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ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Participation in STEM: Making Universities a Safe Place for Standing Our Ground Daryl E. Chubin, Ph.D. American Association.

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Presentation on theme: "ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Participation in STEM: Making Universities a Safe Place for Standing Our Ground Daryl E. Chubin, Ph.D. American Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Participation in STEM: Making Universities a Safe Place for Standing Our Ground Daryl E. Chubin, Ph.D. American Association for the Advancement of Science Phoenix, AZ October 6, 2005

2 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop General Workforce Concerns Numbers (will we have enough?) (Post-9/11 environment) Composition: What diversity brings The business case for diversity Fairness (rights-based arguments) Talent development Demographic change

3 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Why STEM?Rationale for Investing in S&T Post-WWII Legislation (notably, NSF creation in 1950 & NDEA of 1958) Renewed Role in National Security Economic Development Equity Workforce Development... more than research and knowledge production

4 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Minority = Black/African American, Hispanic, and American Indian Source: Joan Burrelli, NSF, based on 1999 Common Core of Data, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES); NCES, 1998 IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey; UCLA Higher Education Research Institute,1998 American Freshman Survey (estimate); and NCES, 1998 IPEDS Completions Survey

5 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Competition for talent: S&T v. law, medicine, business Slowing the pipeline: Pre-college to workforce barriers (law, culture, funding, practice) Institutional responsibilities: Preparing, recruiting, and graduating more homegrown talent (esp. women, minorities, & persons w/ disabilities) Foreign nationals in U.S. S&T Defense needs and constraints: The future is now Re-shaping career paths: Degree options (AA, MS, PSM, PhD) and the postdoc appointment A Systemic View of the S&T Workforce

6 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Dilemma: Fix the Students, Pathways, or College? Students: oDemographic composition oPre-college academic preparation Pathways: oIntervention programsa parallel universe oAccess to higher educationcost College Environment: oCultural competence oStructural support

7 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Institutional Responsibilities Personal Choices Policy Context Whose Problem?

8 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Post-Adarand, -Prop 209, and -Hopwood... Declining minority first-year enrollment The challenge of distributed admissions Loss of special programs

9 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Post-Michigan Admissions policies and holistic review Everything else? Financial aid, outreach, targeted recruitment, faculty? Challenges by anti-affirmative action groups Failure of Administration to provide guidance except race-neutral alternatives

10 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop These programs have created inspiration and opportunity for young people of color. They have not destroyed opportunity for anyone else. Dr. Charles M. Vest Former President, MIT

11 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Approach of Standing Our Ground Produce a Guidebook focused on STEM education Address issues, with cross-references, to different audiences Counter the intimidation by anti-affirmative action groups, especially of state universities Induce conversations beyond admissions on campus between faculty/program staff & general counsels Increase awareness of program options (re pre-college outreach, financial aid, student retention, faculty recruitment) & accountability for actions on them

12 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Contents Legal Primer Design Principles Conference Report: Data Compendium Jackson & Vest Speeches Background Readings Kane Reprint Responses to FOIA Requests

13 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Legal Primer Federal Equal Opportunity Standards Titles VI, VII, IX, & ADA Equal Protection & Due Process Clauses Significant Federal Legal Opinions Grutter & Gratz, Bakke, & Adarand State-Based Equal Opportunity Standards CA, WA, FL, TX, MI Ongoing Federal Efforts SEEOA, NSF Criterion II, EEO Standards

14 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Issues What is permitted & legally defensible on campus How do the following apply to programs: Strict scrutiny Compelling interest Narrow tailoring Race-neutral alternatives Critical mass

15 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Design Principles Mission Intent Target Population Program Character Context Evaluation & Research Faculty Recruitment & Retention Leadership

16 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Structural Approaches: Remove Barriers, Affirm Policies & Practices Institution-wide: Lessons learned from NSF/AGEP & NSF/ADVANCE Select Universities (UMBC) Individuals Institutions Select Faculty (Tapia at Rice, Warner at LSU) Packard Scholars

17 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Growing STEM: What to Do with/for Undergrads Reach out, recruit, & enroll Link to proven programs and minority-serving organizations (see BEST, AYPF, etc.) Provide research experiences Network with faculty in institutions with large minority enrollment Identify sources of financial support Focus on the climate of departments, colleges, and institutions Build cohorts/critical mass

18 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Information on graduate programs Encouragement, support, and mentoring Funding Straight talk (incl. role models) about employment options & combining a career and a life Not about underrepresented groups, but US citizens STEMming Losses from the Talent Pool: Graduate Study & Beyond

19 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop

20 Monitoring National Patterns Cross-field differences Within-field changes over time Differential progress for various groups Constrained access and competition for foreign students Changing demand Declining interest in STEM... enrollments & degrees relative to composition of the pool

21 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Established August 2004 with 3-year, $400K grant from Sloan Foundation to AAAS STEM human resource development consulting service Provide institutions of higher education with nationally- calibrated research & technical assistance in examining programs & outcomes Foster institutional capacity to: recruit, enroll, & support students diversify the faculty change programs, and moreover, attitudes AAAS Capacity Center at a Glance

22 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Importance of National Data-Driven Conversation Evidence of under-participation College enrollment, retention, and degrees Highest minority BS-producing institutions Graduate enrollment and degrees BS-origin institutions of minority S&E PhDs Postdoctorates STEM Workforce, esp. faculty searches... data depersonalize the conversation

23 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop A Menu of Services Data on impact of percentage plans (recruitment/access) & interventions (aimed at retention/degree completion) How to conduct searches to diversify the faculty & administration Developing cultural competence among current faculty, staff, & students How to mainstream & institutionalize special (soft-money) programs Nurturing US student talent in the face of globalization

24 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Recent Sources Diversity & The Ph.D.: A Review of Efforts to Broaden Race & Ethnicity in U.S. Doctoral Education, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, May 2005 Federal Law and Financial Aid: A Framework for Evaluating Diversity-Related Programs, The College Board, 2005also see National Seminars on Admissions (Selection) and Federal Law, Igniting Potential: Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Southern Education Foundation, Summer 2005

25 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Wanted Leadership Dialogue Staying Power Resources Mainstreaming Advocacy

26 ACE Pre-Conference Workshop Contact Dr. Daryl E. Chubin Director, AAAS Capacity Center 202-326-6785

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