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1 International Working Forum on Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites (RSLS) Technical Meeting Amel MELLOUK – ASN / DRC Jérémie VALLET – MEDDE/MSNR Regulatory.

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Presentation on theme: "1 International Working Forum on Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites (RSLS) Technical Meeting Amel MELLOUK – ASN / DRC Jérémie VALLET – MEDDE/MSNR Regulatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 International Working Forum on Regulatory Supervision of Legacy Sites (RSLS) Technical Meeting Amel MELLOUK – ASN / DRC Jérémie VALLET – MEDDE/MSNR Regulatory Challenges at Legacy Sites (focus on uranium site) in France 23/10/2013

2 2 Summary 1.French organisation 2.French regulatory framework 3.Overview of legacy sites 4.Focus on uranium mines 5.Regulatory framework developments

3 3 French organisation French Nuclear Safety AuthorityMinistry in charge of the environment and safety  Is an independant authority  Regulates and oversees the nuclear safety and radioprotection  Informs the citizens  Supports governmental actions in case of crisis/emergency events  Local representatives in the regions: ASN divisions  Is in charge of nuclear safety and radiation protection  Elaborate the regulatory framework  Local representatives: DREAL service under the authority of the State Local representative (Préfet) Public authorities Regulatory bodies

4 4 French organisation French Nuclear Safety AuthorityMinistry in charge of the environment and safety  Is an independant authority  Regulates and oversees the nuclear safety and radioprotection  Informs the citizens  Supports governmental actions in case of crisis/emergency events  Local representatives in the regions: ASN divisions  Is in charge of nuclear safety and radiation protection  Elaborate the regulatory framework  Local representatives: DREAL service under the authority of the State Local representative (Préfet) Public authorities Regulatory bodies

5 5 French organisation National Agency for Radioactivity Waste Management French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety  A public service mission in terms of collection of waste from the “small-scale nuclear activities” producers or owners and clean-up and rehabilitation of orphan polluted sites  A R&D mission to propose safe long-term solution for radioactive waste  An industrial mission concerning repositories.  An information mission with regular publication of the National Inventory of radioactive materials and waste  A Research and public service mission  Technical and operational support and assistance to public authorities  Consultancy Services contracted for expert assessments, research and measurements Public organisations with industrial and commercial activities

6 6 French regulatory framework Environment codeMining codePublic health code  Classified installations (industrial activities)  Basic nuclear installations  Mining sites  Worker protection in the mining sites  Dealing with public protection against ionising radiation Labour code  Dealing with worker protection against ionising radiations

7 7 French regulatory framework Environment codeMining codePublic health code  Classified installations (industrial activities)  Basic nuclear installations  Mining sites  Worker protection in the mining sites  Dealing with public protection against ionising radiation Labour code  Dealing with worker protection against ionizing radiations

8 8  Main principles relating to the management of polluted sites:  Apply the “polluter pays” principle  Prevent future pollution  Identify, monitor and manage the impact of the pollution  Put the polluted sites in a safe state  Manage the sites in accordance with their future or current uses  Retain a record of the pollution and of the remediation done in the past  Inform the public about the risks linked to these sites French regulatory framework These principles are implemented through the legal framework and guidance documents

9 9  « Legacy sites » defined in France as when the operator is no longer able to pay for the remediation:  The regulatory bodies may undertake actions for the safe management with the assistance of ANDRA  Legacy sites consist of:  Former radioactive waste disposals and polluted sites (about 80 sites) Overview of legacy sites Bayard alarm clock factory

10 10  Legacy sites consist of:  Former sites where radium was used (more than 134 sites potentially polluted) Overview of legacy sites Apartment in Paris

11 11 Overview of legacy sites  Legacy sites consist of:  Former uranium mining sites (more than 250 sites) Bellezane site

12 12 Focus on uranium mines  The uranium industry was developed after the second world war  From 1948 to 2001  250 former sites (wide range of sizes)  8 uranium extraction process plants  17 sites of uranium residues repositories  Production of 76 000 tons of uranium  50 000 000 tons of mill tailings  167 000 000 tons of waste rocks

13 13 Focus on uranium mines Environment codeMining codePublic health code  For tailling disposals  The operator proposes actions  Local authorities (Préfet) issue authorisations and requirements  Mining sites  From the beginning of the exploitation until the end of rehabilitation and monitoring  Local authorities (Préfet) issue authorisations and requirements  Dealing with public protection against ionising radiation around the uranium mining site Labour code

14 14 Focus on uranium mines  According to this regulatory framework, all actions of monitoring, rehabilitation or remediation have to be undertaken:  Under the responsibility of the operator  In compliance with authorisations issued by local authorities (Préfet)  Inspections are periodically organized to check and verify the compliance with the local authorities' requirements  DREAL leads inspections  ASN is in support for radiation protection issues

15 15 Focus on uranium mines  Public information is ensured through  The establishment of Local Information Commission (CSS) in order to  Inform stakeholders (associations, populations living around former mining sites, local elected representative…) about monitoring, control and remediation actions achieved  The former uranium mining sites national inventory MIMAUSA 

16 16 Focus on uranium mines  National actions implemented  National action plan set out by the ministry of environment and ASN in July 2009  Control the former uranium mining sites  Improve knowledge about the uranium mining site impact on health and safety  Improve knowledge of waste rock re-use in the public domain  Develop information for the public  Examples of actions prescribed in this action plan  Inspectors controlled every former uranium mining sites  Inventory of waste rock re-used locations

17 17 Focus on uranium mines  National actions implemented  National plan on management of radioactive materials and waste  Produces a regular picture of radioactive substances management policy, evaluates new requirements and determines the objectives to be met in the future  Includes the issues linked to the uranium tailings and residues  Formation of a pluralist working group (GEP Limousin)  Mandated by the ministry and ASN in 2006  Dedicated to the management of former uranium mining sites  Report with 15 recommendations in 2010

18 18 Regulatory framework developments  French regulation provides tools to handle legacy sites  Some improvements are planned  Guidelines for uranium mine closures  Land use restrictions for radioactive polluted sites  Need for financial guarantees for decommissionning for industrial activities

19 19 Thank you for your attention Any questions ?

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