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Broadening Participation in Engineering Credit: iStockphoto Dr. Omnia EL-Hakim, Ph.D. Director of Diversity and Outreach NSF Directorate for Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Broadening Participation in Engineering Credit: iStockphoto Dr. Omnia EL-Hakim, Ph.D. Director of Diversity and Outreach NSF Directorate for Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadening Participation in Engineering Credit: iStockphoto Dr. Omnia EL-Hakim, Ph.D. Director of Diversity and Outreach NSF Directorate for Engineering GK-12 New Projects Meeting March 27, 2009 Dr. Omnia EL-Hakim, Ph.D. Director of Diversity and Outreach NSF Directorate for Engineering GK-12 New Projects Meeting March 27, 2009

2 Directorate for Engineering2 ENG Mission and Vision Mission: To enable the engineering and scientific communities to advance the frontiers of engineering research, innovation and education, in service to society and the nation. Vision: ENG will be the global leader in advancing the frontiers of fundamental engineering research, stimulating innovation, and substantially strengthening engineering education.

3 Directorate for Engineering3 3 ENG Leadership Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Sohi Rastegar Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Sohi Rastegar Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) John McGrath Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) John McGrath Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Bruce Kramer * Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Bruce Kramer * Electrical, Communications, and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Lawrence Goldberg * Electrical, Communications, and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Lawrence Goldberg * Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Allen Soyster Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Allen Soyster Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Kesh Narayanan Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Kesh Narayanan Office of the Assistant Director Thomas Peterson, Assistant Director Michael Reischman, Deputy Diversity and Outreach Omnia El-Hakim Office of the Assistant Director Thomas Peterson, Assistant Director Michael Reischman, Deputy Diversity and Outreach Omnia El-Hakim Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology Mihail Roco Senior Advisor for Nanotechnology Mihail Roco *Acting

4 Broaden Participation Directorate for Engineering4 Create an environment for all participants to gain benefits that will grow their careers, and improve productivity in global competitive environment. Integrate research and education. Build institutional capacity and human capacity through diversity. Engage students and faculty in international experiences to achieve excellence. Increase the representation of underrepresented groups in the pool of reviewers for NSF proposals.

5 Directorate for Engineering5 5 Opportunities: Broadening Participation in Engineering Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Research to Aid Persons with Disabilities (RAPD) CAREER and REU ERC Diversity Plan ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers Graduate Research Fellowships for Women Graduate Research Supplements (GRS) Diversity Workshops Tribal College Initiative

6 Directorate for Engineering6 6 Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Opportunity to increase the diversity of researchers through research support early in their careers Encourages support of under-represented groups, engineers at minority-serving institutions, and persons with disabilities BRIGE awardee Stephanie Luster-Teasley (L) and NC A&T students Desiree Gordon and Patrick Onochie discuss preliminary research for the development of controlled-release polymers for environmental remediation. Credit: North Carolina A&T State University.

7 BRIGE Program (continue) Fund available for two years. Max. dollar amount is $175,000 The success rate is 25% for year (2008) Faculty must be a new investigator who has not previously served as PI or CO-PI on research grant more than $50K. Must provide a section on how to Broaden Participation of women and underrepresented groups. Directorate for Engineering7

8 Broaden Participation Workshops WIRES: Womens International Research Engineering Summit, Barcelona, Spain, June 2-4,2009. Mentoring Workshop to broaden participation undergraduate minority and persons with disability students into excelling in their majors and pursuing graduate school in engineering (Fall 2009). Recruitment and Transition of Community College Students to Four Year Institutions, University of Birmingham, Alabama, Fall 2009 Create Partnership and Pathway among faculty and Hispanic Community to achieve excellence, January 2010, UTEP, El-Paso. Directorate for Engineering8

9 ENG Research to Aid Persons with Disabilities (RAPD) Support research that will lead to the development of new technologies, devices, or software for persons with disabilities. Proposals should advance discovery or innovation beyond the frontiers of current knowledge in disability-related research. Award size is $80 K per year (1-3 years). Directorate for Engineering9

10 Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER ) Stable awards for faculty beginning their independent careers. Integration of teaching, learning and discovery Increasing participation of underrepresented groups, women and persons with disabilities in engineering and science is encourage Directorate for Engineering10

11 Directorate for Engineering11 Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) PIs of existing grants can submit proposals supplement to include international program. International Planning Visits: travel to plan collaborative research with prospective foreign partners International Workshops: meetings to identify common priorities and approaches for collaboration on specific, well-defined research areas

12 Directorate for Engineering12 Trip to Egypt and Turkey In Egypt: met with the Cairo University president, V.P., Deans of Engineering, Agricultural and Science as well as the Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Higher Education Discussed Partnership opportunities with US Universities Discussed Collaborative research with US Universities Water Resources, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Alternative Energy and Sustainable Energy. Discussed Workshops on topics of interest to both countries to include women and minorities Discussed Research training opportunities

13 Directorate for Engineering13 Trip to Egypt and Turkey (Continued) The Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF) in Egypt is willing to contribute funds towards the potential partnerships with US Universities In Turkey: Met with the President, Vice President of Ozyegin University, as well as the Director of the International office, the director of the Center of Entrepreneurship to explore opportunities.

14 Directorate for Engineering14 ERC Features Starting with 2008 awardees, ERCs may have international partners PI is based in U.S. Co-PIs may be based in other countries For more information 1/nsf07521.pdf 1/nsf07521.pdf

15 Directorate for Engineering15 What Do Underrepresented Groups Bring? Talents and skills Unique experiences Invaluable research approaches Creativity and innovation

16 Directorate for Engineering16 Challenges Awareness Confidence and trust Cultural understanding Environment Facilities Opportunities Support

17 Resources Directorate of Engineering: http :// Funding Opportunities: NSF Email Update: 17

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