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Green Building Design/Sustainability Initiative. Green Building Design/Sustainability Initiative 2007 - 2008 Why should the Brick Industry be concerned.

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1 Green Building Design/Sustainability Initiative

2 Green Building Design/Sustainability Initiative 2007 - 2008 Why should the Brick Industry be concerned about Green Building Design/Sustainability? The construction industry is becoming more focused on green building, life-cycle cost and sustainability  Federal and local governments embracing energy savings for public facilities.  Regulations, guidelines and tax incentives will drive increase in sustainable design practices  Architects and design build firms using energy performance, life-cycle cost and environmental issues as part of the evaluation process  Builders beginning to use energy performance as to differentiate themselves and their communities  Completive cladding industries aggressively promoting energy and sustainable benefits  Sustainability is not well defined or understood...  Programs such as LEED are measurement tools, not plans or strategies.  These programs are changing and industry plans must not be tied to old metrics

3 Green Building Design/Sustainability and the Brick Industry  The Brick Industry needs to develop a consistent position and plan to address the opportunities and threats faced with the green building design/sustainability movement.  However, the sustainability movement itself is changing and the future of sustainability in construction is not clear  Further, the BIA as a trade association is limited in its ability to drive change for sustainability issues connected to member operations and practices  We have observed both early success and failure of building product client sustainability and green strategy programs due to the following:  Readiness of the customer to accept and adopt changes for sustainability purposes  Unforeseen financial and operational expenses/constraints in pursuit of excess goals of sustainability  Significance of marketing and proper positioning relative to competitive products  Therefore, any effort by BIA must be carefully examined, analyzed and scaled appropriately to the ever changing issue of green building design/sustainability

4 Green Building Design/Sustainability and the Brick Industry – 2007 Programs  “Sustainability and the Brick Industry,” and the “Architects and Home Builders” seminar presentations  Hired Tina Subasic, P.E., LEED A.P. to assist BIA on the green building design/sustainability initiative  BIA has representation on the U.S. Green Building Council and Green Globes standard development committee  Formed a Sustainability Task Force (Residential, Non-Residential & EH&S)  Launched Five Knowledge Capital Programs in support of our efforts in 2007  Energy Analysis Study  EH&S Strategic Plan  Manufacturer Benchmark Surveys  “Sustainability and the Green Construction Market” – a White Paper  Residential & Non-Residential Reports  BIA has membership in NAHB’s new Green Building Standard Committee (cont’d)

5  Education/Training  “Red is the New Green” lead article in the February 2007 issue of The Construction Specifier  New Technical Note 48, Sustainability and Brick  Brick in Architecture issue on Sustainable Brick Buildings (October)  AIA/CES presentations in Midwest/Northeast Region  Article in the Masonry Edge on sustainability  EH&S Contest winners  New tag line added to our industry-wide advertising: Clay Brick – The Most Sustainable Green Building Material Made Green Building Design/Sustainability and the Brick Industry – 2007 Programs (cont’d)

6  Knowledge Capital  Life Cycle Cost Assessment Study (’08/’09)  NAHB Thermal Mass Efficiency Study  Local Market Share and Intelligence Reports (Residential, Non- Residential)  Emission Profile of NO x / CO 2 under the EH&S Strategic Plan  Manufacturer and Distributor Benchmarking Surveys on manufacturing properties related to sustainability  Greenwashing Study on claims of other materials  Outreach/Education  NAHB’s National Green Building Conference  U.S. Greenbuilding Council’s “GreenBuild Conference”  Brick University On-line  All BIA/MNR engineers and architectural outreach staff will be LEED certified by the first quarter of 2008 Green Building Design/Sustainability and the Brick Industry – 2008 Key Initiatives

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