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Mike Ricchio Director Consolidated Technology Services September 28, 2011 Brave New World: The Future of IT in Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Ricchio Director Consolidated Technology Services September 28, 2011 Brave New World: The Future of IT in Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mike Ricchio Director Consolidated Technology Services September 28, 2011 Brave New World: The Future of IT in Washington

2 Enterprise Approach for State Government Move to more centralized approach to IT Cohesive, strategic, IT policies for all state agency IT shops Common standards and policies developed and maintained for hardware, software, storage, services and security Agencies focus on their individual missions, not IT infrastructure

3 Goal Deliver high quality IT services to state agencies at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers Ensure alignment of business needs and IT services Measure IT costs and performance Consolidate data centers Investigate alternate, most cost-effective methods to deliver services Leverage the state’s investment in the State Data Center Standardization Consolidation Economies of scale

4 SB 5931 Dissolves the Department of Information Services Establishes Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) within OFM Establishes Consolidated Technology Services (CTS) as a separate agency Moves “back office” functions to Department of Enterprise Services (DES) A hybrid - federated approach

5 CTS: a new beginning Director appointed by Governor Duties – Central service provider for all utility-based infrastructure services – Accountability Costs, efficiencies and customer satisfaction Works collaboratively with customers “State agencies shall locate all existing and new servers in the state data center.”

6 Transition Strategy Continue consolidation, standardization and shared services efforts Bring disciplined analysis to business and IT issues ISB abolished, TSB formed and staffed Drive to competitive rates Work with outside partners to identify qualified solutions – outsource services where economically feasible State took possession of new state data center in July, 2011

7 Looking Forward Budget challenges will continue – Look to technology to provide practical solutions – Continued political target Continued pressure to outsource IT as budgetary solution Service and rate accountability to continue Demands continue to reduce rates and elevate service

8 CTS To Date Hired ProjectCorps to assist with mission, organization and change management Consultant (TPI) drafting Private Cloud RFP Exempt employees required under 5931 being established Internet and Intranet sites up With DES and OCIO, sorting out who does what.

9 Questions

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