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3 CERTIFICATIONS AND RATINGS. Slide header copy In This Chapter >Sustainable building certifications and ratings >The decision to pursue a certification.

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2 Slide header copy In This Chapter >Sustainable building certifications and ratings >The decision to pursue a certification or rating 1-1 3-1

3 Slide header copy Reliable Certifications 3-2 >Standards developed through open, consensus-based processes from multidisciplinary stakeholders >In this chapter, we will look at:  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)  Green Globes  ENERGY STAR

4 Slide header copy LEED 1-1 3-3 >Rating system for design, construction, and operational standards for high-performance buildings >Types of commercial buildings that may be certified :  Offices  Retail and service establishments  Hotels  Residential buildings of four or more stories  Institutional buildings

5 Slide header copy I 3-4 LEED Life-cycle Phases

6 Slide header copy LEED Categories (Credits) >Sustainable sites >Water efficiency >Energy and atmosphere >Materials and resources >Indoor environmental quality >Innovation and design process 1-1 3-5

7 Slide header copy LEED Application Requirements (All Types) 3-6 >Project contact, project type, project size, number of occupants, and date of construction completion >Project narrative and highlights >LEED Project Checklist, incl. project prerequisites and credits and total projected score >Copies of LEED Letter Templates and supporting doc. >Complete list of all Credit Interpretations and Rulings (CIRs) used >Drawings and photos

8 Slide header copy Exploring LEED with Clients 1-1 3-7 >Is LEED certification:  Realistic?  Worth the expense?  What LEED level is desired/possible?  Which LEED credits may be lower cost?  Is timeline understood?

9 Slide header copy Green Building Initiative (GBI) 3-8 >Green Globes certification for:  Design of new buildings or significant renovation  Management and operation of existing buildings  Office buildings  Multi-residential buildings  Light Industrial buildings  Building emergency management  Building intelligence  Fit-up: design of new or retrofitted commercial interiors

10 Slide header copy Case Study Discussion: Green Globes Homes Savings Bank 1-1 3-9

11 Slide header copy ENERGY STAR 3-10 >ENERGY STAR Rating of building efficiency  Rating of 50 means building performs better than 50% of all similar buildings nationwide  ENERGY STAR Label is awarded to buildings with a rating of 75 or more

12 Slide header copy ENERGY STAR 1-1 3-11 >ENERGY STAR Target Finder  Rate a building design's estimated energy use  Helps sets aggressive targets for reduction of energy use  Recommend actions to get to the reduction goal

13 Slide header copy Other Common Standards/ Guidelines 3-12 >BREEAM Buildings >IISB Green Building Challenge SBTool >Minnesota Sustainable Design Guidelines

14 Slide header copy Sector-Specific Certification/ Rating Programs 1-1 3-13 >Practice Greenhealth >Green Clean Certification >State green school guidelines >ENERGY STAR/BREEAM for retail

15 Slide header copy Standards and Ratings (Non- building) 3-14 >ENERGY STAR ratings of products >ASHRAE >ANSI >FSC >GreenGuard Environmental Institute >Green Seal >Green-e >CRI >Floorscore

16 Slide header copy What You Need to Pursue a Certification 1-1 3-15 >Documentation of building performance >Understanding of market value of certifications >Understanding value to owner/tenant >Recognizing importance of maintaining performance after certification

17 Slide header copy Alternatives to Certification 3-16 >Best if only pursuing one category of green improvement >Marketing value may come from other commitment >Less publicity means less publicity of underperforming on expectations >Avoided fees and staff time from certification process

18 Slide header copy Exercise: Identifying Key Concepts of LEED 3.0 1-1 3-17 >Read questions and discuss with another student why LEED system is weighted as it is. >Capture your notes in fields provided.

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