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Project History (1998-Present) Early Data Management Lifecycle Geode Data Collection Middle Data Rescue (NOGA Online) Integration of Program.

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10 Project History (1998-Present) Early Data Management Lifecycle Geode Data Collection Middle Data Rescue (NOGA Online) Integration of Program Website Project “Portals” Most Recent Service Oriented Architecture

11 A Success Worth Noting… NOGA Online Rescue of 1995 Assessment Introduction to Internet Mapping ESRI GIS Award Winner

12 Successful Transition From “Stovepipes”

13 That Was Then, This Is Now!

14 DM In the Energy Resources Program Eastern Science Center Geoinformatics Bob Matthias Central Science Center Data Management Services Project My Self Program Web Collaboration Doug Duncan


16 Task 1: Data Management Services (Internal) Publication WorkflowWell Log Management SystemGIS Support and ServicesGIS Metadata Support Research Project Support and Services Intranet Development/Mgmt.Technology R&D Task 2: Product Delivery Services and Outreach Program Website Content Maintenance Specialized Application Development Web Metrics for PARTSocial Media and Outreach “Geospatial Platform” Modernization and Maintenance Mobile Website GIS Server System Architecture and Maintenance Bureau Collaboration

17 Publication Management  ERP publication master database  24,353 references  Review tracking  Coordinated with IPDS  Continuous QA/QC  Synchronized with ERP Website

18 Energy Data Finder

19 EnergyVision

20 Well Log Management System

21 Specialized Application Development  Project Basis  Acting as a Service Group .NET, ESRI, Oracle

22 Energy Program Website Data Features

23  Geospatial Platform Modernization  EnergyVision  Data Delivery  Web Log Management System  Publications  Project Data Management Services  Basis  Review

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