Teixeira A Strategic Institutional Approach

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