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Data Quality Action Team Short Term Goals (within 6 months)

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Presentation on theme: "Data Quality Action Team Short Term Goals (within 6 months)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Quality Action Team Short Term Goals (within 6 months)

2 Short Term Goals Ensure access to exact duplicate of the entire NPIRS production database Take the first steps in implementing a true data warehouse/data mart design Inventory and improve NPIRS documentation Complete an inventory all NPIRS data Implement a process for producing and iteratively improving user pop reports Implement an open, web-based system for communicating DQA Team activities to all Coordinate with related ongoing data initiatives

3 NPIRS Access DQA Team can access and evaluate existing NPIRS data and DB structures. Users can access, evaluate, and use existing NPIRS data.

4 Implement Data Warehouse Data to be collected, stored, and archived exactly as it is first received. Analyze raw data and provide information back to Areas and SUs about their data. All national uses of data (NPIRS, ORYX, Diabetes and Epi Programs, etc.) are separate applications or data marts Areas can become a “data mart” and use this system to help provide an Area database.

5 Improve Documentation Database structures and relationships Production processes Standard report processes Data archive processes Handling of other, special requests User as well as technical level

6 Complete a Data Inventory Inventory current and historical data in its raw (i.e., export file) and processed (i.e., DB2 production database) format Primary focus on data needed for FY99 and beyond user counts Identify locations, formats, available backups

7 Improve User Pop Reports Create a process for timely production and iterative improvements Versioned plan Initially focus on aspects of workload reporting that affect user pops. Implement process to document and manage interface between NPIRS and program officials (OPH/OPS, Area stat officers).

8 Full Communication Web-based project plan, task lists, reporting mechanisms, etc. Informational slide sets Inform various customer groups about the availability of this information.

9 Coordinate with Existing Initiatives This initiative must coordinate with but does not subsume other, important ongoing ITSC initiatives, e.g., MPI Data transport Data needs SSA verification PCC+ HCFA data projects etc.

10 Coordinate with Existing Initiatives Or other related IHS initiatives, e.g., Statistical officer workgroups GPRA ORYX Diabetes data initiatives Epi data projects etc.

11 Wish us luck!

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