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Achieving Successful Project Management Office (PMO) Outcomes in Education Institutions CENIC 2014: Above and Beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Successful Project Management Office (PMO) Outcomes in Education Institutions CENIC 2014: Above and Beyond."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Successful Project Management Office (PMO) Outcomes in Education Institutions CENIC 2014: Above and Beyond


3 Survey intent and results PMO’s Rationale Critical Success Factors Higher Education Considerations Roadmap Virtual PMO’s or “The PMO of One” Topics




7 Project Management Portfolio Alignment and Prioritization Resource Management Communication Top Areas of Focus

8 What is a PMO? “An organizational body or entity assigned various responsibilities related to the centralized and coordinated management of those projects under its domain” A facilitator to help organizations achieve strategic objectives…through optimized selection and execution of project initiatives. Background and Rationale

9 Why might you want one? To improve project success rates To optimize, streamline & focus communications To provide data to support better project or resource decision making To “own” project or project portfolio management processes and practices Background and Rationale

10 Unclear project inventory Missing project intake and selection framework Lack of strategic alignment Lack of visibility Project overload Resource bottlenecks Lack of established processes Do These Sound Familiar?

11 Committed executive sponsorship PMO “fits” organization culture “World-class” change management Deliver & communicate business value Competent PMO leadership & staff PMO implementation managed as a project Strategic use of tools Critical Success Factors

12 Roadmap

13 Creating a staffed entity might be “too much change” for some companies Start with a virtual PMO (“PMO of one”) Must have a qualified PM professional to facilitate coordination across the organization Leverage technology to support consistency and to facilitate compliance & communications Be a missionary, not a dictator Know your limitations Fight organizational complacency - Effectively communicate greater potential value with having staffed PMO Virtual PMO Considerations

14 3 Critical, Critical Success Factors “You are not alone” PMO’s can help, but beware of the “Silver Bullet” mentality Considerations for Higher Education


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